
Racerevo’s view of the Time To Attack Finale 2010

From It was a perfect 10 years anniversary for Zerotohundred, celebrated with four rounds of Time Attack at Sepang. The finale which is the invitation-only round was the cream of the crop battle. Only the best were present to sweep through Sepang at blazing speed in order to gain the top honour of winning the first ever Zerotohundred Time Attack Challenge and set the benchmark in the Hall of Fame.

The event was smooth sailing, the Zerotohundred men at work were dedicated. And together with the support of sponsors and partners such as Renault, Goodyear, Links, Mofaz, HPC and many others it was of no surprise. We would like to see the joint effort to continue into the future. For us, it goes to show that collaboration with the right people can go a long way.

Thinking into the future, we would see ourselves getting more involved with this new phenomena, we want to try to get to know the community better so that we could promote them better. This would be RaceRevo’s next immediate goal.

So who’s the fastest? Farriz dominated the finale after being absent in the 2nd and 3rd round. The wet weather which prevents Farriz from using slicks in the first round is no more. This time it was hot and humid, typical Sepang weather. With slicks on, Farriz managed an unbeatable time of 2.19.785 thus winning Supercars and Time Attack Machines category. Both categories are undoubtedly the highest honour in the challenge.

So the top honours goes to the best man with the best machines. However the recent Time Attack was not about one category, for a full rundown of the list of results, go to HERE

Let me introduce team partner duo, Ken Ji and Mr Nismo. Mr Nismo was on a temporarily converted drifting machine, but it doesn’t seem to stop him from getting very near to his team partner on a Hiper DCM Silvia S15 registering a close 0.2 of a seconds apart from each other. Ken Ji registered 3rd place in TAM category while Mr Nismo is 4th.

The closer we examine these two machines, the more extraordinary it appears. Both have red striking lively liveries, Both have interesting stuffs under the hood, polished showroom ready shining metal equipments. Both are not only fast but pleasing to the eyes as well. Even after they get the abuse during the Time Attack sessions. Keep it clean and tidy is Mr Nismo and Ken Ji’s way. Presentation was top notch and certainly an attention grabber. We are pretty sure they had everything plan in mind before breathing the car into life.

Hot favorite Kazama racing topped the timesheet in the NA category. Here is the team boss giving an interview to a media before the start of challenge. He was looking confident, his crew was quite relax. Perhaps the sign of victory emerge a step earlier than it should be.

They plan their strategy well, with a talented Lai Wee Sing at the wheel, things were running as pre planned. No chaotic moments in the pit, the perfect day at the office for Kazama Racing Team.

As the event progresses, cars go out and dived into the pits on regular basis. To give you an idea, it was like a F1 qualifying weekend with an old format. One of the reason they are doing this is because the track as is alive and ever changing in character.

So drivers are taking every possible chance to be out there on track with different setups to optimise the available grip. And hopefully when the curtain slips down, they will manage to nail it big time.

As usual, the name of the game is to prepare the right tyres with the right properties. It’s the most important single piece of components on a race car. You cant afford to get it wrong. It will cost time and a set of rubber. It doesn’t comes cheap at this level.

Technicians and engineers have neither yet fully succeeded in grasping the mysteries of car physics despite all the years of comprehensive study. It’s normal hence you hear phrases such as ” we got it wrong not the way we wanted, the setup was a mess, it was not drivable, and we try many new things and all of it didn’t work”.

Racing cars are like human body and soul, it is one part of physics, it is very complicated and mysterious. It has attributes and it has characters just like us. If we had known race cars with certainty and accuracy then the consequences is, margin of failures will be zero.

And I have problem with that, it will take away the thrills and dramas which often a script to a blockbuster story. Spectators needs the unknown factor, it is a recipe for any successful sporting event.

Now back on to the event, if we analyse the time, most of the participants in the finale has upped the ante. No more testing the water. It’s now or never, the HOF is certainly a nice place of bragging to be honest. In my opinion, this is the motivation that drives the participants to push the boundaries even further this time around.

Zerotohundred set out on their search for the fastest man on their 10th anniversary and Farriz have answered the call. To add, zerotohundred have not only succeeded in inviting petrolheads around Malaysia to compete with each other in their respective categories, but has set a new brand of competition in which every levels of car enthusiasts can take part in. We know zerotohundred have few things in the bag plan for next year and we wish them every success.

Finally to part with, some philosophical BS to ponder with. We are finite being, and racing machines have infinite possibilities. The finite will never be able to fathom the infinite and that’s probably why we, the petrolheads will never feel tired of this whole thing.

Editorial : Mu’az Zakaria

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