seller please come, can anyone make it for this?

Hey bro, don't banning for people that canceled their booking le, but please change our attitude to First come first serve ma! Sometime I also like that not because I'm serious buyer but normally because i on money problem or else is item found much cheaper lo... Beside I will inform owner indirectly to cancel, because of shame ma... :love:

I mean those ''without proper reason'', like cancel booking wtihout notify seller, dun answer call or sms, like that.. in ur case no problem...:love: Im sure bro Ae101-wong hav meet many..:biggrin:

me oso same...selling off my SE oso got ppl offer 8k to 10k......
but at last i meet someone who know to value my car.....
Thanks BOB.....

buyer pls offer a reseonable price..........
if runner think the price is there....sure seller will let go the item....
wat for seller hold item......
seller oso happy if buyer get wat they want to put in their baby...
coz we all in same brand.......TOYOTA.....
let "give n take" ......... :burnout:

coz we all in same brand.......TOYOTA.....
let "give n take" ......... Nice1:love:


Chop them kau kau.... haha...:proud:
cancel booking is ok, not FFK... those who give grandma n grandpa story deserve to be shoot kau kau one... ZTH got trader rating but dun have buyer rating... beh tahan liao.. from now onwards, first come first serve... dun care anymore... if got money only then ask mar... dun simply ask n confirm or reserve...
cancel booking is ok, not FFK... those who give grandma n grandpa story deserve to be shoot kau kau one... ZTH got trader rating but dun have buyer rating... beh tahan liao.. from now onwards, first come first serve... dun care anymore... if got money only then ask mar... dun simply ask n confirm or reserve...

wah bro lik dis next time if i oso wanna reserve item must fly some cash 1st for commitment ar?
wah bro lik dis next time if i oso wanna reserve item must fly some cash 1st for commitment ar?

yeah... use same as my Principe ma... If you want to reserve, OKAY... but you need to pay me at least 1/2 price 1st. Or else, not consider reserve. Reserve also got due date ma...

Normally will reserve for 2 weeks only, may request back deposit 100% if booking canceled;

if settle after 2 weeks but within 1 month, will deduct out 20% of deposit [Item price - (Deposit - 20 %) = Balance] or may request back 80 % money if booking canceled; Unless with reason.

If reserve period after 1 month still no settle, means deposit will burn, and item will reopen and rate -1 point for FFK without notice.
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me oso same...selling off my SE oso got ppl offer 8k to 10k......
but at last i meet someone who know to value my car.....
Thanks BOB.....

buyer pls offer a reseonable price..........
if runner think the price is there....sure seller will let go the item....
wat for seller hold item......
seller oso happy if buyer get wat they want to put in their baby...
coz we all in same brand.......TOYOTA.....
let "give n take" ......... :burnout:

"give and take"
u want ez job, please respect seller, if price not ngam, please offer a reasonable price...
not like potong RM100 from a RM300 item lor...
Firstly, I strongly emphasize my statement here is not to offend anyone here, but just to share my feel...
I used to buy/order in forum. However, after I notice the price I bought compare to outside is a way difference then I start to find my own.
Most of the forumer in this forum is not rich; our purpose is to learn more knowledge share info with others to make our baby become “healthy”, “stronger” or maybe more “handsome/pretty”... And of course we also buy some parts in the forum to avoid spending much $$ n time. However, some price offer actually is too expensive (my personal experience)…
Please to be informing, we are just owner, and seldom deal with chop shop or trader, how suppose we know how much the part will cost. We just offer the price where we can afford and think is right (if we don’t know the actual price how we gonna know it is ridicules) and if the runner think is too low then just ignore it lah... y wanna shot? We just wanted to buy something good and cheap, and I believe most of us also same.
Honestly, if i know the actual cost of the parts, which mean I had been searching thought chop shop or trader and no reason for me back to runner.
Finally, I notice that some runner is selling too expensive, margin over 100% so don’t shot when buyer offer is low. Just welling buyer willing seller. just my two cent n please.. please don’t shot me :adore::adore:
Firstly, I strongly emphasize my statement here is not to offend anyone here, but just to share my feel...
I used to buy/order in forum. However, after I notice the price I bought compare to outside is a way difference then I start to find my own.
Most of the forumer in this forum is not rich; our purpose is to learn more knowledge share info with others to make our baby become “healthy”, “stronger” or maybe more “handsome/pretty”... And of course we also buy some parts in the forum to avoid spending much $$ n time. However, some price offer actually is too expensive (my personal experience)…
Please to be informing, we are just owner, and seldom deal with chop shop or trader, how suppose we know how much the part will cost. We just offer the price where we can afford and think is right (if we don’t know the actual price how we gonna know it is ridicules) and if the runner think is too low then just ignore it lah... y wanna shot? We just wanted to buy something good and cheap, and I believe most of us also same.
Honestly, if i know the actual cost of the parts, which mean I had been searching thought chop shop or trader and no reason for me back to runner.
Finally, I notice that some runner is selling too expensive, margin over 100% so don’t shot when buyer offer is low. Just welling buyer willing seller. just my two cent n please.. please don’t shot me :adore::adore:

I understand with your situation, but 1 word for you.... "In the world no cheap and good thing that come together in 1 package".

