Why star wars don't have toyota?

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Nov 24, 2003
Hong Kong
SPOILERS - don't read - Why star wars don't have toyota?

aiyah, spoilers for those who have not watched, sorry sorry. Please don't continue to read before watch, unless you completely don't want to watch.

Hi guys

Just saw ep4 yesterday and was thinking, why all the current modern made future films occasionally have current products, like lexus in the recent tom cruise - predict the future and stop the crime before it happens movie - what's the name ???

or taco bells fast food chains in judge dred.

how come star wars don't have this planet's element? like a toyota for instants??? could this be what makes it succesful? part of it anyway.

Well, I'm glad there was none matrix bullet scene. Had enough of that.

So, what do you guys think? does ep3 connect well to ep4 ???

Personally I think they should extend the movie 10 mins more to show

1) Darth Vader look for padme despite emporer sidius said he killed her
2) Darth Vader gave up looking
3) Darth Vader morn over sadness
4) Darth Vader strip himself of all emotions and become the real evil

Of course take the opportunity to show scences of luke and leia growing up a little ... something like that. Also show obi wan and master yoda communicate with kua-gon. At least once.
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agreed with you... they also need to show why in the first place they want to build the death star. must be a motive, and suddenly all their evil "employee" change uniform one at the end...

the whole story looks like it is there just to link the first two to the last 3 episodes. it got too many scene changes plus each story in each scene is way too short. wathing it is like watching 8 o'clock news, not a story...
i never watch star wars.....if watch episode 4 without watching those before and after...can catch the meaning o not? or will be blur blur?

actually i wasnt interested to watch until yesterday....watched the cartoon in NTV 7...quite nice leh...
Chin, that's because SW universe is even on our galaxy. :lol:

There's gonna be a TV series in between Ep3 and Ep4.
i am really crossing my fingers praying hard honest to goodness that they don't screw up the whole thing by turning it into a TV franchise. they got lucky with tartakovsky and the cartoon, but thats as far as i'd like it to go... i dunno... im not trying to whine or complain but i just got this feeling that they will ruin the magic if a TV series starts hatching.. sigh.. even with lucas' control... i dunno..

on 1 hand i agree with the critics about good ol' george trying to continue the magic feeling alone and hiring "weird" support staff and staying with some of the old actors from the original trilogy. he's a bit outdated in thinking the simple "good and evil" storyline would still work in these modern times... and in a small, very small sense i do agree that the story is made to ALSO (along with us adults) cater to less mature minds.. meaning its too.. simplistic.

ON THE OTHER HAND... i am stuck with the kid in me being VERY happy that lucas has tried so hard to make what most fans wish for come true; bring back the real, good ol faces. sticking his neck out trying hard to bring back the original actors to get that "feeling" of familiarility is commendable by lesser minds like me; no matter how movie critics and those scholarlike yuppie reviewers might bash him. simple minded folks, everyday joes like me don't really bother about a little stiff acting or cheesy dialogues and who makes them (well not THAT picky lah), we appreciate it when knowing that lucas has tried to gather almost everybody that we have come to know from the movie, even when there are much better actors these days that could easily replace them. its the sort of "family reunion" feeling and we simple people like that very much. for that, i thank you, george.

but no one can deny that the dream u have is a bit childish for today's audiences.. yet, i'll grant that its ur right, its ur film, very few (but there are, no doubt) people could have done it better than u could. the magic maybe lost, but to simple, small ol' me, its the thought that counts. to me, the fact that u even bothered to make the prequels is already appreciable.

oops... i went astray, master. sorry. toyota's huh? hahaha all they have there is Golan Arms, Kuat Drive, Sienar Fleet Systems and Fondor Shipyard. I doubt toyota makes repulsorlifts, let alone speeders back then, a long time ago in a galaxy far, FAR away.
there is a bridging episode btw 3 and 4..but in cartoon form........

inthe cartoon series show how captain skeleton hehee so power........
but in the series so fucking sick..........its yesterday btw for a 3hour special...hehehhe
ah no. the clone wars series is the story between ep. 2 and 3, not between 3-4. the series started last year spanning 3 seasons. for season 1 and 2 each chapter (episode) was only about 3 mins long.

the 3rd season (volume 2) was 15 mins per episode. yesterday's marathon was cool. whoever never seen b4 damn satisfied la all in one go.
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I think the temptation to showcase too much special effects and animation... was too great... and therefore the EP3 for me... is crap.

a. That movie you were thinking about it Minority Report.

b. That Hayden actor... is so KAYU!

c. The Jedi Masters died too easily.

d. There was not enough character and plot development. I know we all know the story... but they can showcase more complexity and details of the story.

e. Too much flying. Fly this planet... fly that planet... whole movie fly everywhere.

f. The lightsaber is not cool anymore. Everyone has one... and that General Grevious mocks it by turning it into a toy.

