The inexpensive used car, Subaru in Japan


Junior Member
Senior Member
Apr 3, 2007
Thank you for reading our message.

Do export Japan cars to worldwide from Japan.

Do you know Yahoo Auctions, the biggest on-line private auction in Japan?

We believe this the cheapest place you can buy used cars in Japan company to other on-line auction and normal auction such as USS, JA.

We win your Yahoo ID quickly and it is possible for you to be online and to buy the used car to like by Yahoo auction.

Usually, the dealer in Yahoo doesn't export to the foreign countries.
We quickly export the car which you knocked down to your country.

If you are interested our service and Yahoo Auctions, please email us.
Yahoo auction can be experienced at our website.

Thank you.

Sky Export Service Co.Ltd


E-mail: [email protected]
We do a lot of mini trucks from Japan. We've sent cars to Malaysia to Canadian embassy staff.

Japan Car Exports sends Subarus all over the world, mostly the mini truck called Subaru Sambar.

As Japanese used car exporters, we find it competative and even more so in the mini truck market. To show the world how much we love Subaru we're driving a Subaru Sambar around the world! Check out our blog at Smaller is Better- Mongol Rally 2008/JCE World Rally 2008 !

Nagoya Japan
Japan Car Exports
Without AP we Malaysian cannot import any car from anywhere around the world. So pity. The Import duty also reach 300% from the price of origin country. But free duty place like Labuan & Langkawi is safe from this policy.

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