EPF@KWSP Withdraw

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EPF@KWSP Withdraw


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 6, 2007
Hi to all ZTH members,

To whom who wish to withdraw their EPF@KWSP (Account 2 only) please prepare doc stated below. PM me. Thanks

*Min requirement: Account 2 >15K

- Copy of ic
- Latest(update) EPF@KWSP Form
hi....interested here....please call me coz i've been waiting for your call ....:biggrin:
wow!!!retired from doing personal loan...pastu ada hati nak withdrawkan EPF account 2 orang lain plak!!!!bertaubatlah IZWAN!!!call aku ok!sebelim aku carik ko!!!:nurse:
wow!!!retired from doing personal loan...pastu ada hati nak withdrawkan EPF account 2 orang lain plak!!!!bertaubatlah IZWAN!!!call aku ok!sebelim aku carik ko!!!:nurse:

ermm interesting....bole share ape mamat ni buat?
sapa2 nk tau cite pm kt aku je...malas aku nk cite keburukan orang kt sini...tuhan itu adil...lambat laun kena balik kt batang hidung dia.....ni ha no plet kete dia BES 6446
dear all members, epf withdrawal for account 2 only allowed for buying a house, reducing house financing amount, pay study fee and medical fee.....Hope this help.....thanks
jgn tergoda....kelak merana...

offered by sumone..

if u withdraw less than 21k, they will caj u rm8k...more than 21k..they caj 40% of the amount ..40% beb..

lucky i have a house loan to make use of the 2nd acct...:)

ps- sharing is caring
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