RE Club Gathering Meet

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Hi phat7,

actually its an open invitation from my small little community to ask for some joint exercise on a speedrun convoy cum tt session to build further friendships and aso to get to know u guys better :)

our rides, consists mainly on evos, a bit on other makes on subaru, skyline n even rx8 :)
Mazda Cosmo 929 For sale .....

Kindly Post in Main BOard
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Heh! Heh! I know Iam opening up old stuff. RE addiction-la. Somebody open a thread for Kumars so he can put all his stuff in there. Hey Kumars no harm intended...dude. Just to make it easier if we need parts from you.:mouth_closed:
so.... this month..... we have a long weekend for new year..... care for some events ?

DDgreystar seems to be opening an invitation for us.
dev, any idea ? join or not to join or we have our own fun ?
Hi RE bros,

yeap....we would like to extend the invitation to u all :) anyways, i received some confirmation from your lead...but just rougly to know if u guys are confirmed ?

Alchemis or Rerider can we pls meetup tomolo nite to discuss the lgoistics ?

Pls let me know ASAP :)

unfortunately, i'm still in penang. only coming back to KL on friday night. if meet up on friday night, it'll be great.

i'll arrange with RE RIDER if he's going to meet up with you.
CB, could u pls contact DD for meet up this evening? I may join u guys later after the shopping for my baby stuffs. Baby's due date pretty soon.:_:

joewe, i'm not around until midnight. only arrive in KL by then...
i'll contact DD, you go ahead meet up with him.
MANY MANY THANKS to u guys all for making this historical meetup n speedrun a excellent success...........special thanks to ALCHEMIS n RERIDER for really co ordinating this excellent meetup.....guys we really appreciate......

hope to have some more further meetups n runs be continued !!!!

p/s: it was a eye opener for us ...even myself to see such darting re monsters out there !!!! KUDOS to u all !!!

wow dude... 4.41 AM u still online :)
i got back 4 AM i'm half dead :)

yeah it was a very classic speed run.... how fast are we running... better not to mention here.... all we can say is FAST and furious.... with some hint of hot persuit going on midnight. not a high speed car chase. but hide and seek :)

pretty exciting night seeing some of the others do launches.
unfortunately my car is not well tuned yet. some balancing and some adjustment on the suspension side will make my run more fun :)

unfortunately i didn't bring any camera to shot any historical pictures. maybe we'll wait for joewe to put in the video and i'll see what i can do with the videos.

good morning :)
yeap.. everyone has been really quiet for a long time...
busy or joint other groups for meet up...

it's almost time to come out again.....
actually... we have a larged meet up on 22nd July the HPC event :) pretty amazing number registered...

stay tuned
Re: RE Club meets last Thursday of each month

bro im doing t-shirts and gifts do u all want to do for ur club ??
if u wan u guys can pm me and i can come for ur meeting and show u all what im doing
Re: RE Club meets last Thursday of each month

Greetings all,

What rotary clubs are there in KL? and what type of rotarys are allowed
to join? from most of the post I gathered from this thread....
everyone has really gone quiet.
Re: RE Club meets last Thursday of each month

basically, we're everywhere... some in, some in JSOC, some are purely here, some are multiple clubs... but here you can get alot of contacts and owners...
Re: RE Club meets last Thursday of each month

So when is the next meet for rotary freaks???
I dont drive any RX7 or 8 but I have a old classic 808
which runs on a 13bt...

Re: RE Club meets last Thursday of each month

That's an amazing car....the 808....

Would love to meet up and check your ride out.

Must be a beauty!
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