How DIY Tailpipe/Tail adapter/Muffler Cover


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 29, 2009
To install an average size tail pipe , since the skirting is blocking the tail pipe,i can't install the tail pipe,it will be half way out , therefore , i can't install it perfectly..In addition , the orginal exhaust pipe from the muffler is too long..

So,How to DIY??

1) How do i cut the skirting(PU)?..What tools should i use..??

2) Can i cut the exhaust pipe to shorten it??Will it have any effect??
bring to exhaust shop bro, i doubt u have the right tools. even if u did, would u risk damaging ur skirt/exhaust to save that lil bit of cash?

anyway, i dun think shortening the pipe (from what i udnerstand, the tip of the exhaust right?) will have any effect...

just my 2 cents
Thanks for your reply..i have the right tools, just asking maybe there are more suitable tools..i want to DIY mah..If not , why would i post this..haha..helps please
Yeah!..My first Major DIY is a Success..I did not cut the skirting , i cut the exhaust tip using the machine and metal saw..It was hard tho..but i saved Rm135 from DIY..whoho
Hello , i have tried many many times to upload the picture , but i still dont know how..can someone guide me please?? or any website which have guidelines on uploading pictures to forum..
sign up an account in photobucket,upload ur pic into it,copy the IMG code & paste it right here
The end of the exhaust is too long / too out



So , I would have to cut it


After cutting , the remaining piece


Then , I install the muffler cover


Wow...that must have been tiring bro. But nice work...thats what DIY is all about...satisfaction and saving $$$..

Great work looseend...or should we call you shorter end...kakaka...
Wow...that must have been tiring bro. But nice work...thats what DIY is all about...satisfaction and saving $$$..

Great work looseend...or should we call you shorter end...kakaka...

Haha .. Yeah , it was hell .. Lol .. "shorter end" nice nick name anyway .. but which end .. hahahaha
Wow nice work on the bro. I want to try do like this before on my own but I'm afraid it'll mess up so I ended up bringing it to the mechanic. Nice job.
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