Some bastard scratch my car


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Feb 9, 2008
What a sad valentine day for me.Yesterday i attend a buffet dinner at my friend house.I arrived at 7:30 p.m. n many car around so i have to parking my car far away beside a corner house n i not blocking anyone place.I back at 11.30 p.m. maybe dark,i didn't notice my car got scratch,i found out this morning.Someone mother fucker bastard son of a bitch kan lim na ma chao cibai(sorry to be rude but i am very angry) scratch my HKS Kansai carbon fibre bonnet n two side of my car from front fender to rear fender,why these people do this?Oh god,please punish these people!Help me to break their hand,chop their dick n feed dog.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
All these people with bad intentions..... they will never be wealthy or respected in their god damn lives.

all this kind of people need to be hit on the road by trailer & be punish...

no 'OTAK' one this fella...
Bro...I thing they all jealous la @ u & ur monster coz they cant afford 2 own it. Anyhow they shud get pay for wht they did...believe me!

damn painfull,really sad to hear that there some human being are so cruel n stupid to do this kind of thing......
I can understand how u feel bro... My e6 park at mid valley 2 hours when i come out i was shock !!! all 4 doors front all 4 fender front rear .. Very deep scratch untill body paint. For those at KIT shop saw my car they thought i got alot enemy or road bully
next time go out diner dont park ur car so far, otherwise,drive ur normal car there, i believe u dont take evo as daily car
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