need some help and opinion..


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 21, 2007
hi to all sifu and toyota owner...i drive myself a corolla seg 92 wit the 1.6 efi engine...but things down't sound gud to me coz my gearbox is on the way to rosak haha and the engine is old jor lor ..
i have myself a plan to convert is to BT but the problems is i dun know how mch the BT half cut cost....coz i go ask b4 got 6k,4k,3.8k ...blur lah..
a few question wanna ask u guys lor...
1: my 1.6 4afe gearbox can fit to BT ?
2: i plan to convert BT can u guys tell me agak agak berapa nak spend leh ?include the JPJ things lor...
3:if i convert jor wat i must change like timing belt on so on ah..

hope u guys can teach me more on this engine coz i use all my saving onto it....thx
if u wan to change to BT then y not use back the BT gearbox?

the half cut around RM3500 to RM3800, depend on ur luck la, if u lucky u might get 1 below RM3k, last time i bought 1 with just RM2500 only...
plus change timing belt, bearing, oil seal and water pump and puspakom inspection. i think will spend u around RM4K+- like that la....
and conversion labor ler.... i think add in this around 5K+ ...

this figure far enuf for u whern conversion just incase the emergency stuff happened.....

and lagi clutch set belum kira.. ahhahahah
wah. 6k ......... ppl run n giv up toyota ler... ahhahahah

all depend ur luck ler bro.. mayb u can find a low price halcut which clutch set n pther stuff no ned chnage l;er.... just chnage timing belt this oil tat oil this filter that filter enuf .. ahhahaha

good luck bro...
yeahh....6K is in the pocket..if not sure delay ur project..and can't drive ur BT immediately
i heard my company's lorry driver said bt is ard 2.5k-3k only in BM & penang,cheaper than kl.but dunno whether he is sin kar lan or not la
yeah,, bro damon is here also.. hahah

all depend on ur luck ler... luck good can get below 3k in KL also.. hahahah
the luck always in ur side bro hoong...always got cheap & good stuff ;)
huh??????///.. nope/ i also get my halfcut not in a good price.. normal rate onli,.,..

i means other ler.... me also need more luck for more stuff ,,.. hahahah
sounds so cheap lor....
i converted my LE to svt also cost around 6.5k already....
why mine so expensive lor..?and did not include jpj inspection oso....
only the halfcut, rear disk, and 15" sport rim(rm800), and some wear and tear replacements...
hahahhaa....stock standard power at all...
haha adeen ah..ur 6.5k got include rim? i think khwong they all do wit around below tanpa rim kot..

actually i stay in BM penang..but study at toc PJ lor...
wanna ask tat the clucth for 4afe can't use for 4age ? the size not same ??/
if can't dam lor ..i budget 6k++ dun know over or not ...wakao ....
then the exhaust pipe macem mane ah ? they do for us or we go do ourself ??? tiao lor....spend over 6k i think my dad KILL me !!
but mine only svt....not bt....
the halfcut oni is rm3.2k....
i think 6k++ enough lor...exhaust u have to buy oso if u want those branded ones..
if not, just go buy rm350 full set at those exhaust specialist shops....hehehe...
i oni used ayam brand piping....
aiks...ayam brand first lah..slow slow correct it lor one time kasi kao kao i cannot o ..mayb u guys kaya punye bleh lah.....hahahahaha
i plan to use ayam brand first then later use branded one...
then see got wat changes in the power/torque ...
.go eat lok lok first ah at apple garden..later come bak...
that's the spirit la bro....step by step la better...
all in one go, pocket oso torn lor....
happy eating...:D
haha agree ah....i prefer step by step coz we know add wat item then wat power we got mah...then wit tis also can advise or give opinion to others lor..if sekali all masuk kao kao then ppl ask we sure hard to answer ....
oh yeah wanna ask one thing at when or wat RPM did the fifth valve open ah ? does tat vavle operation at all rpm or only when certain rpm is only operate? tis question i wanna ask long long time ago...
oh yeah can bt or svt stock can tapao b16a stock ????
all 5 valve are running once u start ur engine, its not like vtec system.
haha with stock condition dun think to tapao the VTEC, impossible ler....

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