Changes to the designation of corner numbers will mean that the Marina Bay circuit is officially reduced from 24 to 23 corners for the 2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix on 28th September. The change in designation reflects amendments to Turn 10, at the end of St Andrew’s Road which passes City Hall and The Padang.
“Previously what was Turn 10 and 11 was actually 3 corners close together in a chicane configuration, created to provide the right geometry and corner speeds, due to the lack of straight ahead run off in this part of the circuit” says Singapore GP Director–Technical & Race Operations, Michael McDonough.
“As it is created solely around what is in effect the approach to one corner it was determined, in association with the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, that one turn number (Turn 10) be used with a, b and c identifying the change in geometry through the turn.”
In addition, there have been further changes to offer additional grandstand seating to accommodate overwhelming demand. In just four months, over 92% of the tickets to the 2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix have been sold.
With close to 100 days to the race, the demand remains so strong that race promoter Singapore GP Pte Ltd will be releasing an additional 1600 grandstand seats on 4 July 2008.
The Singapore Flyer Premier Grandstand will be converted to a larger conventional grandstand. In addition, there will also be a new Connaught Grandstand, on Esplanade Drive (opposite the Esplanade). Three-day passes for these grandstands are priced at S$698 and offer a great view of the action although they will not have access to giant screens.
Due to the high take-up rate of the walkabout tickets, the City Hall Steps, previously identified as a potential grandstand location, will instead accommodate viewing platforms for walkabout ticket holders. All these locations are shown on a new circuit map which will be made available to all ticket holders as well as being featured on the official website,
With the new additional grandstand, a total of 84,500 three-day walkabout and grandstand passes will have been released, plus 13,000 corporate hospitality and Paddock Club seats. A further 3,000 single-day walkabout passes per day have also been made available, bringing the total capacity per day to 100,500.
The Stamford, Raffles, Marina and Esplanade Waterfront grandstands are now sold out.
Turn 3, Bay and the Pit grandstands have only single-seat availability.
However, good seats are still available at Turn 1, Turn 2, Padang, Singapore Flyer, and of course the new Connaught Grandstand.
Tickets and Passes can be purchased in the following ways:
· Via the official website
· Via the dedicated ticket hotline on +65 6738 6738. The call centre is open from 1000 to 2000 hours Monday to Friday, and from noon to 1800 hours on weekends.
· Via dedicated 2008 FORMULA 1™ SingTel Singapore Grand Prix sales counters at Singapore Post offices all over the island.
Singapore GP has also appointed several ticketing outlets and distributors in key markets outside of Singapore, including North America, Europe, Australia and Asia. A list of appointed agents can be found on our website Hotel bookings may also be made via this official website.