Lexus RX300 Suspension systems


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Jul 24, 2006
am looking for a good set of suspension for my Lexus RX300 4WD, any 1 who can recommencement me what brand to choose and where can i buy it from. thanks
Are you the same louisl from waaaaaaaaaaaay back then?

Rx300 luxury car - don't mod la. Stick back with stock suspension!
how many louis u know ? :itsme::itsme::itsme:
Original suspension going spoil need to change if any bro here can recomment me good set
What I mean is buy back new stock suspension. Don't change to aftermarket brands like tein or whatever.
try consult RCS suspension..

or titan to get custom suspension for you...

i think it was relatively similar in price of your new oem suspension replaced...
Want air suspension?

whats the difference compare with oil and gas type?
and the spring is comfort type or ?

---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:42 PM ----------

try consult RCS suspension..

or titan to get custom suspension for you...

i think it was relatively similar in price of your new oem suspension replaced...

oem price not cheap too,, if i can get batter set than oem

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

try consult RCS suspension..

or titan to get custom suspension for you...

i think it was relatively similar in price of your new oem suspension replaced...

oem price not cheap too,, if i can get batter set than oem
Is the standard suspension unsatisfactory?

yup. not good handling when speed over 120KM

---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:01 PM ----------

Air suspension means adjustable ride height and damping on the fly(few buttons away).

got switch to control sport and comfort ?
hi, im RX300 owner too, own it for 5 yrs.. my car is V6 2WD
maybe i can share a lots of info with u...

Since the 1st day i hv it i changed to GAB Adj. sus. (2nd-hand car suspension condition bad).
All the car i've own b4 & current all adj. suspension, the GAB last for 5 yrs till now still ok,
no leaking, no problem at all, and i hv a new toy, the new GAB ADFC !! (like TEIN EDFC)

with the ADFc now i can adj the ride from soft to hard & i just enjoy my trip back from Genting last week~~
Extra info, GAB now offer suspension cylinder overhaul in house with affordable price.. (although mine still ok)

Some may dun like adj. sus on SUV but i can tell u with my own experience, its not bad as many ppl think (or just guess)..
Although all adj. sus is still the same suspension, but the setting inside cylinder is different,
especially make for sport car, or make for MPV/SUV is 2 very different thing..

As my own preference, i hate the sampan feels on SUV & my wife will pening kepala,
i got my best setting of ride height, ride stiffness & spring pre-load (but only after i install ADFC !!)
Im sure that u can get ur preferred setting to, just time & patient. If not just use back ori & stop complaint..

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