
Originally posted by ultimate_satria@Feb 12 2005, 13:24
tai ko tai ko....
how to make this stuff??
4 caburator car can ar?? :D
carb? can... how to make? aluminum sheet from hardware shop...
my air-filter is at the top 1 woh...
the beer can (aka surbo) where to put???

can list down the tools 4 me pls??
can take more picture with more angle??
thanks dude.... :rolleyes:
contact seanlee. look for his post and PM him. He's the surbo sifu..

in your case, i guess you need cyclone more than surbo..

tools? A pair of scissors or a cutter, double sided tape or dunlop CA glue, some superlon, ruler, computer drawing skill, spray mount, a piece of A4 paper, a printer..
hi guys ..i m new here...btw i wanna ask whether d number of flaps(sisik) will affect d effieciency of d surbo?
sisik is scale lar.. you mean the fin (sirip) don't you? yes.. too many fin will give unstable swirling and restrictive as well.
Oh.. I guess I can make this...

how does it works? what is the benefits from this?

Do we install this inside of the pipe?? between the air filter and manifold?
i felt the surbo is like the turbo's little brother..keke..i got one origianl surbo..really it has only 4 fins..but for my auto does even makes big different on the matter on low or high gear..last time during hill climbing,i always use the 2 gear...instead of D4...but now D4 gave me d i m thinking to add one more ...become twin SURBO...keke
Originally posted by DJ-EVO3@Feb 19 2005, 22:55
Oh.. I guess I can make this...

how does it works? what is the benefits from this?

Do we install this inside of the pipe?? between the air filter and manifold?
it can be installed even before the air filter n after the airfilter b4 d extractor..cos like kenari ya...theres a tube to lead air into d air there also can fit one in..
Originally posted by DJ-EVO3@Feb 19 2005, 22:55
Oh.. I guess I can make this...

how does it works? what is the benefits from this?

Do we install this inside of the pipe?? between the air filter and manifold?
for wira injection.. yes... my car use 2 DIY air twisters in de rampipe.. one after filter box.. another b4 manifold B)
pls check out my car profile. just click at my signature.. or visit my gallery..

u will find it there ;)

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