B16B use auto tranny, can or not

Bro Haki... tell u what. most of the b-series owner here especially who start with the b16a here will follow below route:

1) b16a + auto tranny
2) b16a + manual tranny (final drive 4.4)
3) b16a + manual tranny (final drive 4.4) + LSD-stock 4.4
4) b16a + manual tranny (final drive 4.785) + Torsen LSD

p/s: in my case i can skip item 1) & 2) becoz my EG9 already come in here with item 3) specification.....just upgrade 1 step only....
tq2...im just doing my research first..new advise from sifu2 here..coz niewbe and noob bout honda...tq sifu..
instead of going for B16B transplant then convert to auto (which will be very expensive)

why not just go for B18C GSR Auto? much cheaper and no conversion needed. the B16B may have slightly more HP. but the B18C would have higher torque. better for everyday driving.

or... B16A Auto halfcut.. mated with a B20B block.

no replacement for displacement.
instead of going for B16B transplant then convert to auto (which will be very expensive)

why not just go for B18C GSR Auto? much cheaper and no conversion needed. the B16B may have slightly more HP. but the B18C would have higher torque. better for everyday driving.

or... B16A Auto halfcut.. mated with a B20B block.

no replacement for displacement.

mind to share price for B18C GSR Auro halfcut? betw these two (B18C GSR and B16A + B20B Block) which one u more prefer sir?
not too sure... but if not mistaken... rm10k can get B18C GSR Auto siap pasang

but RM10k dont think u can get the B16B halfcut.
bro Haki.

If ur not gonna go all out drag or highway run...something for daily usage with nice power, a more REV happy engine without much worry and less $$$ will definitely be........... B18C GSR.

B16a + b20 block... very very very fun nice power without much mods etc...BUT... this block must give a lot of TLC. tender, loving, care. don simply rev everywhere 9krpm..

From the sound of it.. i think a more suitable engine for you is b18c.. auto or manual u decide. but vtec auto damn potong stim.. heheh just my opinion.
another question..if i change the engine, auto cruise function still can use or not? coz im always travel long distance..so need this function working well after i convert the engine..
actually u can still use EG halfcut for ur EK la bro... just not sure about the cruise control

the EK4 Halfcut oso dunno got cruise control or not.

if ur the kedekut tak ingat type... EF halfcut oso can use.. ha ha ha ha ha

but perhaps take a look at the dc2 or db8 integra halfcuts the B18C GSR Auto that comes with those cars might have cruise control...
coz...i heard someone said ek and eg have different wiring and the engine also could not fit properly on ek..EF small vtec lo...huhu...
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