It has been a while since we looked into any replicas, whether they are properly done or shabbily built. Nevertheless, it shows how amazing the outcome is when these great talents pour in their ideas and create a masterpiece that fools the eyes of the beholder. And our subject for this time is the legendary Ferrari F40.
This twin-turbocharged V8 machine is one of the greatest supercar ever built, and it has top the list of many auto enthusiasts as their most favorite car. But this car was produced in a small number for a short period of time, and even if someone manages to find one for sale, the price would not be anywhere one would call “affordable”, unless you are the Sultan of Brunei or some oil tycoon. So maybe if it is so hard to get an F40 that drives like the F40, maybe at least getting one that looks like it is more than enough.
And here comes the incredible talent. With a great attention to the smallest details available, the owner of this Pontiac Fiero V6 managed to closely imitate one of the finest supercars ever rolled out from Maranello. From the wide, swooping body all the way to the speedometer, almost no parts were overlooked by this amazing replica builder.
Maybe to the trained eye, the differences could be instantly spotted; like the different roof lines or some other parts that could only be spotted by them. Nonetheless, this replica definitely deserves two thumbs up and if you are interested in getting your hands on it, the Pontiac F40 is on sale at eBay with 40,000km recorded on the odometer at only RM 78,000. Any takers?