MLOC World Cup Chat / Opinion!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur

Since World Cup is going on... Might as well v set up a thread abt WC, n lets talk abt it!!! Everybody is welcome to share their Happiness, Anger n feelings here!!! Hehehe... :_: And oso share all de 'Sin Ka Lan' stories... Like me la... LoLzzzz...

Lets me started this 1st!!!

Germany: They really suprised me in how well they played!!! Til date, they r 1 of de best European team if not de best!!! Most of de European team were pretty bad... :shcokedcamo: German played a very attacking football with lotsa youngsters in de team this round - very creative n brave!!! Very unlike de old German side where de 1st 11 normally consist lotsa 'uncles / old man'... Hehehe... But their defence make lotsa mistakes... Some of it really comical!!! :angry: Their off side trap wasnt working well at all... They were caught napping both times when de Costa Rica scored!!!

England: Very dissapointed performance... :Not_Impressed: Apart from de 1st 10-15mins, their performance really dont hv much to cheers for... They r hving de strongest team ard this WC... I really expect more from them... Midfield n defence r their strongest point... Whereas in de attacking area... Errrr.... Mayb v wait til Rooney is back n see how... I expect them to win de group!!!

Sweden: Lousy... Dissappointed!!! Don wanna to talk abt them...

Argentina: Mmm... They played very well!!! On de attack, they r fearless... Especially de link up play btw Riquelme n Saviola... Defensively, they hv a very experience guy in Ayala... I expect them to b at least in de last 8!!!

Holland: Could do better!!! For me they r 1 of de favourate for de WC!!! From de 1st game, they depends too much on de left side... Very unlike de typical Dutch Total Football tactic!!! Robben scored a good goal!!! But he was way too selfish!!! He were sucked in crossing... All he knows was dribble n shoot!!! This is a very talented side!!! :shades_smile: Hopefully for de 2nd game, they can play better!!! Next game against Ivory Coast very important!!! Wanna to know how they do against a very physical side!!!

Japan: Too bad n sad for them... They shld hv won de game comfortably... But... What a waste... For me personally, de keeper Kawaguchi was to b blamed... He performed tremendously well by keeping de Aussie at bay until he 'stupidly' came out from his goal for a corner where Cahill scored de equaliser... It was totally unneseccary for him to come out to punch de ball away from tht distant... :sad_smile: From then on... de team jus collapsed... Nakata wasnt played up to what he is capable... Nakamura did n played well!!! For me... I think its all over for them as i cant see how they can get any good results against Brazil n Croatia... Sayonara Japan!!! :cry_smile:

Italy: They hv a good start!!! With de 4-3-1-2 formation, it suited them well!!! Lippi did a good job in grouping lotsa world class players together... Although both their goals came from de midfield, for me i think with this formation it wil allow them to score lotsa goals... No more 'Boring Boring Italy'!!!

Ooopsss.... Talk too much liao... Hahaha... Too much 'Sin Ka Lan' stories here... Yo welcome everyone to write here... But PLEASE!!!! Please... no arguement here... this is jus a thread for all of us to write down what v felt!!!

Cheers!!! :regular_smile:
Speking of Robben, he really sellfish. After scoring, he wants to do his triple hat many chances he simply dunwan to pass..die die want to score !


Netherlands was one of my favorite during time of Marc Overmars, Dennis Berkamp but now all the old timers is gone except Van De Sarr...
I agreed Germany and Argentina is da best so far...

As for England, maybe their phyco factor la..rely too much on Rooney whom is Missing in Action (MIA) and the fact that Owen just recovered from his Jan injury (bone fractured) doesn't help much to 100% perform.

Any idea when is the next game Rooney can come down to the pitch ?
England Rooney will come out this coming match against Trinidad & Tobago....
So far Africa country play very well in this tournament.Mainly becoz of the wheather they easily adapt where England play sux on thier earlier game....yeah you guys are right..too rely on rooney..perhaps is the wheather cuasing thier game bad...anyhow hope they can do well in thier next game...personally i'm a fan for England team but i respect Germany n Argentina's game..really good attacking and recover.

