what will happen in the car registration card?


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Oct 29, 2005
dear honda forummers/friends, even though i'm not driving a honda car, but am very interested in getting one of those yr 92-95 civic model when i completed my studies (1 more semester to go!) and start to earn my own money (soon). i'm not sure whether this question has been raised in the past or not, but i wish fellow forummers can clear my doubts. just out of my curiocity, i know that the original civic EG9 can only accomodate 4 passengers in the car (including the driver), my question is this, for those fellow forummers who have converted/changed their civic completely to EG9 spec (engine and interior); the number of passengers column in the registration card still written 5 passengers or it will changed to 4 passengers when the car is being sent for inspection? thank you for spending time to read my post :_:
i don't really think that jpj will inspect that because cars can only fit in 5 person but in ur case u are gonna fit in only 4 person so don't worry bout it and it won't change ur roadtax rate as well hehehehehhe
So u decided to convert civic 4 Doors to Eg9 ? And Eg9 has 2 seaters on the back ? Dont think JPJ will kacau the interior la , but not sure of it , jus wanna congrats u on ur new car !
bro, just call up jpj n ask to get the real answer.haha.

why wanna convert, i suggest u find an original EG9 or EG6(i preffer 2 doors) rather than going on the converting path. then u dun need to worry about jpj stuffs. When u've earn ur money, take ur time n get a good condition ORIGINAL EG9. this might take some time to find but it's worth it. trust me. bring along some frens or mechs or ZTHrians SIfus to go see with.
Go slow n take ur time if u r really a honda enthusiast or a honda fan n lover.
we'll surely support u. cheers.
i think number of passenger seem not to be so important to jpj as long as ur car not potong one or using unregistered engine.
even if u put in eg9 seat into eg8 or eg local model they will not ask u to change the info in the reg card.
if the puspakom guy say ur car is for 5 passenger but ur seat only for 4 passenger, u just say another one will sit on the rear armrest... kekekkee
The important thing is u dun put too much "toyol" inside your engine till it becomes illegal for street use heheh......interior wise no hal one.

U can even make it a two seater by removing the rear seat. If JPJ tanya why ? Just say "my money, my car, my wish laaaaaa"
I think my reg card stated there 5 persons maaa. mana ade 4. The JPJ don't even know that la back in 90's
"resing haram tak ada, tapi raisin masam ada! tadi baru beli satu kilo dari pasar malam... product baru ni! bang nak try?" hehehehe...
thank you for all the friends who take their time to reply my post... i personally agree with xxxx in getting a good condition original EG9 instead of opting for the converting path, and i know there's one good condition original EG9 available which is well taken care of, but sadly i dun think the owner's gonna let go his beloved EG9, who happens to be my gf's brother! whenever i send my gf over to her brother's house, if i'm lucky, i'll get to look at the car and start drooling... hahaha... for the moment i don't dare to say out loud that i must get this car cos for the moment, studies are my first priority, but i'll keep my fingers cross hopefully that, time and money will allow me to find the right car, an original EG9... respect respect... (no offence to other civic models owners)... peace... my friends!
mine is an eg8 converted to eg9..eg is an eg..dont care whether its ori or not..as long as its JDM...hehe
Actually must, but not many people do it lah. Cos when I registered my engine, the ori kaler was maroon, then I sprayed it silver. After the engine inspection they cancelled the maroon and changed it to silver.
if according to regulation, must change la..but people keep on changing colour of their car..the geran will be full of cancel line la if like that..hehe, i changed also when register engine..from green to red
i prefer JDM.....hahaha.....personal opinion, no offence. haha
can the police saman u if u don't declare colour change? saman is bad enuf then they will perli2 like they r some kind of hot shot... tension wooo. nk balas balik not good idea la of kos
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