Local Grad Vs Oversea Grad

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Gti said:
csl, if you don't mind me asking, can u tell me ur age?

I'm the 1st batch PMR and will be 30 at next CNY.
I'm currently working as a field engineer, and of cause, oversea. While I was still under M'sia, used to train up couple of batches of grad engineer. Can visit my company web page if you are interested to know what I'm dealing with. I started in this company as a kulikang. The 6th year become supervisor in a dept. The 7th year transfered to Houston.


Attitude is the key.
csl said:
I'm the 1st batch PMR and will be 30 at next CNY.
I'm currently working as a field engineer, and of cause, oversea. While I was still under M'sia, used to train up couple of batches of grad engineer. Can visit my company web page if you are interested to know what I'm dealing with. I started in this company as a kulikang. The 6th year become supervisor in a dept. The 7th year transfered to Houston.


Attitude is the key.

Csl, no doubt whatever that you have achieved is very much respectable.
But me and you had a generation gap of almost a decade.
Like what Dino Casper said, it's almost an impossible to enter a MNC without a recognosable paper nowadays.

Yes i understand what u are trying to say...but whatever that u had done is getting more difficult day by day.
You have a SPM cert.
My father don't even have one. But he is still quite well off today.
But whatever that my father had achieved and own when he was 40 yrs old...it's almost impossible for me to achieve in the next 15-20 yrs when me myself reach that age.
I don't see myself owning a house of my own in Kuala Lumpur. It's almost impossible to own a house nowadays with the price skyrocketing by minutes.

I don't really see what job i can get with only a SPM cert today.Selling DVD perhaps? Constructions?
When i can't speak English, I can't go interview.When i don't go interview, i don't get a job.
When i don't have a cert, i don't have a CV or resume.Hence, no job.
As easy as that.

Whatever that you have achieved is very much respectable.But i juz need to stress that it's 10 times more difficult today to do what you had done 13 years ago.
and btw...i juz want to add that an oversea grad does not necessarily mean they are bewtter than local grad

I am an external grad.
i haf witnessed a few course mates of mine....failed the exams a few times.
When they couldn't pass this exams, what they did was actually, enrol for the twinning programs because it's much more easier if u r an internal student compared to an external students.
When u r an internal students, ur attendance,presentations assignments and what nots are all taken into account
Ur final year exams only represent 60% or some only 40 % of your overall marks.
Compared to mine....all our efforts would depend on the final year exam.
So when they failed...the easy way out would be to opt for the twinning programs and become an internal student.
This is one of the escape route for the prima donnas that tarnished the reputation of the oversea grad we mentioned above.
As long as their parents have the dough....
Gti said:
Csl, no doubt whatever that you have achieved is very much respectable.
But me and you had a generation gap of almost a decade.
Like what Dino Casper said, it's almost an impossible to enter a MNC without a recognosable paper nowadays.

Yes i understand what u are trying to say...but whatever that u had done is getting more difficult day by day.
You have a SPM cert.
My father don't even have one. But he is still quite well off today.
But whatever that my father had achieved and own when he was 40 yrs old...it's almost impossible for me to achieve in the next 15-20 yrs when me myself reach that age.
I don't see myself owning a house of my own in Kuala Lumpur. It's almost impossible to own a house nowadays with the price skyrocketing by minutes.

I don't really see what job i can get with only a SPM cert today.Selling DVD perhaps? Constructions?
When i can't speak English, I can't go interview.When i don't go interview, i don't get a job.
When i don't have a cert, i don't have a CV or resume.Hence, no job.
As easy as that.

Whatever that you have achieved is very much respectable.But i juz need to stress that it's 10 times more difficult today to do what you had done 13 years ago.

Hornestly, if you have a vision and work hard for it, every type of job also can make you successful. But just need to spend more time and effort. What is hair stylist or make up artist? You can find it all the place. But what is the different between a cheap name like 'hair cutter' and hair stylist? And, constuction job doesn't mean that you will be a kuli forever. Work hard, well control of your EQ, learn can make you a somebody in the future. What you can't get is the instant higher basic salary like those who have certificate. Don't demand so high at the begining. Once your experience and knowledge built up, you will grow very fast and probably can exceed those who have cert but keep on dreaming which PDA or modile phone wanna buy next week. You lost the initial status doesn't mean you lost everything in your life. I need to think for at lease a minute before I can speak something in english during form 4. Always ie ie ar ar. But now I can talk kok with some white man. No one knows how much effort involve behind. People only can see achivement. My company Houston HQ took me about 3 years back. My education level on my CV still SPM and they offered me 148% of my manager in m'sia on salary during my off days. When I'm on site, it will be 300% more. That's just 3 years back. You are not too late if you refuse to give up. Smart people can differenciate who can work or not and which position to put a person in. Please don't believe in luck. Believe in your hand in stead.
heh, just for the sake of ranting, i decided to revive this thread.

i'm currently home for a few weeks of holidays, and have been going to Uniten in bangi alot to pick up my girl for movies and dinners.
As she has classes and I have got work commitments, I usually meet her late evenings, and send her back around midnight or the next morning if it's too late.

To my amusement, university tenaga has got a 12am curfew for their students?
A university, having a curfew?
They must really treat their students as young adults capable of thinking eh?

Anyways, tonight I dropped her off about 1.30am, and she was asked to register her details at the security booth. That's fine, no biggie as I understand that we have in fact violated the curfew.

