toyota LE club

yeahhh...TOman n levindash pelase post ur car pic here...dis 2 guys baru instal new engine laaa...wauuu.....rite now everybody hv engine garang2 1laaa....heheheh....very sad still stndrd....
The 16v actually rosak sikit only but if you really want to look for an excuse to change the engine, anything will do ! :rofl: I truly understand.....:biggrin:[/QUOTE]

yup..anythhing will do..! that corona's 3s enjin still cun pun tukar enjin lain :hmmmm:
so mana tahan.!.:biggrin:
can cucuk angin 3s vvti "head merah" dah ler..:biggrin: :biggrin: :burnout:
hehehehhehe...yeah your pic toman.....kot kot la...if saw your car...not there to cucuk you lor...hehehehhee
waaaa....rite now cikgu oso wanna convert his engine haaa.....dasat la bro...wehh TOman...dun forget my plug cable haaa....kawtim with nizam BT....cheap2 sudah laaa...
waaaa....rite now cikgu oso wanna convert his engine haaa.....dasat la bro...wehh TOman...dun forget my plug cable haaa....kawtim with nizam BT....cheap2 sudah laaa...
Here's Cikgu's BT:

dah kawtim dah..nizam said must blanja him "chipsmore" for 1 month..huhuhu prob bro....tonite if i'm free we meet at wrskhop...hahaha....give me a call 1st....key...dasat tuuu...LE wif BT inside is your engine convertion...bila nak masuk 3s?
You can take bro yau's 3s mah...he sell cheap2 only ma...member ma..hehehehhe...your engine, also can sell to me cheap2 lor...hehehehe..

bila lagi ada turun Penang....calling2 la ya...
huhuhhu....oso use BT when ****** the plug cable...nak install dah how ur dshbord....start working kaaaa.....
Hi All Member....

As promise....XL grill mod into my 8V AE80...sorry for the late post of this pic...hehehehe....pic not so clear...taken during the TT at Juru auto city at McD night time...
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