One more country that i foresee they able to get into last 16 is Cote D'Ivorie. Against agertina they play really well...attacking n defensive also very good..just they're unlucky lose to more experience team like Argentina.....:party: :party:
Yeah, Rooney 'migth' b coming on as a sub this Thursday game against T&T according to Sven Goran Erirkson!!! Am sure de newz wil Fu*king pissing off Mr. Fergie!!! Tuuuuulaaaaaaaan... Hahaha...

As for tonite 3 matches:

1. S. Korea v Togo - Am expecting Korean to win this match with ease... As they r more experience n solid as a team than Japan... Although they might not hv de Japanese flair but they r definately more physical n solid than de Jap... No offence, jus my opinion... Togo is de 1st timer... Lack experience n somemore they r losing their coach jus days b4 this game... My 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction wil b 2-0 to de Korean!!!

2. France v Swiss - France r not hving de best of form currently... They were not doing well from all their warm up games... But no doubt, they r 1 of the strongest team available for this WCup... Look at their team sheet... Zidane, Henry, Ribery, Vieira, Makelele, Thuram n etc etc... So if they hit de fight form at de right time... They can b awesome!!! As for de Swiss team, they too hv some class players in Frei, Vogel n Sanderos... And they r employing a 4-5-1 formation against France 4-3-2-1 Chrismas tree formation, clearly show tht they r trying to pack de midfield in order to contain de France fearsome midfield talents... So its gonna b a tight game... 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction is 1-0 to France!!! Hehehe... A bit of bias factor here... :_:

3. Brazil v Craotia - Brazil ah... needless to say anymore... But which Brazilian team gonna turn up today huh?!! De free flow short passing Brazil team or de shaky 'kaki goyang' defencing Brazil team??? In de warm up games tht Brazil played in, all r 'Taufu' team where they were never really being tested!!! Am very sure tht de Croatian wil come up with a very solid hard tackling team to contain with de 'Dancing' Brazilian... And i kinda expecting lotsa foul plays with tackles flying in here n there too... Cos this might b de 'onli way' to stop them dancing!!! Hopefully this wil b de best game since de WCup started la... 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction is a close game with mayb 2-1 to de Brazilian team!!!

Cheers!!! :_:
B18C-R said:
Speking of Robben, he really sellfish. After scoring, he wants to do his triple hat many chances he simply dunwan to pass..die die want to score !


Netherlands was one of my favorite during time of Marc Overmars, Dennis Berkamp but now all the old timers is gone except Van De Sarr...
wah bro.......we in the same boat la.......
hopefully this year they shake off the jinx
hmmm..tonite prediction will be..

SK 2 Togo 0

Franch 2 Swiss 0

Brasil 3 Croatia 0

hahaha....tonite pang kui win ! hahaha

Hehehe.... B18C-R... 'She Kao See Lei ah.... Brazil give ball???' hahaha... From de 3 games yest., what really suprised me is de Togo team!!! They played with determination n spirit!!! Jus too bad tht they were down to 10 men n lost de match in de end!!! Wow... Eventhough no Afican team win their 1st match, but all did well n hv their heads hell high!!!!

I told u liao mah... Croatia wil chased kao everyball n tackle kao de Brazilian players everywhere they go la... They won by de 1 goal margin is oredi good liao, considering how de Croatian team played!!! France me not suprised at all with de goalless draw... de way they started de game oso pretty slow n steady... Actually i think de players such as Zidane n Henry look very tiring after their long season in de league!!!
Ok... Sin Ka Lan time again... Haha...

What u guyz think of tonite games??? Any prediction n opinion from u guyz??? Dun worry la... Mari mari jus give some of ur words here la... Salah predict oso no problem... hahaha...

