Clutch Slipped


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 25, 2007
Dear all sifu, I've install brand new Aisin clutch and Aisin cover for my silvertop during transplant.
The problem is when shifting gear at high rpm, it seems that rpm very slowly drop until it reach it
suitable rpm for that gear.
Is it my clutch is slipped? Is it brand new clutch can slipped?
Plus, it fell like the engine lack of power. Feel worse when going uphill and also got engine knocking.

p/s : I got another set of clutch at my hand now ( from halftcut) but dont waste money to try n error.
What petrol you use ? Ron97 ? silvertop is short stroke engine so please rev it up !

And about the clutch slipping ... dont think its clutch slip .. should be inertia :D the gear needs sometime to pickup the revs according to your engine ma .. the gear will slowly increase rpm .. not immediately
yes, I'm using ron97. Not like that bro, when shifting gear the rpm will decrease slowly to its normal rpm at that gear and just after that rpm increase. I also did not feel the G force although shifting from gear 1 to 2 at 7000++ rpm. Maybe I should capture a video for clearer vision.

From the video we can see that from 1st to 2nd gear shift it stop a while at 6000 rpm before decrease to 5000 and from 2nd gear to 3rd gear it also stop a while at 5500 rpm before go to 4500....
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if i understand dis, its a new clutch kan? if it is, then dis is normal jer. doesnt look like to much slip sir, any fluid leakage in the gearbox vicinity?
It doesn't looks like clutch slip. Its more looks like clutch sudden bite and the changes in load force the rpm to drop.
My car now have clutch slip. The rpm "slip" upwards whereby the speed doesn't increase. Feel like driving an suto tranny... :(
if i understand dis, its a new clutch kan? if it is, then dis is normal jer. doesnt look like to much slip sir, any fluid leakage in the gearbox vicinity?

Fluid leakage? as far as i know there is no fluid leakage. If any fluid leakage it should be oily stain at gearbox area right?
yes, but it can be from the engine and the gearbox, ive encountered both. was a PITA to rectify, not to mention expensive. oil seal on both engine and gearbox side can leak, if u rnt seeing any oil from the underneath the gb, then u r safe, for now, lol.

just let the clutch plate settle in dulu, then report back sir
Hi all, found the culprit already...
Guess what, it's an upper clutch pump cause the problem.
Now it can rev happily....

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