At TIMETOATTACK, we have created a home for the negative flushers. The stance culture has taken the world by storm and where most would see it as an impracticality, these guys are set to go negative camber in the name of style and culture.
EPICSTANCE@TIMETOATTACK proved a success at 2012’s final round, with 150 stanced-out cars grazing the parking lot! From lemons to peaches, the stance cult made their way to Sepang International Circuit’s parking lot, and showed to the performance biased enthusiasts that – STANCE matters!
From K-cars all the way up to luxury saloons like the Mercedes CLS, all of them could be seen sitting low, and style’d up…or rather, down! But of course Stance is more than just about riding low. It is also about the culture. It was absolute joy to see the people and the support at the venue. Stancethusiasts from different locations on the map came to EPICSTANCE, to show to Malaysians and the rest of the world of their culture, and that the Malaysian automotive scene is growing!
This year at EPICSTANCE, we decided to do something different.
For 2013’s TIMETOATTACK, we once again called up the the cult and set them a challenge. What challenge you ask? Its TIMETOATTACK’s inaugural launch of “The Limbo Rock Challenge”. Just like the good ole’ Limbo game, but for cars. How low can you go?
Every stance car lined up for the limbo, beginning with MPVs, moving ahead with the K-Cars and sedans after. Despite being tight, the stance cult had great fun – going low. As the bar gets lowered, even the audience got involved, packing into the car to get through the limbo.
We are talking about some really serious Stance works – check out this Starlet above, with about 10 people in the ride.
This stanced Alza got through the Limbo easily. Check out that stance!
Seeing multipurpose family vehicles low down is mind boggling. EPIC!
This stanced out Persona goes under the limbo bar with ample of space to go.
Style is not just for the car. Owners got dressed up too. There was even one that brought a big teddy bear!
Flush like a boss! Very cool indeed.
Back seats full? No problem for the Stance boys. Just ride it up to get through the Limbo Challenge.
“S**t can we get through?”. And yes, in fact they did!
MC for the day. Going cray watching the cars go through the Limbo.
Heres some guys checking out the stanced down CLS
A very cool KE70 with flared arches and offsets
Stance on a minibike?
Crowds waiting for the next wave of Limbo cars!
Just grazed through the bar.
With the stance cult growing in number, we will soon need a much larger space for EPICSTANCE. The response from the ‘stancethusiasts’ for EPICSTANCE has once again been, in short, EPIC. Indeed, we look forward to another round of limbo rock and seeing more cars going Stance and grazing the tarmac for the competition.
Thanks to all that participated, and see you at EPICSTANCE 3!