Weirdest Hollywood (not) blockbuster

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Senior Member
Mar 2, 2005
Bandar Utama
Seriously i thought was a hollywood flick... but i enjoy to see how funny they are.. see the part where the attack a food stall n arresting people eating there... arrest a random old man and a jogging man...

quite sad also la.. see them acting weird..

P/S: sorry if this video is too offensive... plz delete !!!
speechless, indeed a sad movie.

wat r they doing???wat crime could possibly be stopped by arresting these ppl??
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Basically they are aresting anyone wearing a black shirt. And the plain clothes policemens they are stationed everywhere, so a hint of word talking about the events inside, they come and arrest you.

The police isn't a right here also. They cannot just simply pick up people just because their "spies" hear things. Its like they are catching chicken or something.
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Nizar being declared by High Court he's the rightful Perak MB..
Why the hell they keep arresting all those uncles and aunties?:hmmmm::hmmmm:
Did they just lock down the whole commercial area? Pity those who got arrested blindly just because they were in the area....

The last part the police even threaten a reporter....'Jangan cabar saya'
Why the hell they keep arresting all those uncles and aunties?:hmmmm::hmmmm:
Did they just lock down the whole commercial area? Pity those who got arrested blindly just because they were in the area....

The last part the police even threaten a reporter....'Jangan cabar saya'

yea.. pity the ones who are jogging, walking, n talking.. n worst... drinking coffee n having breakfast at that gerai.

tetiba got arrested...

i felt awkward... patut la.. many advised dont go to a riot even u just crossing by...

look at this times on the video if u want to know clearly

5.41.. arrested for being in the gerai
6:52 arrested a random old man
7:42 arrested a man jogging
DK, imagine 1 morning. you having your canai at your favourite mamak and out of a sudden few police rush into the shop and arrested you for nothing....If me sure throw the canai to his face. How about those that were wearing black shirt at the day coincidentally? :banghead:
DK, imagine 1 morning. you having your canai at your favourite mamak and out of a sudden few police rush into the shop and arrested you for nothing....If me sure throw the canai to his face. How about those that were wearing black shirt at the day coincidentally? :banghead:

see that's why... even myself pun marah... why the hell arrest me if i dont do anything wrong??

still want to arrest me... ok fine but be polite bcoz i dont have any stupid weapons or what so ever...

stupid rite to have police like this ??

i would love them to do something like this at Mat-rempits or their University...:mad:

or help stop the crime rate..
"saya jogging pun kena tangkap ka? apa salah? aiyo ocpd.. "

kesian....since when wearing black is a crime....

imagine u are working in Coffee bean....your uniform is black...ya house is near the supposed "hot" area....u going to work....while walking to work u kena tangkap...reason because wearing black....

i dont blame police rank and file for this....being in uniform u just follow order..i blame the IGP and Hishamuddin....and matter of facts i blame the politicians....on both sides that is....
If everyday there are so many policemen and armed forces patrolling our country, catch anyone who look like a criminal, Malaysia will be the most peaceful country in the world :banghead:
If everyday there are so many policemen and armed forces patrolling our country, catch anyone who look like a criminal, Malaysia will be the most peaceful country in the world :banghead:

Better off with catching criminals then catching all those innocent people....
Look at all the police in yellow vest. Looks so damn gagah catching old aunties, uncles, and people of no crimes ...

I LIKE TO SEE THOSE USELESS SHITS SO GAGAH GO CATCH CRIME ... Or go one on one, hand to hand with some criminals ... Stupid useless monkeys ... Ask them lay down their badges, and we go fist-fight's ... I'll like to see how well their fat-guts handle in a fight :thefinger:

"Go f*ck yourself, useless amoeba's and hope your ar*e-hole rots up to your balls ..."
erm..hope that the politic issue there solve soon..lets get back to business..:biggrin:
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