Vsixers : Perdana V6 Club Malaysia.

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quite malah lah bro...the price is around rm800 to rm900...if u confirm i can help u on that
bcrazy? which one shah? in v-sixers got 2 shah, decapullet & me blackcruzer
dah la ko ash...kencing memanjang...malas aku nak janji2 dah dgn ko....hp asyik tak dapat je call
weh....dah hp tu rosak...sy nak buat mcm mana.....darurat bang.....hehehe...english speaking here lah....2 days ago i went to sedap...playing marketiva...cant call u coz dont have hp now days...quite prob lah without hp....
Any TT tonight ppl..=)...izit the sedap in sunway mas ...correct me if im wrong..
ash... sabtu ari tu janji macam mana?? aku siap datang umah ko tapi dah kuar dgn syilla..hp syilla tu ada inform la jadi ke tak..

Lean, if you want to join V-Sixers Unofficial TT, come join us tomorrow (Friday) at Restoran Mosin Taman Tun (TTDI) 10.00 pm, call me 017-6398384
aik...no body inform pon abg dtg..kul berapa?sy kuar pon kul 2 pm...lambatnya abg dtg......nowdays very hard to borrow lah bang...ada ungkitan sikit lah(big isu now days..)...what to do...not my property...n she have right...even abt mas kawin pon i need to find my own...i already follow ur advice here but seem that its dosent work lah...bertambah malang lah nasib aku....my time until december......
klu abg dtg umah sy hari ahad pagi tu pon sy ada...susah gile takde hp ni...cuma afternoon je takde...go to auntie house..banjir at karak...0.5 meter...
bang....if i used FRS from my house to ur house can get ka?
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wei ash mlm niee thursday mosin bole tak?mau test ur car ler hehhe
just wanna ask if anyone ever got this problem on their v6tt...hehe

my engine jadi overflow whenever i start it..
check ECU all ok (even with other ECU)...
already change the plug...same thing happened..
asap hitam kluar...

1. wiring problem??
2. airflow problem?
3. turbo problem??

bro, your must check your airflow/fuel setting...wat bout ur air flow sensor?? have u check? fuel filter replace oredy? wat fuel pump r u using?
aikkk tokey ayam pun join sini..hahahha...welcome aboard galardo...

Need ur help.. I want to change my steering wheel to a sport one. Does the autocruise control at the steering wheel is connected to the steering? If i change my steering wheel, can i still use the autocruise control?

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