starcraft brood war

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Korean are gamers
most of em =)-
n is no suprise if their good in starcraft
as many tournaments were won by them last time
4-5 years ago when starcraft was so damn famous

Forever Love Protoss..
u can try n zerg rush protoss
bt chances are .. ur fail =)-
bt ya zerg rox
zergling rush can kill almost any player if that player sux
:P zerg rush protoss sure fail......sure or not.... :D

if micro management tip top...then u stand a chance...

btw, warcraft 3 also is a good game...onli need some balance fix a bit... :P

once a gamer...u r a gamer for life.....
my 6 ling rush can kill protoss kingharuan said...its all abt micromanagement....

eh kingharuan, hid3 n all zth gamers....come bnet la...more malaysians more fun....go rape guai lous....hahaha
a3rosp3c very 'dewa' ..... very hustler in all race especially in terran... biggrin.gif laugh.gif

dont trust this guy !!!! i'm just an average player with basic knowledge. :P hehehe..... where got 'dewa' 1. feetrisk is the ZERG HUSTLER !!! never underestimate him. never rush other player but alway beat opponent in middle game. hahhahaha. neway i believe there r more sc player in zero bcoz its an old favourite unit is the terren goliath. best unit for air n land.hehehe. guys, whats ur favourite unit?
btw, when is the sc ghost coming out? damn blizzard, still concerntrating with warcraft3.
cant wait for sc2 :D (hope there will be sc2 :( )
ghost is for :( ps2/xbox onli i it sum where in

W.o.W is realy geting a hit in the states...

fav unit for sc broodwar : :ph34r: adun toridas... :ph34r: dark templar..& terran medic (cun chick wor :P )
fave unit has to be ultralisk....strikes fear into the heart o ur opponent....especially 3:3 upgraded ones.....

but most value for money unit i reckon is the hydralisk
not forgetting the protoss worker peon....meeeooooooowwwwwww :lol: :lol:
Koreans dont cheat on Starcraft. THEY ARE JUST TAT DAMN GOOD!!

Their hands and finger very quick on the keyboard and mouse (they very skillfull to use "hotkeys")

In Korea, Starcraft is like a religion and almost EVERYBODY plays it.

The Koreans have their own Starcraft Championship (sponsored by major companies)

They even have their own national TV channel braodcasting Starcraft matches.

I play abit of starcraft but realy suck at it though.
koreans are game maniacs...saw 1 clip last time this korean guy play RE2 (resident evil 2) finish the game onli using :o knife only...gila man... :o
joeker - Samsung has an elite team of Starcraft players, they play games for a living, and Samsung pay them salary every month and sponsor them to go to local or international championships, saw it on tv once they got a cute girl member all also wearing blue space suit looking thinngy, JEALOUS :angry:

PS, jealous of their lifestyle not their space suit :lol:
i still play starcraft occasionally. yes it's a very good RTS game.. i think it's qualified to become an evergreen!
eh.. really surprised to find SC:BW gamers here haahah
I used to frequent the US WEST server last year during hols, dis year cant play much laa.. SPM wuwwuwuwu
my fren going WCG this year... last year he went, got fourth, i think he's the best SC gamer here in Sarawak.
Well i learnt SC from him, and the last time i touched it was like dunno how many years ago... then after that picked it up, its like quite hard, but in the end, can get used to the hotkeys for zerg, protoss and terran.
I disagree that Korean gosu gamers cheat. Try using BWChart or BWScanner. The programs dont even mark their moves suspicious. ITs all bout your strategy and APM.
But still, strat owns APM. with APM and no strat, u will still lose.

Many would think Terran owns Zerg, yeah kinda true, but depends on lvl of play also..
Korean Zerg Player, Yellow, he pulls off nice strats against terran, and wins sometimes. See how TvZ is kinda dizzy actually. beginning T sends stimpacked rines go slay the zergs and all, then zerg repel their attack, go play lurker. I wanted to learn how Yellow plays. very cool. Research the transport for overlord and speed, then send in the lurkers using it.

Zergs would good against Toss, imho. Muta rush and if the toss guy didnt resort to turtle strat in the beginning, meaning no cannons on mineral patch, in maps like LT, then easy to win. If they use comp strat, where they normally build cannons on the mineral patch, then harder to fight. need to find more openings.

For Toss, i'd normally execute 1 gate 2 robo rush. 1 shuttle with 2 reavers. If executed well, u can heavily damage your opponent, but micro has to be good.

For Terran, obvious isnt it? Terran Push strat, most effective, but takes lots of concentration. must push to enemy's base and not forgetting more factories and more tanks + vuls.

OVerall, its a good game and it didnt lose its fame, despite its old age.
efini i also alwaz on US West server....wats ur nick online?? wats ur fren's nick??

yah u're rite...strat owns APM....i've seen players wif only like 90apm kill ppl wif 200++ apm....

seen alotta TvZ where zerg wins....forever tech to defilers and rape the terran....hahah....but needs alotta micro to live long enuff for defilers to appear ;)

anyways...come play online la....we got a malaysian channel....brood war mas-1....lotta freiendly ppl there :)
toss player here,us-west server,channel:brood war mas-1
sc the best RTS game forever
nice game not too complicated. compare to nowdays RTS game
eh where did my last post go? deleted mer??
i used to frequent MAS-1...

i use the IDs we.the.zerling, whiskynwine etc.. but the nick i use to most in MAS-1 is wethezergling.... i create many IDs cuz my records very bad wan.

my fren's nick is Bacardi or soemthing like that and his old nick was MarZ. dunno if he still uses it..
you ask lingwu or YenJun whos marz, they will tell you.
me now facing the problem when updating it need to remove n reinstall agian?
SR20 Charlie...
whats your ingame nicK? my friend wants to know.
he is II-Bacardi
find 1 time then we on9 brood war n fight,c who more skillful,hahahah
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