Easy Money gang..sistem pawahan lembu yang halal...10-12% profit bulanan...

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Easy Money gang..sistem pawahan lembu yang halal...10-12% profit bulanan...

bro..aku berminat
pm aku tuk modal baper..??
aku slalu abes duit kat kude jew
Dah check ke dengan Bank Negara samada company ni boleh ambil deposit/wang dari pelanggan?
tula..dah cek ke ngan bank negara??kalo tak register under s.c bahaya oo...
bro Koperasi Usahawan M'sia Bhd ni kan berdaftar bro...
senang cite bro lu angkat address lu gi sendiri kt opis dieorg k...
saye just nk senangkan proses benda ni dats all...
Mr Zul...

Nice to meet u yesterday....will contact u later,for further information k...

hav a nice day...!!!
thanks Sarawak for ur luvly concern...
tapi klu nak tny ustaz i suggestkan u tny ape hukum org yg dengki tgk org lain buat kerja...k...!!!


Nie bukannya kira dengki ker...tak dengki.........
Ini soal HALAL and HARAM...If your title show that this is HALAL, so you must ,mean it too.......
I'm not dengki with your businees, coz I got nothing.........
But i need to tell the truth that your income "From the "Tahi Lembu" is HARAM.....
Just info for the Muslim ONLY................for the members that not a Muslim, so go a head.....
Please do not mis-understanding my statement.........I just concern that the income is not Halal, then we use the money for our family, all eat the HARAM one.....
So this msg is ONLY for MUSLIM.............
not to cut your business line....
But to tell the truth is WAJIB..........for Muslim. (i;m not sure you r muslim or NOT, but if not Muslim, sorry for the Info....)

Thank you very much.
ape2 pun, kene hati hati... yg pnting selidik dulu ....
thanks for ur concern....
so korang2 yg still ragu2...plzz ask ur ustaz ok?...
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