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aiks i seldom drive dat car out le...haha havnt take out da rollcage...hehe...always can see me driving SLK aso..hehe same geng ma..

aiks...ff drift hahaha

i told u its gonna be loud if u take out ur cat and u din add any bullets...huhuh sure damn 9 loud hahaha
later later i will get zenden bullet.. that shop have bullet too..but not as attractive as zenden... today just change my left rear absorber...bocor already..lucky under warranty....
DuKe said:
aiks i seldom drive dat car out le...haha havnt take out da rollcage...hehe...always can see me driving SLK aso..hehe same geng ma..

aiks...ff drift hahaha

i told u its gonna be loud if u take out ur cat and u din add any bullets...huhuh sure damn 9 loud hahaha

aiks...u also drivin SLK now??wow~!so got gang liao le..cuz all MONSTER cars here...damn shame 2 show my SLK le...
DAVE2006 said:
what mean by slk????????

for normal "slk" , mean small-little-kancil.
but for alpha's SLK is diffrent.....its call "sliding little kancil"....
better watch out....hahaha....
for normal "slk" , mean small-little-kancil.
but for alpha's SLK is diffrent.....its call "sliding little kancil"....
better watch out....hahaha....

not merc slk?
eyong :

try to be there earlier..
u dun wanna miss out da 'show'....
melody : didnt get to see those u recomended as we hang out at the big hall...
didnt take any room to have fun....maybe next time la.....met the floor manager yesterday...forgotten his name....nice guy with big thumbs up service...heard this this friday is 13th aniversary.....might go there again.....

hope last9 was fuuunnnnnn...:angel_smile:
are they ok??
er wanna come dis Friday??
melody said:

hope last9 was fuuunnnnnn...:angel_smile:
are they ok??
er wanna come dis Friday??

i didnt take any companion last nite....
just drink at the hall down stairs with frens.......
cannot have fun lar....too bright and too many people watching...
how to get naughty....most probably coming this friday....
yep..its the club anniversary..
but not upstairs.. different..
if u wanna come, i'll reserve a table 4 ya..
tables are limited..
ya receive my invitation, rite??
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