Mooneyes fiber bumper for AE101

wah.. damon.. ur bumper can sell tat high price .. buka and sell it lo... then go for wagon or fx lo.. hihii.. like me n ivan planning ,..

hihi.. damon.. buka .. damon buka ... damon buka ..

buka???dun have $ la...

later kena buke seluar then u know...

i dunno wan.. after buka seluar.. ur wife will know wat inside lo..

yeah, nice bumper. another option for fx and wagon bumper.
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yupe,according to bro AE101-wong,it is US spec bumper.
Bro, 5115.
Any idea where can I find the bumper signal lamp? Jln Ipoh?
may try ur luck there,its same size with stock facelifted bumper (yr 93-95)
u r most welcome bro ajnone.

good luck on ur sales!
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