GTti timing problem.........


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Senior Member
Jul 21, 2005
Sg. Petani?Ipoh
any otai kan help la..........
timing kete aku dok main 1500 - 1000 tak mau dok diam....
pasang je air-cond ok..........
throttle body dah service...........
kena adjust TPS ka?
ada sesapa yang penah jadik ke.............
kalau ada throttle body murah murah tolak mai la kat aku........
gtti_kuning said:
mine also penah kena last time..
but my prob is one of those vacum hoses tecabut...

vacuum already checked.......... no problem ma.......
really give me sakit kapla ...............
lovehacker said:
vacuum already checked.......... no problem ma.......
really give me sakit kapla ...............
i think u should go to ur pomen la bro..
but i personally think its one of ur vacuum hoses..
or maybe ur econ...
Hi lovehacker,

Me experiencing the same problem with my GTti engine but slightly different. My engine will stop autmatically when I switched on my aircond. Worse part, the engine will also stop when the radiator fan starts to spin. Sometimes, even on the 1st gear when pressing the brake after a while, the engine will begin to shake & off. I think its nothing got to do with the spark plug cable...right? My vacuum host is also in good condition? What could be wrong? wiring?
Action plan taken #1 : already clean the throttle body, increase timing & change spark plug but to no avail.
Action plan taken #2 : send car to pomen already since under warranty.
My friends' who using satria efi 1.6 also face the similar problem, but after changing the magnetic thing worth RM100+ at the ISC (Idle Speed Ctroller), the engine is perfect.

I'm going outstation next week to the north, really afraid if the problem persits..:(

Hope some experts can aid us...;)
I do the repair my self...... the problem is i'm not familiar with GTti problem. Just want some info if anybody having the same problem before.

Can anyone suggest where can i find spare part that sell GTti parts. I have one spare part at kajang but the price quit sembelih punya.

Where can i find matel gasket for cylinder head and how much it will cost?

I think maybe u need to check your brake booster too.

Do u mean "metal gasket" also coz the problem?

How about 'kotor' fuel filter? Need to check 1st is it?
No la... just asking if anybody know where to find metal gasket for gtti. not cousing any problem. ;)
Just want to do some improvement on the engine. still looking for the right price.

Anybody have exprience engine timing nak stable while warming up the engine? mine having this problem before it become worst where it happen all the time. but sometimes when it reach some termperature it become stable or the timing become too low.

And the other thing the temperature always low from the working temperature where it should be in the middle. I got this engine from someone that want to put 4E engine in his charade.

Anyone can help me on this matter? If not i have to find another engine if i can't solve this problem. :(
Kau Zahid kan? Aku penah jumpa kau..

Aku ingat kau try jumpa Allan la..Dia tau sikit..Kalau kau nak jauh sket berjalan, kau tanya CB70..Dia boleh tunjukkan kat mana bengkel otai..

Good luck!
ko kenal lagi aku yerk... hehehehe........... ada barang baik lagi mau jual ka? looking for rear disc brake..............

problem settle back to normal...... ecu ada fault...... disconnect negative terminal problem solve. but when the engine cold still problem.

cb70 boleh tunjuk jalan ka...... ko kat ner cb70?

ko try tukar FICD

ko try tukar dia nyer FICD...pasal kete aku dulu pn jadi cam tu sekarang dah sehat dah...mmg kompom benda tu kalu ko dah service throttle body...TRY Tengok...klu tak jadi bg tau...
FICD mana nak cari? Kedai potong? Agak2 berapa RM? Aku pernah dengar jugak pasal ni..Allan kasi tau..

Zahid, sekarang takde barang le..Aku pun mencari barang..Kau takde disc brake belakang ke? Bahaya tu! JPJ requirement, kena ada disc brake belakang..Kat otai tempat CB70 selalu datang kan ada..RM350 je..Pakai De To punya la..Lebih baik..

biasa nyer benda tu la yg selalu prob...enjin lama beb...tu laaa...nak cari benda ni pon mmg tu aku try tgk kat 1/2 cut subang..akt area subangairport...tu pon nasib jer la klu ader...mase aku beli tu harga dalam 10 ringgit jer..tak tau la aku...tokey tu mantong klu nak nnt aku try tny kan...nak tak...?
Nak register kat JPJ kena bawak apa? Surat kastam dan resit beli enjin kena ada ke? Kalau takde tak boleh register ke?
Aura said:
Nak register kat JPJ kena bawak apa? Surat kastam dan resit beli enjin kena ada ke? Kalau takde tak boleh register ke?

Bawak surat kastam.... surat beli enjin ..... photostat.....
bawak pegi putrajaya... buat surat dulu... surat kebenaran tukar enjin........... borang ada kat sana...... aku ada simpan lagi rasa nyer............... masa buat surat tu ko jgn bagi yang ori........... dah siap surat tu bawak gi puspakom.... kat puspakom dia akan mintak surat kastam dengan resit sekali. lepas tu test.............. dah lulus dia keluarkan result. bawak pegi jpj register..........

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