Fast and Furious Cars

Car selection, nice or not is highly dependent on individual taste. Anyway FnF has gone further from what it actually started from (and based on) which is street racing to a globetrotting, car-themed, action movie; which I guess would make more cents as it would appeal to a larger audience.
Lykan Hypersport for the win!
CGI or not. I'm happy and satisfied with what they had done to make this movie a success and not totally removing Paul Walker from this sequel. The CGI was made perfectly. I hardly can tell which is CGI and which is not. Seriously a job well done.

Yes, it has now become more of an action movie and it was a great idea to get all audiences instead of just car junkies. :top:
The last few sequels of FF have moved focus away from cars. FF7 is almost entirely centered on Toretto.
I aint'complainin, but more chicks in the movie wouldn't hurt.....:biggrin:
The last few sequels of FF have moved focus away from cars. FF7 is almost entirely centered on Toretto.

That is true. But I think they have no choice given that back then Roman used to bounce off Brian a lot, and its hard to have so many scenes with Brian talking while facing the screen given that Brian is no longer with us. I like Roman, funny man.

But I really don't like all this super spy mission impossible shit. Just stick to cars le. Macam Hollywood all trying to outdo Michael Bay like that. You got action? We got moar! You got explosion? We got cars flying through 3 buildings!
Want more chicks has to be Tokyo

Tokyo Drift is good, but it lacks a Gisele.

what would be better than Gisele?

2 Gisele....let's have 2 gisele in the next installment...
Honestly F&F has not been on my must-watch list anymore for a long time, coz the action gets more and more ridiculous every time. The last F&F that I still like was the Tokyo Drift. The ones after that I'd just watch them later on TV or pirated DVDs.
I found Tokyo drift the lousiest of the franchise. Poor acting, poor dialogue (more like no dialogue. Tsuchiya was awesome though) but the car scenes and all were good.

Did anyone notice Hans full name? Hans Seoul Oh. As in Hans Solo. Hehehe.
I found Tokyo drift the lousiest of the franchise. Poor acting, poor dialogue (more like no dialogue. Tsuchiya was awesome though) but the car scenes and all were good.

Did anyone notice Hans full name? Hans Seoul Oh. As in Hans Solo. Hehehe.

Loudest? The colors and mood was probably very vibrant and loud. But it doesn't compare to the explosions from the most recent one. :rofl:
Loudest? The colors and mood was probably very vibrant and loud. But it doesn't compare to the explosions from the most recent one. :rofl:

Erm.. did you read what I typed carefully? I didn't edit it or correct it, i put "lousiest".
Some ppl watch movies for special effect, some go for storyline, while some lay eyes on their fav. screen hero....

I guess most of us watch it becoz of the Cars...and cars in action.
Actors and actress are just supporting.
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