DVD or TV Screen Fitted On Our Rides

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Car TV Screens dangerous enough to be banned?

  • No - There are other priorities

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - It's getting out of hand

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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got your driving license buddy?
if not mistaken, when driving should wear shoes isn't?
i still remember this "rule" when i took my driving test few years back

anyway, thats not the point, the point is how about them in car GPS?:hmmmm:

sum proton n perodua comes with oem GPS, so not ban.

i think malaysia gov is very funny, if cannot install hid, fancy plate, dvd, lcd screen etc, why should not prevent those item from import?
so many accesories available but cannot use...what for people buy? i agree with vector x2.. so many DARK roads in malaysia but no money to buy car factory fitted with xenon hlights ..
our accidents rate is legendary haahaahaha.. i wonder if it is the driver's SOLE fault?

{jpj should enforce something what is singapore rtd is doing, by requiring certain type of modifications to be inspected and approved by rtd first.} i agree with vector's statement.. people sometime if already buy the accessories of course wanna use it... or if already installed just use it... you paid already rite... so what our rtd should do is help to regulate the modifications done.. not banned it totally... not very productive n wasting people's money TWICE ..

I strongly agree with this statement. I wonder if Post this link at JPJ website ok ar?? XD Show them what kind of joke they are making them self into.. XD
“It is illegal and dangerous to fix these accessories. A driver can easily get distracted and it may result in accidents" - Yes, if the driver watch porno while driving.
pathetic brain !!! go check other country how they manage the traffic and learn from it la. do UK,JPN,CHINA,US have these rules ? damn stupid !!! only know how to prevent dunno how to cure !!!

They don't dare to check others countries out, caused once they did...they are so shame of themself and dunno where to hide their faces!
Rintihan Pemilik Kereta (average people)

1- Last month had a problem with privacy glass - Still searching the replacement (Expensive):bawling:

2- Now new issue with the DVD player in the car? - Change the units?:hmmmm:
Please la, my kids need them while long distance. If not they can't seat properly, more dangerous.

3- GPS screen on DVD also banned... ??? rugi la..:bawling:

4- Next... bucket seat? Speaker size? :stupid:

5- No jewellery while driving?

All thing are dangerous but it depend how the people manage to control the hazard.
For me, best thing is education for everybody. "They" should upgrade their education and research.
Hire a "team of people" to study the hazard + economically.
This team must be really understand the current situation.

"They" should guide the people not only punishing them with "saman".

Guys, I want to sell la my DVD player... interested? Almost new :proud:

After all, this make me "susah hati" + bad economy & fuel rise.
JpX : (I set the rules,ppl violate, then I can earn much much much money)
I wonder where they get their statistics to suggest that fitting TV screens causes an increase in accidents? or is it just some whack head suddenly coming out with the revelation that since TVs can be distracting, then it must be causing accidents!! O.O I must then applaud the idiot for his genius...

In that case, why don't they just ban cars on the road, then there will definitely be ZERO accidents.. because cars can potentially cause accidents i suppose... :-p so by banning cars, it'll make Malaysian roads safer ^^ can I get my datokship now for this brilliant contribution to the country? :-p
JPJ must do some research ,survey or poll before come up with any rules and regulation.... DVD screen behind the rear seats... ok.. at least passenger never disturb the driver... a lot of rules... sometimes totally confused..
Malaysia JPJ u have realy a gud law in ur brain...but what about using mobile phone while driving...It is almost similiar to driving while smoking.... I feel thats why malaysia is always backwards in this matters... Other state's their laws are uncomparable...if we would have ranking..I tink malaysia would be the last...
Mr JPJ, pls explain this DVD ruling to my children, am sure they will F**k u if u really gonna enforce it.
Better suggest to them to remove the whole dashboard meter panel also, it will distract the drivers too. Just a steering wheel in the dashboard, safe enough. :proud:
before you all shoot here and there, bear in mind that in western countries that in-dash screens for gps is legal, but not tv/video.. that's why most players can only view gps navigation but cannot play movies..

although playing movies are meant for passengers, but for screens fitted at the front can disturb the driver. jpj should not impose the ban immediately, istead make regulation so that screens for video viewing can only be fitted at the back, and for dashboard screens should allow gps navigations only.
agree, tv screens only to be placed in the rear, front allowed for gps onli.
what about radio?? shud the G ban it? its a entertainment system..?
If we ban GPS or navigation system, what about the imported cars? shud it be remove and replace it with console box?
my estima can watch video only when in P and handbrake...
true guys...then ,one day they will ban gps ....say it is distracting the driving ...lol
hey,JPJ!!proton's n perodua's builds bullshit cars wit no safety at all..they suck at NCAP rating..isn't tht dangerous n should b banned??use ur brains JPJ,not ur asses 2 think!!
*im a proton user myself*
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