Anyway, you all may consider the price by yourselves also, if think un-affordable them no need to deal up. Normally we may nego a item is up to 10-20% only, but not price tag at RM 350 then asking to nego till RM 100 ma. For sure tak boleh ma. The worst is buyer asking for discount but still saying that "i can get the special price at somewhere somewhere ma" in open thread ma.

Yeah, i very agree with you that many of seller margin over 100%, but who care? this is their rezeki ma. If feel expensive then don't buy lo, easy job :biggrin: (sorry for seller who sell expensive ya).

Last... If you feel that I was shoot you, I'm sincere sorry about. But this is the fact, and I not shooting you. :nurse:
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I think runner also solve problems for other state, country cars owner who cannot or difficult to get the stuff for their ride. We are actually helping them to get the items they wanted with a min service price with all the donkey job we have done , call, search chop shop, delivery postal etc. There are alot of outstation car lovers understand about the price.

Talk about posting the FFK plp, dont waste time on them . I still keep the sms and phone numbers of the person. One fine day they will know.....when they start to ask stupid questions again. I mean is ok if you already got a better deal or not enough money to buy. Dont go asking for more photos, I want this items la, keep for me la, give me your account no la. ect. F**king wasting our time.
Anyway, you all may consider the price by yourselves also, if think un-affordable them no need to deal up. Normally we may nego a item is up to 10-20% only, but not price tag at RM 350 then asking to nego till RM 100 ma. For sure tak boleh ma. The worst is buyer asking for discount but still saying that "i can get the special price at somewhere somewhere ma" in open thread ma.

yeah yeah, some ask for seriously stupid price. If they can get that special price somewhere else, why even bother to reply?

Yeah, i very agree with you that many of seller margin over 100%, but who care? this is their rezeki ma. If feel expensive then don't buy lo, easy job :biggrin: (sorry for seller who sell expensive ya

but this i canot agree la. whahahahaha... dun overprice the market leh. next time when u wanna buy thing also difficult la. whahahhha
yeah yeah, some ask for seriously stupid price. If they can get that special price somewhere else, why even bother to reply?

but this i canot agree la. whahahahaha... dun overprice the market leh. next time when u wanna buy thing also difficult la. whahahhha

I didn't provoke you all to have high selling price la... I'm a runner, but still a buyer in fact. If I spoiled the market, sure I will spoiled up myself. Because people will follow the price.:biggrin:
the old days...
we never had this kind of issue...
Toyotarian were more rilex...more friendly...more civilize... :hmmmm:

now days...???!!!
more n more ppl wanna get their hand on it...more n more become lansi...WTF !
desperate ppl with desperate move...don't want it...just buzz of...toyotarian community don't like that kind of are not welcome here !!!

runner also don't put the price that high laa...:adore:
even chop shop already reducing their prices...why shouldn't you ?

bring back the old memories...ecehhh...:biggrin: :hmmmm: :burnout:
where...Xtractor was RM500 that time...waakkaka...sure cannot one...past time already...:stupid:

happy father day...hahahaha...
Actually i got one system can intro which normally being used over in Singapore which i think fair share for both buyer and seller but i dun wan to share. later i tmr kena tikam mati also dunno why. whahahhha
Actually i got one system can intro which normally being used over in Singapore which i think fair share for both buyer and seller but i dun wan to share. later i tmr kena tikam mati also dunno why. whahahhha

choi~! Please don't say un-fortune word le...
Anyway, you may PM me... how the system work le.. For reference only
whahahaha.... actually nothing big deal. its the Bid system. The seller list out the asking price, then let the buyer judge by themself who willing to pay higher. Thn the seller will publish out the bid and who bid. This way, fair for both side but that is provided the seller honest and transperant enough.
yup. otherwise the bidding tak habis habis. normally its 1 week duration. but hor, the seller also must steady and honest la. dun skali canot meet expectation price, then cancel sales.

although this system doesnt really solve the problem but i do think it can improve the situatio abit lo
then inbox sure letup lo.........
let say price start RM100....sure got ppl offer 105,106,120,121,123,124...........
fuh think seller need to check PM everyday by day/ every seconds hahahahah

but i think is a good idea who going to start 1st........:thefinger:

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