perdana v6tt suspension


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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2006
hi all, im currently driving a v6tt..stock

my suspension is both gab sport springs and gas absorbers..but the ride is kinda bumpy when passing thru potholes

i've been using them for around 1 year+..and now recently found that ride getting bumpier..

shd i change to both oem spring and absorbers?

or shd i change to GAB oil absorbers and keep the sport springs?

any help is greatly appreciated
if u like to take high speed corners,but 2nd hand adjustable.. if no jz change the absorber's oil.. (sifu2! correct me if i'm wrong.. orang bru nak belajar maa :D )
if im x mistaken my absorbers are gas..can they be refilled?
hi all, im currently driving a v6tt..stock

my suspension is both gab sport springs and gas absorbers..but the ride is kinda bumpy when passing thru potholes

i've been using them for around 1 year+..and now recently found that ride getting bumpier..

shd i change to both oem spring and absorbers?

or shd i change to GAB oil absorbers and keep the sport springs?

any help is greatly appreciated

hey bro....

why not chg to adjustable abs....

currently I'm using redlline hi/lo abs with a comfort setting + Eibach spring. very comfortable and good in handling....

just my 2 cents of opinion...
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