[WTS] RSM Black Face

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Interior and Cockpit

[WTS] RSM Black Face


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Senior Member
May 12, 2005

was thinking to sell of my RSM Black face, want to buy other thing... condition like new... can say its perfect... good/nice thing doesnt come with cheap price tag...hope u understand... if people want to buy cheap i rather not to sell it.. =)...

Conditon: Perfect (always take care my electronic well)
Package: Include everything receipt, box, manuals, full wiring, apexi stand
Price: can't put price... coz many talk cock here... hope dun mind but its true... people put price for me better i dun put the price myself... just call me dun SMS

or just call me 0123012773

item in KL
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hey fren,u open yur price la.ofcoz ppl wan to buy the lowest price...anyway, how much u can offer,its yur thingy :P ...pm me bro!!
if u wish to loose about RM50-RM100 fm ur purchasing price...then i doubt anyone would buy it off asap. If it is a steal, then ppl may rush for it.

like any other electronic gadgets, 2nd price is not so tempting for the seller. :(
-------->got any pic then i can estimate the offer for u.

-be shooting picture a.s.a.p and post it here

-------->hey fren,u open yur price la.ofcoz ppl wan to buy the lowest price...anyway, how much u can offer,its yur thingy :P ...pm me bro!!

-ya you're true i should open but now im still thinking what price is suitable to sell this item...but in trading don't laaa offer me like RM250...like someone did...

-------->jgn marah bro, cool..cool....

-adam... no lah im not mad at anyone... i think my words show my emotion too much eh?...hehehe hey why not get this gadget for ur baby monster?...or u dah ada?....hehe

-------->i think brand new 1 at ard Rm850++...

-around that buy now i think can get at kakimotor for RM800 like what i did

-------->if u wish to loose about RM50-RM100 fm ur purchasing price...then i doubt anyone would buy it off asap. If it is a steal, then ppl may rush for it.

like any other electronic gadgets, 2nd price is not so tempting for the seller. :(

-of course laaa... i can't sell 2nd hand item like new price....
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wat will be ur lowest price? coz new is about ur selling price only...

wassup, nice item u got there bro.. whats ur best offer? brand new one selling for rm630...
for me....RSM black edition...is only RM680.....ftzone is selling RM650....new...

erm ...try 2 lower loo....thanksss
my offer $400.. mine kena pecah cermin la.. pity me lor ..:confused_smile:
just buy the rsm meter at amoil with the stand rm650..... hehe bro....price can nego??? my other car don hab rsm. new car new rsm.....for my old car i wanna put second hand rsm....hehehe
detomaso nice subaru...

to all:

im trying to shot a picture...then will post here but the problem now...troubling access my photobucket....
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