.... I can go on and on... I was very disappointed.
u know that cartoon special on ntv7 last saturday... yoda looks like the grinch....:p

yeap i do agree with acoustic that the movie shud show how vader becomes so evil....

how he break away from good altogether... i like the scene showing his transformation from human to vader....

and the wookies have helicopters... that one funny laaa...
yeah :)

say, what do you guys think it would cost to pay lucas to put a toyota emblem and appear for a split seconds ???
In the 3rd movie the people, the crafts are all early revisions. Although they look new, but they would change right up until part 4. I would say part 3 DOES relate to part 4. But in between there are still many stories to tell.

1: Storie about Yoda hiding on a planet
2: Stories about Leia and Luke growing up
3: Stories about Jango Fett and Boba growing up
4: Stories of Chewbacca met up with Hans Solo and theie adventures
5: Stories about the Federation changing and ruling more galaxies

Come to think of it, there are many SUB stories to tell about all the characters. In fact they could make

Part 3.1 : Luke Skywalker
Part 3.2 : Leila
Part 3.3 : Yoda
blah blah......

In fact there are many stories in between Part 4, part 5 and 6. These comes in the form of Dark Horse comics. Go to Kinokuniya and look for paperbacks. They are collection of 4-10 issues in a single book. If u are a fan la. heheheh Anyone remember the really old NST 1980's Star Wars comic strip? Those were other add on stories. In fact there are so many stories from Star Wars franchise that there are so many exclusives from many who jump on the Star Wars brand. Free exclusive storiy comic if u buy this and that.

Last time, there were a cartoon show called EWOKS. Go figure. hehehe

So i cannot and dare not lay claim i know a whole lot about Star Wars. Those are for really die hard fans those who live the by the Force.

I do agree Hayden is a little to sarcastic in his potrayal of Anakin. Second episode was ok. Third is quite bad. Not kayu, its just too sarcastic. His potrayal of hate is so bad, i could just be madder than him and wring his neck!

If the movie is so character based, it would be boring. If we allow the show to feature character going for toilet breaks, i think the movie would drag on for 5 hours. hahahahaha. That is why when we see some one talking a little about themselves, then cut to another screen. For a movie that is 2 1/2 hours with so much to cram in, is already good in my books. If u want characterization, go watch THE LAST EMPEROR. See what it feels like sitting 3 hours watching a person live grow up and die while history unfolds around him. hehehe

Anyway George can help it. He like everyone loves money. TV shows are unavoidable. I learnt about that when i watched all of The Matrix trilogy. I had to buy the VCD Animatrix to see the first part before chapter 2. In between there are 6 more stories about the Matrix Universe. Then i d/l many many internet based comics about The Matrix. I bought the VCD The Matrix Revisited which contains the making of the chapters. I watched the 1st part 5 times, 2nd part 3 times and 3rd part 3 times in movies. Damn... wonder why i got hooked to it. I also debated with people here sometime ago on The Matrix ideology. hahaha. Yes i'm crazy about it. But its one of the movies that makes me go thinking.... WHY? Its senseless....... its full of techno mumbo jumbo, full of wisdom words from kung fu movies in english. hahahaha. It only relates to what i have in my computer.

In the end, just watch Star Wars for fun. I believe many would be waiting for the hexology collection of Star Wars. I would be too. I hope in between, i get to see the 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 if George makes it.

Oh well life goes on....
there will not be another "STAR WARS" movie from the the "good-evil-good" since if you look at the series as a whole (esp I - VI), IT is about anakin ; his life (young>JEDI apprentise>crony/horny teenager>dark lord VADER>acknowleging as the father of luke/leia>kills the sith lord>and dies.)

sub plots can be developed in animation, cartoon, comics ; yes, it possible.

Coke? toyota? Star wars is base on a "alternate galaxy far, far, far away"

it dont need "reality check" on todays consumer brands. BTW SW is a brand itself.
there are some discrepancies (sure there is!) in the whole series but it the fun; that is all about SW.

it may be pale in story line compare to LOTR (and the series in whole) or shallow compared to "matrix the movie I,II,III" complexities.

but for me it SW, is a clear winner in the whole movie going experience.

May the force be with you. ;)
koolspyda said:
there are some discrepancies (sure there is!) in the whole series but it the fun; that is all about SW.

my bad; looks like I'm not too well verse SW fan.

i wrote this on another forum overseas :

there were small issues that seems odd if you look at the whole series,; Esp I to 6.

