To all the masters, please help me. I had a call from my mechanic saying that my absorber has been worn out a long time. But I've been driving all these while with some weird sounds like "klack" "klack" when I turn the streering. I had this doubt about wat is the link between the absober with d streering?
What is good brand to go for if I need change my absober? not too expensive
And shud it be change only 2 piece for the front only? normally
If anybody has enconter this problem b4, n cud share ur experience please.
Pls help
What is good brand to go for if I need change my absober? not too expensive
And shud it be change only 2 piece for the front only? normally
If anybody has enconter this problem b4, n cud share ur experience please.
Pls help
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