Grounding Wire Kit

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Engine and Performance

Grounding Wire Kit

so many times called u,,,
where can get this item

if not without installation, its come with the diagram? me ....tonight at kelana jaya...after 11pm can see u me to set meetplace...better area kelana jaya la...or pj.....
anybody...want d ground cable...can contact me!!

today me off me for meet up!! better kl area la...cheras or bandar tasik selatan i prefer!!!

call me 019-6076246 (ijoe)
Merry Belated Xmas... any meet up today or tomoro?... any place ke?...
sory..all geng..just come back from sabah & terengganu for a biz trip...many stock already arrive...just tak sempat nak update before...
so..anybody...want d ground for meet up...
thanx all for your support

happy new year...he..he..

019-6076246... mobil beside kedai perabot LDP at kelana jaya..round 11.10pm...kpd sape yang dah book dgn aku..boleh collect malam ni..!!ok..aku bagi sekali dgn sticker nos tu...!! sape yang belum boleh berbuat demikian ..he.he...datang tengok barang dulu pun opinion...with d price...its a good & worth to buy....not bcoz im selling bcoz of d item itself....come see first...ok..c u all ya...

call/sms at 019-6076246 (ijoe)...
hurry up...few set left....need 2 wait for new 4 meet plACE...
brother...wanna it..item still available? RM35? installation+the plate = rm?

i'm in shah alam...really interested!! pm me..(kaler birukan wayar nyer? nak pasang kat kancil jer...)

anybody want ground cable?? i got 2 set of red/purple colour (8awg size) also with gold plated...err dont want to try d green 1 arr?? now many people buy green from me...very ranggi ooo....suitable for autoshow he..he...
btw call for meet up at 019-6076246 (ijoe)
Any warranty? If so, how long?

what warnty u want? this only cable...sure not melt punya...i dont know what to give wranty...hee..he..he...btw..its worth to buy...cheaps or sms prob we discus later..what type of wranty u want...
many ground cable arrived before got many stock anybody want d ground usual contact me at 019-6076246....
installation can b arrange...coz many people ask me to i think myb i need to make some installation service back...but arrangement must b make first...coz tak nak terlalu ramai on 1 night...kesian takut kena tunggu lama....1-4 car 1 night ok la....more tak sempat kot...but it also can b arrange...myb can install on weekend..
if u want to do it by yourself also problem...installation diagram are provided...+ can teach u also...

so me for yr ground many other stuff call me...
already arrvied all d stock...big & small....come..u can contact me now for d grounding....installation also provided if needed....

019-6076246 (ijoe)
wut u mean by big n small ? wut brand wuz dat ? rm35 still ?
bro me interested buying ur items....
locations at KL/Selangor pls....
bro...cable is stiill avaiable...can direct cotact me at this no 019-6076246.....installation also provided....bulan ni banyak orng beli ground cable la...dah dua kotak aku order ni...nak kena order 2 kotak lagi nampakny....he.he...btw calll me for meet up place.....for kl shoulb no problem....
can c me esso, sunway gorund cable...strobe lights...bonet absober...oil catch tank...silicone hose...etc...just come c me tonight....installation also provided...want come call my hp

019-6076246 (ijoe)...
ijoe, with all due respect, if u always say its "with installation" , why that time when u told me so confidently its "with installation", when i went met u ... then u told me that its actually no installation and u cant install because the engine bay hot cant install bla bla bla... i got no choice la, dah jumpa u and holding the cables ady then only u told me cant install, wat to do, i have to just bayar ...

kena con sial aku .. n i thought RM38 grounding cables + installation was a great buy.:Not_Impressed:
bro...can install..but can direct meet trus installl..engine kena cool down dulu...then baru install...& install normally i add RM10 ...lor...minum..minum dulu ke...some engine nott too engine tunggu kejap dah trus boleh install..some tunggu lama baru cool down...but i still prefer they diy by theirself...its for people who deosnt know to install only...jngan la marah brother...tak kan kerana ak tak install kat kau masa tu kau hot ot...nvmd time we meet aku belanja minum ok...most people aku prefer dia orang diy RM10...and got expereince....but for poeple who dont know hal..hall..mech ni..trpksa la aku installkan..jugak...myb aku tengok kau exprt kot....he..he..he..
btw cheers bro...takkan hal tak leh install masa tu pun kau hot dgn aku...nvmd...when u c mee next time aku blanja minum....ok bro..cheerss....!!!
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