C3PO didnt recognise tatonie (esp IV~A new hope) and skywalkers place when it was established that in Esp I, little anakin maketh C3PO.
ermm, there were other small.....

and someone also wrote in that forum

It was clear that Obi-wan knew of the twins when they were done, but in EP V, he seemed to forget that there were twins.

and the reply from a good SW fan in US to me ; thank you spyderdan (true fan)!

::In Episode IV, Obi-Wan was hiding the existence of Luke's twin sister from Luke just like he was hiding the truth about Luke's father.

Obi-Wan continued to do so in Episode V.

Some might say that after spending 20 years of solitude in the desert, keeping an distant eye on the son of the chosen one while contemplating the destruction of the Jedi Order (the only family he ever had) and fall of the Old Republic due in no small part to his failures as Anakin's master...

Well, some might say that poor old Obi-Wan got a little near-sighted and never really considered that Leia might end up being the hero he and Yoda hoped for. When Obi-Wan said "He was our only hope", referring to Luke, Yoda reminded him "No, there is another."

Yoda tried to tell Luke about his sister, with his dying words in Episode VI. "...there...is...anoth...er....Skyyy.....walkk...kkh...er." Obi-Wan still kept his mouth shut, up until Luke confronted him about Yoda's dying words.

Upon revealing the truth about Leia, just after having to explain his "certain point of view" about Luke's paternal history, he immediately cautioned Luke about the whole reason why he sheltered Luke from these truths in the first place: because the feelings surrounding such knowledge could be made to serve the Emperor.

Just like Emperor manipulated Anakin, seducing Obi-Wan's apprentice to the dark side of the Force.

And sure enough... Vader never even knew he had a daughter. He had no reason to expect that Padme might have had twins. Up until Episode V, he had no reason to believe he ever had any child that even survived. Vader sensed the existence of Luke's twin sister from Luke in Episode VI, and immediately used it against Luke to tempt him to the dark side.

"Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Your feelings for them are strong... especially for... sister! You have a twin sister! Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not be turned to the dark side, then perhaps... she will."

So, I say Obi-Wan deserves a little slack. He wasn't about to risk anything that might cause a repeat of his failure with Anakin. Ultimately, Obi-Wan is human, and can't help but see Luke as his only hope for personal redemption. Forget about any twin sister on the other side of the galaxy, raised as a princess.

Perhaps Yoda was wise enough to forsee that if Luke were to give in to the dark side, that it might be the catalyst that leads him to ultimately turn away from the dark side. Yoda may have ended up being right, but you can hardly blame Obi-Wan for his point of view. Obi-Wan scores the point for knowing which of the twins would ultimately be the one to find the good that was left in his father, the chosen one, to finally fulfill the prophecy and bring balance to the Force.

Yep, that about sums it up.

and the C3PO ;

C-3PO's memory was wiped at the end of Episode III, on the order of Bail Organa. You might recall that in Episode IV C-3PO didn't recall having had any master prior to Captain Antilles, the very same Captain Antilles who was the captain of Bail Organa's ship, the Tantive IV. The Tantive IV was the same ship seen at the beginning of Episode IV, 20 years later.

It was all part of keeping the secret of Anakin's twins. They didn't bother with R2-D2 because he was just a simple astromech droid, whereas C-3PO was a sophisticated protocol droid who might blab about it.

The irony, as Lucas recently revealed in an interview, is that R2-D2 is ultimately the lone witness to the entire saga, who told the whole story to a "Keeper of the Whills" 150 years after the events of Episode VI.
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koolspyda, wow, clear winner in the movie going experience.

Now, I'm not very sure what you mean, because there's too many. But if these were what you meant and more then I'm totally agring.

starting ep4 20+ years ago as a gamble at that time for that time, not for today made SW it's success today.

Patience - 20 years - gave george huge room to get the world excited with.

20 years ago he captured the world, ep4, 5, 6.

few years back release of ep1 in conjunction with 4, 5, 6 - who could ever pull a stunt like this? ????

Not even James Bond have done it.

I'm glad they didn't showcase all 1,2,3,4,5,6 this time. Sure die watching :( hahahahhahah

Imagine 20 years ago he captured us (this adult generation when all were child) - now he captures the current child, 20 years later his succesfor release 7,8,9 and we (the current adult and children generation) will have no choice but to watch the 7,8,9 and they capture the next generation of children as well.

That's brilliant.............. the most succesful movie maker :)
wow, R2 D2 survives way past the Yuuzhan Vong occupation/crisis!! Thats almost as good as T3 M4!! my hero LIVES ON!!

i tell u, they have the same circuits running thru their veins... wait.. their circuits ARE their veins! :D

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