As dark clouds loomed and subsequently dished out their large quantities of precipitation (yes, its rain), we found Shedden Ee of ExoticMods pulling into the pits in his prized possession; a green VW Golf GTi monster of a machine that goes by the nickname “Bambee” which seems to be one of the main Euro Class car to beat at this year’s TimeToAttack finale.
Without hesitation, we managed to get quick word with Shedden, eagerly enquiring about his progress thus far:
So Shedden, hows your progress?
Yeah, not too bad, though we’d like to have improved on the time but unfortunately one of the tyres began to leak and we had to pull into the pits to get it changed out. Unfortunately, again the rain started up once more from the earlier quick shower which is why I’m back in the pits.
Do you regard anyone as your main rival during the TTA?
Actually, I personally don’t regard anyone as that, it’s all about the competitive fun out on the track and I’ve always been a big fan of TTA (TimeTAttack) ever since it first started, because it helps to bring all of us who love racing, together.
Tell us about your car?
Well there’s nothing much that’s been done to it (obviously being modest), but what ever I’ve been able to bolt onto the car, it’s been done and the engine is still stock standard. I’ve only re-mapped the engine to give me about 280bhp at the wheels and bumped the torque up.
Sounds like your torque level may be beyond the tolerance level of the DSG gearbox?
That’s right, so what I’ve done is strengthen up the gearbox and shifted the torque curve higher into the rev range. Unfortunately, during this kind of the weather, it makes driving a little more tricky and unsafe when there’s so much water on the track, especially when you’re on semi-slicks.
How’s your brakes holding up?
Very well, I love these brakes (by Forged), cross-drilled and slotted; it may be a little messy under hard braking at high-speeds but it’s able to slow me down rather quickly, so the car’s able to brake later into corners.
So what do you think about’s TimeToAttack?
Fantastic, I’ve always been a fan of the event ever since it began and I’ve been attending it ever since. Its a very successful event time and time again by bringing everyone together, including those from across the Causeway (Singapore). Hopefully the motorsports scene will improve even further with this event.