Typical timing for street cars at Sepang SIC

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haha... yeah but blue thunder is faster...:adore:

Bump: haha... yeah but blue thunder is faster...:adore:
click on the right bottom "youtube" button to get into the actual youtube video website to check out the complete specs of the ef. its inside (more info) at the right hand side description column. cheers.
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actually 2.45s is the everage timing for 1000km car... its fast... but i know super sixteen is even faster...

Bump: actually 2.45s is the everage timing for 1000km car... its fast... but i know super sixteen is even faster...
of coz....


1000km 1600 vtecs - street legal semis, minimum weight 1100kg
super 1600 vtecs - competition full slicks, minimum weight 1000kg

estimate 7-8 secs difference...
i downloaded d programme oredy but never bothered 2 find out how 2 use it..more like no time 2 set it up coz once i reach track.....all i can think of is 2 DRIVE DRIVE & DRIVE!hahahhaha
but a fren used it once n he showed me d result...very accurate indeed...
leme know how 2 use ya?i install it in my E71...downloaded d supposed SIC track file too....
Hi All, I have been reading closely in 0-100 recently. INterested to know more.
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FD2R from Singapore. Minor tune like Honda Reflashed ECU. J's Test and Catback. K&N Typhoon Kit. Stock Engine and Susension. -3degree front camber. Rear natural -2.
After 7th Track Day (new to tracking) Best timing 2m46. Too slow and sweepers at T5,6 and
T12,13. Too early turn in at T15 and T1. Will try rectify and revert if got improve. :P
Hi All, I have been reading closely in 0-100 recently. INterested to know more.
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FD2R from Singapore. Minor tune like Honda Reflashed ECU. J's Test and Catback. K&N Typhoon Kit. Stock Engine and Susension. -3degree front camber. Rear natural -2.
After 7th Track Day (new to tracking) Best timing 2m46. Too slow and sweepers at T5,6 and
T12,13. Too early turn in at T15 and T1. Will try rectify and revert if got improve. :P

There some seconds to be found if you can improve on the Turns you mentioned. A low 2" 42s should be possible

just to update street car lap times. Did a drive a month back in SIC

Weekday open Track day, at 2 pm, on a dry track, drove a 2007 Civic Type-R (FD2) , stock std with speedcut still in place, set a best time of 2'45.5.

:banghead: Car wasn't in the best of condition though, with dodgy gear linkage, causing up gear miss hifts into 2nd,3rd & 5th. And I was overdriving in certain sections :banghead:

Believe a 2 43 would have been posible in better condition car. Coz that's exactly wat my friend did in a another Stock std Civic Type R (FD2)

Timed using a demontweeks lap timer.
Hmmm. if i can get to that region, i will be satisfied. Then i shall start to change header and a flashpro for tuning. Cams and engine internals- After i mod driver successfully first. slicks? Later la, let me max out first, I am still a newbie with insufficient track mileage.
If I were you I'd aim at maxing out the car first without any more car mods. If a HMRT driver can do 2'43 in a stock FD2R , I'd say with your modded car, a time close, or slightly faster would be satisfying. the day we did those time there were 3-4 other FD2R, all modded, and all were slower than our times....

Focus on tidying up your lines, braking points etc, forget car mods for the moments. As u mentioned there's 6 turns u need to work on.

Slow at T5/6 results in slower speeds to T7/8.

Slow at T12/13 means your speed/times at T14 and the back straight is affected.
Ok ok, have used performancebox to do some comparisons with a 2m34 dc5 lap and saw the differences ... altho the dc5 is on slicks, there are SOME AFI's which i am gonna try out next TD!
Hopefully can achieve close to 2m43s...

You all can see this vid of mine and comment :)

YouTube - FD2R at Sepang 12th Dec 2008
From the camera angle , I can see your racing lines are mostly spot on. But since don't have onboard view it's hard tell when you brake or change down etc.

As u said, if can increase your speeds at the Turns you mentioned I'm sure the times will tumble
RaceChrono - The GPS Lap Timer

Anyone tried this out , the race chrono gps lap timer?

A friend used it during Sepang 1000km. says it kept him entertained with sector times and such

Used it during 23rd Open Track Day. Placed in a Golf GTi and in my AE86.

It was interesting to compare the 8 sector times between the 2 cars. Even could do a possible Best Lap based on best sectors. :smokin:

The Sectors end as follows

S1 - T1 into T2
S2 - T4 apex
S3 - T6 Apex
S4 - T9 apex
S5 - T11 apex
S6 - T14
S7 - T15
S8 - Start finis
Heard about this. Its compatibility with smart phones somewhat make me doubt its capabilities. (offences to anyone) given my limited info about it.

Here's a vid on its use.
YouTube - TCC Sepang Feb 8th 2009

Hmm, getting "dream lap" given its best sector times sounds interesting.

I am using the performance box. Still learning to best use its software. Am aware it can also capture and show data based on customised sectors.
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