bosskit for mr2

Dec 26, 2010
Kuala Lumpur

May i know where to find mr2 booskit that allow me to change my steering. New owner of mr2 so hope all the tai ko here can help. Thank you.
try drop by accessory shop and try one of their boss kit for Toyota... if you're lucky they're the same. I think in most cases they are the same... I can't come up with a reason why toyota would need to have a different boss kit for different cars.

Much like evo boss kit and proton boss kit are the same.
Ya.. Try to 1 stop accessories shop. Sometime they have. Usually toyota will make it all same if i'm not mistaken.

Hi vztec,

Actually 1 stop accessories shop is located in ipoh.

One Stop Accessories Sdn Bhd
25 Jln Dato Seri Ahmad Said 30450 Ipoh Ipoh Perak 30450 Malaysia, Ipoh 30450, Perak

p: 605-2430554

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