Can any sifu teach me how to stabilize my car?


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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2007
Hi everybody.. im new to this.. I'm currently driving a Saga Aeroback and i wish to make my car more stable in every aspect.. can any sifu teach me wat to do with it?
yeah, many thing dat we can do, some of it..

- better braking system front n rear
- use gud tires for both dry n wet road

- suspension system (sport spring/adjustable)
- strut bars
- rim n tire size - larger will giv gud handling, but FC may increase la..

- engine n exhaust system
- bla.. bla.. bla..

so which one u r reffering??
then change suspension setup and get a good tyre to go with it...

safety wise...don't drive fast and be a smart 0.1 sen
Saga is a family car...if u really wanna to lowered it u will suffer a very bumpee situation like driving sampan...
U can not too lowered or set high your car as this car back spring and absorber is independent by it self. so, whn too lowered time... too bumpee later spring drop off...(haha... my fren got it last time...)

U can try 16 inch sport rim with better or branded spring but FC and pick up no need to think too much of it...
Good luck..
ur car got power steering or not? if not, 15" was the max i think, if larger will need more money to massage ur arm later..
actually i wish to get something more than safety 1.. lol.. im greedy.. i wish to get nicer in performance.. more safe while cut corner(stability).. less petrol consuming.. i know if modify ofcoz will consume more petrol 1 la.. but now already 20cents per KM.. its consider expensive dy.. so no need worry bout petrol jor.. juz fill in.. :confused_smile: and my car got power stering ^^
well, since you want a piece of every aspect, the next questions are:

1. how much you willing to invest?

2. how far you want to go?
want horse run, dun want horse to eat grass... later die le....
actually i duno how much that i willing to invest also.. see the situation first lor.. anyway.. im a student lol.. everything have to save money/work part time to do lor..
if i were you, i save the $$ for 3 years and buy a Jap monster. i done enough mod for Proton.
aiya...i think sourorange taiko dont have the patient to wait and save such amount of money and time. As i'm a student too, i also can't be patient as 3 years...haha eventhough a month. =p dun shoot me...

sour taiko,
got handling can say got performance, if a car handling poor u'll lost some of the performance from ur car....if i'm not wrong..hehe =) is my statement abit confius ?? but anyway i mean around that meaning.....

so get ur handling done first if got budget. Get it done from these first - Tyre, rims, bars, and suspension...etc

after u feel the handling is "stable" enough or u satisfy with it...can slowly go for anything u wan (performance or exterior or wanna be a ICE GOD also can)

just my opinion la...cheeeeers

i still wanna learn more bout it, please sifus sifus clarify more....
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Hi bro, I also just order the saga lmst but not yet get my car. 20 cents per km>? Are you sure? Thats 1 litre to 10 km drive? FC so high ah?
Hi bro, I also just order the saga lmst but not yet get my car. 20 cents per km>? Are you sure? Thats 1 litre to 10 km drive? FC so high ah?

Yeap...dun expect that the FC is bro using it...
the petrol meter sucks...not accurate at all...use it once and my bro didnt tell me that no petrol liao and the petrol meter still mention that the car got near to half not near to petrol liao...
most people thinks the 1.3L is better fuel eco than 1.5L but the fact is the other way around. perhaps because carburetor versus fuel injection.
right, same size body but bigger engine will reduce ur FC, e.g. kancil 660 vs 850, surely 850 FC was better, summore depends on driving habit, for me FC will maintain nicely if we driving below 3.5k RPM, isnt it??

3 years will be so long for u, i know la cos i was student also b4, hehe.. seems u still study n saga was more to family car, wat u can do is just do some minor mod/changes, like bakkut3h said, enuf wit rims+tires, suspension, bars, then maybe some interior parts, streering n seats, enuf for stability n comfort, then keep ur money for real monster later..

btw seats also important wat, will avoid u from sitting nearly to door panel during hi speed corner, hehe..
actually i wish to get something more than safety 1.. lol.. im greedy.. i wish to get nicer in performance.. more safe while cut corner(stability).. less petrol consuming.. i know if modify ofcoz will consume more petrol 1 la.. but now already 20cents per KM.. its consider expensive dy.. so no need worry bout petrol jor.. juz fill in.. :confused_smile: and my car got power stering ^^

wow bro..20cents per km..its quite high.. my wira se 1.5 is only 0.12 cents per km (15"rims and bullet, air filter,no other mod).. u should not go for rims larger than 15", get a good absorber setup, some bars, take out ur spare tyres, use good engine and gear oils, change to a new clutch (if clutch have never been changed in the car history), take out mid box put in bullet, muffler, better brake pad and brake fluid, extractor...

thats all i can think of now...
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