When Is The Next Penang Toyota TT??

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I think we all not so free at that day......cos u know la,....chinese new year at 29/1/2006.......

see how first la... ok

shamburke said:
hi penagites,

anybody care for TT... i'll be in penang on 28th... thinking of lepaking for TT at sop "malaya hotel"....

alor setar 29th....

three toyotas......

How's life u guys there?
today just met Jazzman and Ah How at their foremen workshop.
I saw one PCF SEG monster overthere lo..
very fierce!
somemore got nice spoiler at the back and fit nice rims...if not mistaken is TOMS rims. CHun man!!!!saliva also come out when see that PCF monster!!!
nice nice nice.!!!
When is next TT?
count me in and sms me let me know as i seldom online lately....coz busy ma...

ok la..Take care guys!
Happy New Year!
tan2000_my said:

I think we all not so free at that day......cos u know la,....chinese new year at 29/1/2006.......

see how first la... ok


yahlor i dont think 28th kenot come out lo~ family reunion dinner :D 27th oso not sure coz bikini gal invited me to BBQ CNY hehehehe...
that day i also saw a monster seg with cusco sticker in bonnet !!!
how much u want to sell ur cusco adjustable?
yalo..that day i saw monster car wif cusco stiker...my pcf not a monster la...& not a tom rim la..wey ah how already go for venugopal ka...

accumulator said:
that day i also saw a monster seg with cusco sticker in bonnet !!!
how much u want to sell ur cusco adjustable?

eh who is selling cusco adjustable?> interested here... is it super strut?:_:
jazzman, have u found ur fuel pump? i went to the kedai potong at sp..no luck man...finis..finitto...just cost around rm130-180...other place got but too expensive.shamburke...ur coming to aloq setaq? mebbe we can meet..i'm sure some of us can spare some time for TTT...
wah alex..shopping kah..that cusco not for super strut...u can ask keny for it..adi..not yet..just asking why when i set the fuel reg to 3 bar..it produce some pelik sound..after set to 4 bar the sound hilang..4 bar manyak tinggi wo..regarding the fuel pump..juz asking only..
turbo10 said:
jazzman, have u found ur fuel pump? i went to the kedai potong at sp..no luck man...finis..finitto...just cost around rm130-180...other place got but too expensive.shamburke...ur coming to aloq setaq? mebbe we can meet..i'm sure some of us can spare some time for TTT...
yep, no poblem... tapi hang kat mana???? SPT ke aloq setaq!!!!nanti aku call!!!cheers..
vladimir said:
so when is the TOYOTA tt??? how about join together with the Bikini Gal Fan Club hehehehe... they oso tt...so many ppl tt waaahh..blur blur~

Wah vladimir....u got lot of kang tao izzit??... TT with girls?? hah...!!
u mix with TWC Wei they all one izzit? I mean the Voilent Team they all...!!
I'm Kevin...driving AE111 original la... number plate PDH69**

To all,
Hah hah...I'm back in penang... Just reach home online d...!! So boring in Melaka...
So how the plan everyone?? U all dont always bully me la... Me not always airplane one la... expecially Alex n Hao!! hahaha...!!
I go melaka look for engine...20V blacktop auto cos RM3500... very expensive loh...!! some more without back disc break...!!
eh...Jazzmen... when come out to have a drink?
this coming week got time?? and to Ah Hau too... when u free??
u all can just drop me a sms or call me la...
u all have my number d right??
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