For me Spain v Ukraine - This wil b a close game for me... So am expecting something like de France v Swiss game again... Both sides strength n style r pretty close... Spain r known for their short passing game n solid defence... De main problem for Spain is they wil hv majority of de game posession but cant kill off de game with enough goals... Goal shy!!! So with de new coach - Luis Aragones de tactic now is 4-3-3 (more attacking minded) compare to they usual 4-4-2... Hopefully this wil works well for them... One more thing v hv to bear in mind... SPL is de longest league in Europe, so hopefully all their players r not to tiring after de 2005/2006 season... As for de Ukraine, If Shevchenko is playing they wil b much stronger... He is de team leader n inspiration... But even without him i think de team wil do enough to keep de Spanish at bay with thier counter attack... So prediction is a draw... 0-0 or 1-1!!! Hehehe... :_: But i expect both this teams to proceed to de next stage cos de other 2 opponents were not in their class jus yet...

Tunisia v S.Arabia - A Tunisia win with 2-1!!! Enough say!!!

Germany v Polish - Errr... I think its time to say bye bye to de 1st team tht being kick out of de world cup - Poland!!! hahaha... If de German play half as good as their opening match against de C.Rica, i dun see de Polish stand any chance of getting a good result tht wil b keeping them in de WC!!! But i dun expect de German wil enjoy as much rooms as they get in thier 1st match... In this game, v wil b able to see whether de German r really up to de WC chellenge as de Host of de tournament... So i expect de 'wounded' Polish giving de German a good fight n some testing... Sin Ka Lan prediction: 2-1 to de German, 1 goal margin!!!
Togo and Croatia played very well man last night !

As for Korean, 1st half like $hit la..

luckily after 1st half, I think their coach give them some 'minyak air jampi' then 2nd half damn power already..hehe.
B18C-R said:
Togo and Croatia played very well man last night !

As for Korean, 1st half like $hit la..

luckily after 1st half, I think their coach give them some 'minyak air jampi' then 2nd half damn power already..hehe.
actually it was a tactical move from korea, as you can see the temperature plays a vital part, they played 50% in first half to maintain the game nia......then second half after drinking power root from m'sia they play 100% and win the game. ha haaa.....

Croatia, Chez, Germany,Argentina and Italy displayed a good game.
Brazil,France,England,Portugal dissapointing..............
Let see what Spain got to offer tonite
Hahaha... I like de 'minyak air jampi' n de 'power root drinks!!! LoLzzzzz.....

Hopefully tonite Spain wil hv few dozens of de 'Tongkat Ali' drinks in their dressing room... Jus in case they need it half time!!! hahaha... :_:
Nin Nabeh England!!! No doubt they get de results they wanted... But apart from de 2 goals... There were nothing much to cheer abt their performance... For de 2 games they played, i'll say their performance is stil below par!!! They can do much better!!! Hopefully with de return of Rooney, England wil b able to play better up front!!!

As for Spain, they did a tremandous job!!! 4-0 is really de best result so far... Good performance n solid display!!! I jus feel tht Ukraine didnt do enough to test de Spanish out!!! Was really let down by de Ukraine performance... But i stil think de Ukraine wil advance to de 2nd stage!!!

Tonite matches oso very good!!!

Argentina v S&M n Holland v I&C... I luv to see Argentina n Holland to win de games... And hopefully Holland can display a much better performance tonite by not too over depending on de Arjen 'The Selfish Hai' Robben...
Superb result n superb performance by de Argentine... :_: It was really an enjoyable game... Neat passing, good finishing, tremandous team play n determined team spirit!!! Definately de most entertaining football by Argentina for a very long time... De very last time tht i saw this kinda performance was when Batistuta, Balbo, Veron n co concurred de Copa America few yrs back... Now tht they hv Riquelme, Saviola n Cambiasso in midfield n attack, their play r very entertaining now... As for Messi, needless to say more... Talented young player!!!

