D.I.Y. Windscreen Car Registration Number kit.

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Exterior and Body

D.I.Y. Windscreen Car Registration Number kit.

Sample etching. Nissan Logo.......
Kalau nak custom made logo tu bleh ker?Contohnya ambik logo kelab ker..:hmmmm:
Kalau nak custom made logo tu bleh ker?Contohnya ambik logo kelab ker..:hmmmm:

Tak de masalah. Logo Kelab boleh di buat. Email saja logo itu kepada saya dan saya akan buat satu sample untuk bro. Email ke kcgoh78 [a] gmail.

Terima Kasih!!
nice..very nice and attractive
but juz curious, jpj or police kacau tak?..mybe bump into jpj road block and they sue..aiyoo:confused:
nice..very nice and attractive
but juz curious, jpj or police kacau tak?..mybe bump into jpj road block and they sue..aiyoo:confused:

Thanks for your complement bro!!

Actually windscreen number etching has been around since I think the 80s. I'm just reviving it by giving it a new and more attractive designs. It's even been tagged as 'grand father technology' by the ZTHrian when I first post it here ----->23rd December 2008 post

As for problem with JPJ and Police, I dont think there should be any. The etching is too small to block the view or the function of any of the car windows.

All new Proton cars now have the chasis number etch on the windscreen if you notice. Infact some insurance company has already included this kinda etching to the cars they are insuring.

But JPJ and Police will tahan you if the number on the etching is NOT SAME as your car number. That's the whole purpose of the etching anyway, right? :biggrin:
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u selling the kit or juz service?

You are both right my friend! I sell the kit and do etching service :biggrin:

I'm based in Wangsa Maju. Can come over here and the whole process will only take 15 minutes. Do call up first to let me know your choice of fonts and logos.

And for those who prefer D.I.Y. on their car, I'll send the kit using Pos Lajuuuuu - Jamin Sampai Esok. Haha!

Thanks for asking!

ok bro..thx 4 ur detailed explanation:biggrin:
bump for u!!

No problem at all. Hey, you might want a sample etching of your car number? Just email it to me at kcgoh78 [at] gmail.

Cheers! :wavey:
the part of the car that first absorb the impact during a collision.

Bumper. :biggrin:
Hahaha! Dont worry, I'm minute but I'm not poisonous.

Thanks for the BUMP!
Wednesday BUMP! 6700!!:banghead:

Bump: Wednesday BUMP! 6700!!:banghead:
News: Those who wants to change number plate also can call me. I can remove the old etching and make a new etching for you. Cheers!!! :nurse:
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Sample of IMPUL set.

Thanks for looking and thanks to those who's done the etching!!

Cheeeers!! :driver:
Monday BUMP!!!
Happy Taipusam to Hindu friends!!!
Thursday BUMP! Thanks for those who showed interest!!
Any question or inquiry just text/call 016 928 93 53.

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