Motorbikes for Mat Rempit who help curb crime


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 4, 2005
BALING: Putera Umno will reward Mat Rempit here with motorcycles for helping police detain snatch thieves......

Full story courtesy frm Thestar

so wat's ur guys opinion???
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if we helping police detain snatch we get awarded even 1 cent???
easy what.... all the mat rempits just surrender themself to police and they will get a motorbikes lah....most of them are the snatch thief what...
will they give a car to mat revit for helping ?
wow, i like this idea.

"If you use your Wira to bang 10 snatch theives successfuly (STRIKE!), we will give you new Mitsu Lancer as reward"

damn, is this another NEP but funny version?

how come these the the politician keep on joking by themselves la?

all like small kids~

if i kena snatch thives i get rewarded also.

sighs..what point are they trying to take?
Wow. Putera Umno sure knows how to make jokes. If I catch 10 rapists, I'll be awarded with a nice clean china chick? Or if I help nab 10 illegal indon immigrants, I get 1 nice pretty sexy indon maid for free? Or if I help nab 20 corrupted police officers, I get their Police Satria GTI (the white and blue one with police siren)? Or do I get to be prime minister if I expose all of Pak Lah's secrets? hhmm....

I think I'll just settle with with the nice pretty sexy indon maid. That way, I get the cleaning that needs to be done around the house (including cleaning me), plentiful rounds of round of massage and of course, plentiful rounds of pleasures. Now how about that. hahaha
BALING: Putera Umno will reward Mat Rempit here with motorcycles for helping police detain snatch thieves......

might as well hire pedophiles to work in childcare centres, a conman to be bank manager.
easy what.... all the mat rempits just surrender themself to police and they will get a motorbikes lah....most of them are the snatch thief what...

Hah!! What The Fucking Right Point here!! How come the putra umno came out of this idea?? I pay taxes just to let the goverment buy bike for those damn mat rempit? I d rather give my money to buy them a grave yard!! Cant believe this!
Well, looking at it positively, it might be a good idea. I mean, we can't generalize them all as snatch thieves. Even if they are, it's still a good thing. You know, Mat Rempit busting Mat Rempit. Either way, someone is going to serv jail time for a crime and that is a good thing, no? Besides, it's not like we can chase snatch thieves using cars, with all the traffic around.
why izit i see news everytime putera umno like supporting rempit from one way to another? putera umno all made out of rempit also ar?
hopefully they'll betray their friends for new bikes and then they'll start a gang war and kill themselves...superbo superbo formidable...formidable...
good way for putera to TRY to erradickhead rempit
BALING: Putera Umno will reward Mat Rempit here with motorcycles for helping police detain snatch thieves......

so wat's ur guys opinion???

So, this is another form of discrimination?
Lets say, a malay lady who has never ridden a bike before catches one, what are the odds she would be paid RM50? She doesnt qualify under the "Mat rempit" group fwiw.
What about a off-duty policeman? A random passerby? A tourist?

What happened to the singh guy who was catching snatch thiefs by himself for quite some time? Any free bike for him?
Now this is funny, as they think malaysians need "baits" to perform our own social duty.
Apply for your mycard and stand to win a car?
Catch a thief and win a bike?

Lasty, of all social groups, they appealed to the group with arguably the worst public conduct and driving/riding attitude? Who is to bear the cost for property damage if a chase goes on? The victim's own insurance?
Seems to me... our so-called G is losing support from everyone due recent price hikes and now they have to resort to such cheap tricks to gain cheap votes. Bah...
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