As for Brazil, not very impressive yet... They always hv problems when they face a very physical side!!! But no doubt, in both de games against Croatia n Australia they did get de results they needed... Ronaldo stil look rusty... Not at his very best yet... And hopefully both Ronaldino n Kaka can keep their play 'alive n entertaining'... Next game against Japan ' The Asia Samba' wil b interesting... Brazil wil b fielding their '2nd' team for this match n for Japan, they need to win in order for them to keep their slimest hope of advancing into de next stage alive!!!

As for Italy group, its very wide open now after they drew 1-1 to de USA.... I was really expecting them to win de game given tht how de Italian n USA played in their 1st game respectively... Now tht de Italian need to win de last game against de Czech in order to win de group in order to aviod Brazil in de 2nd stage!!! If they draw de game n happens tht Ghana win their... 'Hai lat'!!! hahaha... But tht game wil b very interesting!!! De Czech must win this game, n this wil force them to attack de Italian... And with this kinda game plan it suited de Italian very wel... De Italian r known for their super solid defence n very quick in their counter attack!!! So i expect de Italian to win this game with 2-1!!!
Started from Tonite, it wil b de final group games for a all 8 groups... 1st up wil b Group A & B...

Germany v Ecuador: I expect Germany to win this game!!! And they wil qualify as a group leader! German wil approach an attacking game plan against de Ecuadorian... 2-1 to de German!!! :_:

England v Sweden: Interesting game!!! 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction is a draw!!! 2-2!!! Hahaha... Both teams been playing crap games... Nothing very impressive especially Sweden!!! Both de teams jus needed a draw to advance... So it wil b de squad players' game especially England...
Wah... Apa sal gua seorang aja sini 'tok kok' huh?!! Wei wei wei... Where r those football fans huh?!! U guyz got nothing to share abt ur WCup meh??? Come on come on la... Lets share n write something here la...

Hahaha... It really turn out to b a win for de German n a draw for de English!!! LoLzzzzzzzzz.... 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction be pai oh...

Ok, as for tonite Argentina v Holland woooooo... Super game man... Argentina been playing attractive games in this WCup... They got de players tht can carry de team all de way... But really wonder whether Mr. Pekerman wil play his full team for this game where they onli needed a draw to top de group... Most properly they wil sit back n counter attack de Holland team... I expect them to fill 2 anchor man in de midfield jus to protect their defence rather than palying their usual attacking football from de previous 2 matches... As for Holland, if they wanna win this game they hv to win de midfield battle 1st... From paper, de Argentine hv a slightly stronger midfield lineup than de Dutch... Good to see how de Dutch wing play against Argentine experience back 4!!! Both teams do hv world class finishers but not so solid defence... When under constant attack... both teams defence seems a little shaky!!! Forget abt de 6-0 win for de Argentine... This wil b a much much closer fight btw this 2 teams... Mmmm... I think both teams wil cancel each other out in this match n finshes in a 1-1 draw!!!

As for Portugal v Mexico game, am predicting a Mexico win n topping de group!!! Portugal do hv lotsa star players, but their team play wasnt very good... They too depends too much on both of their frank players in Figo n Ronaldo... De key player for this game wil b Ronaldo... If he keep playing fancy stuffs n reluctant to release de balls in de last third, It wil easy for de Maxican to stop him... De Mexican hv a more balance team... Although i like de Portugal to win but i stil think Mexico wil b de 3-2 winner... This wil b a high scoring game... i think!!! Pretty open one!!! Hahaha... Hopefully de 'Sin Ka Lan' prediction wil b accurate again ya... LoLzzz....

Aiyoh..because you too free la...

Big boss taukeh sure shake leg la. Unlike us..Me kucing rat small time worker..have to work like dog n cats la. Where got time to 'Sin Kah' tok kok ?

Anyway..yest England vs Sweeden damn geram !
Eng 1st half was good...2nd half I think they after rest 15mins all damn fatty lazzy liao..kena rembat by Sweedish like no body business. Lastly managed to lead 2-1 also cannot hold for 10 more mins..let Sweeden shoot nicely at 91 min !!!

Walan eh....I very geram with their Keeper..Ronbinson.
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