Fiber/Polyurethane Bodykits @ Rock Motorsport Auto Styling

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Exterior and Body

Fiber/Polyurethane Bodykits @ Rock Motorsport Auto Styling

bro.. what is the price for the waja evo8 hood? and is it hard fiber? how many layer?

kalau trade in standart hood waja saya then beli hood from u .. u terima tak? hihi :proud:
hoho.. jgn la trade in bro.

Waja Evo8 hood baru je RM350. super hard fiber. 2 layer up and down wan.
sample brg ada kat kedai. I boleh tunjuk beza single layer ngan double layer.
bro how much is CV 002D for civic 96 rear skirt? plus installation in?
Hi there,

CV002D is RM70 includesive of installation bro.
This item is made from Fiber material.

PU is available at RM140 one piece inclusive of installation.

Kindly let me know if yuu are interested yeah.

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