Part 2: Any Lancer A172 Or A174 Die Hard Here?

Jiman.......LSD= Lord Speed Drifter.....hahahaha

Guys..anyone going to Batu Kawan (Penang) this weekend? Got R3 proton event held there. Streetshootout.......drift......etc..etc..etc maybe drag kot. I might be goin.....
guys.. i'm not a drifter lah.. more to "slow in.. fast out.."

this weekend am gooing to terengganu lah.. hometown..
eh lets have yamcha lah friend.. this week.. free til thursday..

gent'.. u drive that black colour lancer ah.. ur house infront of caltex and esso section 11 shah alam ah?

heya guyz! about lsd..i',m using a gsr turbo lsd and made it full lock and
paired it up with a gsr turbo prop shaft..hmm.mine's working well..jz that
gotta use LSD oil and its not cheep nowadays..and yeah if not taken care well
its be like shit and got noise/vibration n feel like the rear wheel axle goin to jz
jump out from its mount and run away!
yeah! Jiman hope your kar's all good to go!
Take care guyz..minyak naik adi..kena low boost..
Just got back yesterday from BATU KAWAN on Monday morning. It's worth the money to go there. R3 making a debut and won the drift event with the FR Waja.........yes a rear wheel drive Proton Waja. It was driven by Djan and he was very........very ....very fast in drifting. The event was held at Stadium negeri batu kawan carpark. It was a long and huge carpark. Kudos to R3!!! Hoping to go to batu kawan (penang) again. Jiman- my lancer is not black. Maybe that's my friend.......eddy.
wah waja FR? got any pictures ah? wah really keng man..

oo eddy ah? okay.. aniway juz some updates.. my lancer now, really fun and happi to drive.. no more that power steering spinning sound and no more tien.. haahha that tien really made my life misserable lah.. really hard even at times i felt like my chasis going off.. now.. really felt the comfortness .. uhhh ahhhh.. and clutch also smooth.. now my mivec and 3sGT left at home.. now more fun driving my lancer a172 orion weber... fuel consumption also good.. full tank last for 2 weeks plus.
really two weeks pluss!!?? i cant believe it ... using weber somemore? ... mine is a standard 1400 engine also cannot get that ... maximum i get was 350Km .... maybe tuning no good ?? god knows...
here got also..

wah.. that edy totaled ah? damn sad.. but i know where to get chasis.. aniway back to our lancer thread..

haah, 2 week plus.. maybe sometimes more.. today i drive my lancer to office.. really can thrash out the car and take kancil trubo, and satria 1.3, wira 1.5 for breakfast.. hahhah.. "u gotta feel the car" dude.. hheheh.. once u master it... then thats it lah!
Ya la....sad to say it was total loss. now i don't have a drift partener. hmmmmm
no offend to the unfortunate... but is there any sales on the car parts? brake dicsc or whatever??
muzani said:
no offend to the unfortunate... but is there any sales on the car parts? brake dicsc or whatever??

That one, you have to wait for a while since the owner is still pening kepala what to do next.........maybe buy another lancer BUT maybe not. I'll inform if there's any sales........
hey guy i just wondering tat if my S15 engine take it out n put the 20B or 13B into my lancer how izzit ........? how u guys think? coz now i wan 2 take part in drag event....!!! how u guys thing ...? but in my heart already got a special engine tat is 20B or 13B with fully load n running M800 or M600 or otherwise in mircotech comeputer box n T78 turbo n APEX seal n air 2 air cooler (......pls not intercooler or letak ice kering 1 like JAMSARI 1) n many more can u guys give me some opinion ........? :tee: lancer never die !!!!!!! :eek:
oh yeah.......JIMAN u know apai....? he driving a honda accored with colour CHAMPION with n 2.2 V-tec he some times teman u balik kampung 1 :rock:
hi just tot i'd popped by to tell u there is a drift event comming soon in melaka .. and a drift school in shah alam .. taught by ah fai... well if u guys are interested . check out : )
gentleman said:
That one, you have to wait for a while since the owner is still pening kepala what to do next.........maybe buy another lancer BUT maybe not. I'll inform if there's any sales........

I think not.. somebody already bought the whole car..
dotcom said:
oh yeah.......JIMAN u know apai....? he driving a honda accored with colour CHAMPION with n 2.2 V-tec he some times teman u balik kampung 1 :rock:

yes.. i do kenal apai.. wassup dude? heheh
how is apai ...? n how is ur leg......? already okei ye....n already can go karting already..???
dotcom said:
how is apai ...? n how is ur leg......? already okei ye....n already can go karting already..???

Apai ada call me once in while.. hes doing fine i guess.. my leg fine .. thanks.. Karting is my monthly events nowadays..

Gentleman.. or gentle-Leman.. hehhe

edi did told me bout you... Rahim also ada.. hehheh
JiMaN[KilleR] said:
I think not.. somebody already bought the whole car..

SOMEBODY??? HAHAHAHA...........i know who bought it laaaaa. very fast one la this guy.
It's a very good engine btw.....just been fully overhauled b4 the accident.

Yeag, i think that night eddy & rahim tried to call me........i was already zzzZZzzzzZ off i think.
gentleman said:
SOMEBODY??? HAHAHAHA...........i know who bought it laaaaa. very fast one la this guy.
It's a very good engine btw.....just been fully overhauled b4 the accident.

Is that so? wah! damn lucky man that guy.. heheheh.. do u know hows the performance for that engine.. that guy bought.. heheheh.. just curious u know.. hhehe
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