evo rega ori 15' pcd100

donno how to offer you.....later too low kena tembak.......hahahaha.....better put in your asking price.........
my fren jt sold his at rm3.3k rim only 2nd hand unit...

market price is above rm3k++

my asking price..rm3k nego...thanks...
this rim so expensive one ah? last time got offer RM1.3K ... diu wasted didn't buy it... if not can "untung"...
4agze said:
this rim so expensive one ah? last time got offer RM1.3K ... diu wasted didn't buy it... if not can "untung"...

dude rm1.3k???hahah u buy then u really cannot untunglah...im sure that rm1.3k is imitation or else i also wanna swap for 10sets...

imitation 1...i mean evo rega look alike rim only rm800 brand new..u can get in klang...
but they got some japanese wordings there... dont know imitation or not la, if yes then im lucky lor, if not then im rugi lor... :D
yeah...it's that expensive.....
new one cost bout RM5k......
very cun in white color........
all uncle(MCSB) in here can surely buy one.....
dude...u try c got longkang at each spoke...

if no longkang sure imitation 1..

if u free...then gimme a call..if i free then i can come out show to u heheh...or u try join wira TT next week...heheh
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