change engine got any suggestion??

if its true then its worth buying... u dowan to buy the R3 ah? then u transfer all yr current performance parts to the R3 lo...then sell your sgti......i wanna buy....but no place to park apartment can fit only 1 car....the SLk park outside, if i buy R3, parking mana, if outside confirm kena curi...:(

ahahaa...the guy idiot...must as well dont open the club....
no use also...
no la bro! if it came bout 1 month earlier i would have taken it but i have done alot to the sgti... i did the whold body back! that cost me a bom! but it reaaly a good buy!

ha ha ha now he is saying gsr also can join! maybe u might wan to guide him bro.. tunjuk ajar sedikit... or tell him bout ppc :}.....
korang tanya nak join bleh ka?
nak join just join la klu bro gsr ka perdana standard ka.mana tau satu hari nak tukaq ke EVO atau Eterna.
kami tak kesah la.kami bukan cerewet sangat...nak join just join.tak mo takpa...cakap blakang tak best la..
wah, how much u spent bro?
haha..he newbie ma....aiya, let him do wat he wants....
u also know bout PPC, good..good...:)

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