Suddenly, out of no where, this over-nourished malay lady comes along and starts questioning her about her reasons for being late with an unnecessary loud and intimidating voice. There was even a threat of calling up her mom to report the late returns of my gf. Wow, that's really scary.

Apparently, she is only the hostel manager, and wants to exercise her authority. (either that, or she's having that time of the month)
Fine, since I'm the one who brought my gf back late, I decided to explain things, maybe even apologise. Before I even finished introducing myself

"awak in orang luar, jangan bising!!!"

seriously, that pissed me off.
I understand that it is her job to enforce the curfew, but with such an attitude?

The rest however, are not relevant to the story anymore.

1) local universities treat their students like kindergarten kids, giving them utmost care and protection.
2) Their staff (in this case the hostel manager) are aways active,motivated and ready to go the extra mile to ensure their job is done with prime professionalism.

boggysv said:
heh, just for the sake of ranting, i decided to revive this thread.

i'm currently home for a few weeks of holidays, and have been going to Uniten in bangi alot to pick up my girl for movies and dinners.
As she has classes and I have got work commitments, I usually meet her late evenings, and send her back around midnight or the next morning if it's too late.

To my amusement, university tenaga has got a 12am curfew for their students?
A university, having a curfew?
They must really treat their students as young adults capable of thinking eh?

Anyways, tonight I dropped her off about 1.30am, and she was asked to register her details at the security booth. That's fine, no biggie as I understand that we have in fact violated the curfew.

Suddenly, out of no where, this over-nourished malay lady comes along and starts questioning her about her reasons for being late with an unnecessary loud and intimidating voice. There was even a threat of calling up her mom to report the late returns of my gf. Wow, that's really scary.

Apparently, she is only the hostel manager, and wants to exercise her authority. (either that, or she's having that time of the month)
Fine, since I'm the one who brought my gf back late, I decided to explain things, maybe even apologise. Before I even finished introducing myself

"awak in orang luar, jangan bising!!!"

seriously, that pissed me off.
I understand that it is her job to enforce the curfew, but with such an attitude?

The rest however, are not relevant to the story anymore.

1) local universities treat their students like kindergarten kids, giving them utmost care and protection.
2) Their staff (in this case the hostel manager) are aways active,motivated and ready to go the extra mile to ensure their job is done with prime professionalism.



You should, on the spot ask for her name or working ID. then tell the lady, does she ensure she has the power to treat the visitor so rude? if no then you tell her you will report to the relevant department.If she said yes, then you may tell her that you will call or write to the authority to check, if you find out she is overdoing then she will kena complain.Dont waste time to argue with her. Just tell her either she lets your gf in or your gf will go somewhere to spend the nite but she will be held liable if your gf have any problems because she is the one who refuse to let your gf in.

Do not waste time with the barking dogs becoz dogs will not speak human language....go straight to her owner and if her owner dont help...go to the owner of the owner.

If you are not in the Uni compound and not doing anything disturbing then they have no rights to treat you like this.
boggysv said:
They must really treat their students as young adults capable of thinking eh?

This to me is the biggest failing when it comes to our education system. By being too regimented, many students fail to utilise their ability to think. While they may one day end up with a big degree, the aren't usually street smart. Studying here is all about memorising and regurgatating information rather than thinking and applying knowledge. I'm personally pretty rebelious and often go against the norm which is why I generally perform better when given my own space and freedom. Of course you can't be totally devoid of any sense of responsibility at the same time. I'm sure there are many others like myself.

boggysv said:
Suddenly, out of no where, this over-nourished malay lady comes along and starts questioning her about her reasons for being late with an unnecessary loud and intimidating voice. There was even a threat of calling up her mom to report the late returns of my gf. Wow, that's really scary.

Apparently, she is only the hostel manager, and wants to exercise her authority. (either that, or she's having that time of the month)
Fine, since I'm the one who brought my gf back late, I decided to explain things, maybe even apologise. Before I even finished introducing myself

"awak in orang luar, jangan bising!!!"

seriously, that pissed me off.
I understand that it is her job to enforce the curfew, but with such an attitude?

After years of dealing with clients I can tell ya one thing. It's the client with the least amount of money to spend that is most often fussy and has the most to say. I reckon it's similar when it comes to people who have jobs they aren't happy with. It's sad that these people go abouts trying to earn respect the wrong way.

boggysv said:
The rest however, are not relevant to the story anymore.

1) local universities treat their students like kindergarten kids, giving them utmost care and protection.
2) Their staff (in this case the hostel manager) are aways active,motivated and ready to go the extra mile to ensure their job is done with prime professionalism.


Poor mentality and it's even worse when they don't realise it. It's the same kind of frustration you get when you have an idiot for a boss. You know the right thing to do but because he 'earned' his way to the top, you just have to suck it up.
Yea, got to agree workers with bad attitude are usually not enjoying their job, as a writer of The Star pointed out. They hate their job so much till they want to release their stress and unhappiness to other people.
i juz got f*ck today for nothing
it was her own mistake for not pointing the detail to me that leads me to my mistake...
if she did not specifically point the detail to me...i am supposed to do one thing
if she did point the detail to me...i am suppose to do another...
and she did not point the detail to me...she f*ck me for doing something else...
what i did was the norm.What she wanted was an exception.And the responsibilty is on her shoulder to point the exception.
blardy menopause bitch.

well...nothing much to do with this thread...but juz wan to share my bad day...so much for her education
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