Mothers Thread! My Mom !

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4,000 RPM
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May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
dude first thing to do is take a hammer and give ur head a knock
second think deeply before posting something
third dont curse ur mom
forth its not her mistake at all

i am not a very good child in my family , can say a black sheep of the family
at first wasnt trusted at all in doing anything
but man , earn her trust first la ok , then u will be able to do anything you want to
dunno how i turned good when time passed by , until when i need to get my friend out of his house for an outing , their parent will be saying , "is Jin following you"

ok my question , those days , have u been doing wrong thing ?
have u been into big troubles before ?
u said the other day , u cant sleep ? , bro come on bro , let us know ur problems , we are not gonna laugh at you ok , share it with us , some of them here are already unkers and fathers , they gone through all the shit you can think of ok bro ?
you can even ask us for a Yam Cha , we are not gonna say "we cannot yamchar with you" , come on la ok , we in zth like brothers , u r not alone okay bro.

sometimes i never realised how much i love my mom ,
u also will never realised how much she loves you ,
it doesnt need to come in words ,
she doesnt need to say "i love you son" to show that she loves you
she is protective , u cant change her , best is when u go out ,
keep giving her calls tht u are alright
to keep her calm , of cos u got a good friend that your mom likes ?
a friend which she says "you should be like XXX la "
then when u call her up make sure u say , i am with XXX we are just studying.

one last question , where is ur father bro ,
if you father passed away , sorry bro to pop this question
your mother will be more protective if your father is gone
cos she will feel that its her job to take care of u , since he is gone.

dont curse ur mom or hate her , or we will hate u


3,000 RPM
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Dec 1, 2003
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moms are like that BECAUSE she loves you!

she's worried, why? you're doing things that she has no idea and totally clueless about, and that's worrying the SHIT outta her.

educate her slowly, i know how it feels too.
my mom also scolded me for all the mods i did to the car.
my mom also scolded me for joining races, and used my friends (whom she thinks is very obedient and 'kuai') as examples to NOT go racing.

ie: "see, Chien Wei where got do this sorta things?"
"Alex is so kuai, he listen to his parents, never go racing"

"er.. mom, they're both my team manager and team mechanic.."

*****SILENCE* * ** :lol: :lol:

it's just a matter of time.

heck, a arch rival of mine, does everything i do, similar things, like the course i study, he cycles, martial arts, and yes, Racing.
his father sponsors him to go racing! encourage him to race the PORSCHE!!! :ph34r:
and his mom is the loudest supporter at the pits/grandstand.

we're the same age.


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Dec 10, 2003
one word Dude : U are So Stupid!!Dumbass!

:angry: :angry:

come to think abt it..
who are they here?who dont like thier parents?

i can Surely say No!
everyone..who does the same we do..

wat the Hopeless sons u are!


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Jan 29, 2004
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u'll understand when u become father one day.

and your heart will really feel the pain to hear this from your son


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Mar 13, 2005
Originally posted by BlackSamurai@Apr 9 2005, 10:56
everytime she mumble, hug her and tell her that you love her.
and tell her that you are growing up , you are learning how to take care of yourself.

"Mom, i need to learning to be an adult and to take care of myself, you won't be with me in my entire life. And I'm learning it now, hope that you can support me."

<!--emo&:)--><img src='style_emoticons/default/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

2 cents
vv nice bro! *two thumbs up*
becoz i think thts 1 of the best way to calm her down and relief her worries...

alrite back to the topic,
bro typicalguy,
come on lar.. dont curse/say something bad about ur mom dude... really really not a good thing to say.. i mean my mom worried about me too ... at 1st... i was like ur situation... felt angry about it.. becoz i think no freedom given to me ... then later on... i just take the whole "worry about me" thing as a way to discipline myself from being a bum... imagine.. no1 to guide u in watever things u do... u'll be like a wildchild loitering around some place u regard as "happening" place... and u lepak until god knows wat time... prolly went back home around 7 in the morning... well, all i wanna say is they will worry about u.. but u can cure this situation by calling them 1st.... tell ur mom tht u r doing fine.. and wat time u expect u be back home... ask her not to worry about u and etc etc etc/....

hope the situation btw u n ur mom will be better ! *finger crossed*
:) ;)


1,000 RPM
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Dec 29, 2004
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i never said i hate my mom lar...I said pundak to show my frustation.

My father is still here.My father let me do everything on my own not my mom.

Im speechless already lar..Thank you everyone,at least i feel better now.

Time to tell my mom i wanna eat.


6,000 RPM
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Jan 2, 2004
The first person in anyone's life that they should respect is their mother, the life giver, the child bearer. Disrespect to mothers in any situation at all will result in very bad karma in the near or far future. Don't believe in karma? Then believe in payback cos it DOES happen, whether we want it or not. Just my 1.5 cents worth of thought. Peace.


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Nov 14, 2003
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Originally posted by arrowhead@Apr 9 2005, 09:34
<!--emo&:ph34r:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='ph34r.gif' /><!--endemo--> she's ur mum dude...  <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo-->  of course she'll be worried, like if u got a girlfriend, who goes out everyday with friends more often than with u.. wont u get worried of her too? its almost the same feeling ler..  <!--emo&:huh:--><img src='style_emoticons/default/huh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='huh.gif' /><!--endemo-->

What arrowhead said has a point. I regret I didn't appreciate my mother enough when she's around. I would treat her much better if she's still with me.


500 RPM
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Dec 17, 2003
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I love my parents very much ! :lol:


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Jan 25, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
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wut a arsehole man.. come on how the hell can you say so many bad things about your mum? seems like you have not been in love before and you are just so childish! next time when you have a girlfriend whom you love so much, you will care for her the same way your mummy cares for you.. then onli you will understand your mummy's feelings.. control your emotions, control your temper and be rational..
my advice, get a life, and grow up, and stop posting this kind of shit nonsense that will piss people off.. useless.. if i have a brother and he tells me this, i will slap the shit out of him.. and i bet many would! you will come to a point in life one day where you will remember posting this on ZTH, and you will be so ashame of yourself.. boy am i disgusted with you!!??...


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Dec 6, 2003
muahahaha dunno y the 1st thing tat pop into my mind is mother nvr breast feed u ler! tats y ur hatred?? jus joking bro! :lol:

ok, sum mothers really nag alot, so i do know wat ur going thru. not all mothers will hv a nurturing sense, sum downright hate their kids. seriously.
but from wat i gather is ur mom not so bad. u just cant take it. it will eventually go away. tat time is when she has understood ur grown up, n mature enuff as a person. when tat time is, hard to say lor :D

oh yeah, give the guy a break la. he is frustrated as it is, n maybe he didnt put his words rite in his posting. -_-


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Oct 27, 2004
1st Half of our life are ruined by our parents;
The 2nd half by our children.

Must really get wat it means man.

U can't choose ur parents.

But guys dun la be harsh on him, at times we got really frustrated and reluctant, exactly like him, i also feel damn geram at that moment.
But i stood up and had a "diplomatic" talk wif my parents.
It worked, but i didn't only try once. Moses tried 7 times to let his ppl go.
Seriosuly how old are u?( i dun mean to Insult or stuff), but since u know acura i think ur around her age, she shud let u already.
There is nth much u can do la... but do u lepak too much? maybe u can lie to her a bit bout ur college routine so that u can have more time of ur own.

The worse punishment i had for being rebelliant was to wash my own clothes, cook my own breakfast, work in Salvation part time(to earn the pocket money she din gif me), and sometimes settle my own dinner. It's wasn't so fun to have total freedom, for that moment. I took it as a gift, more than regret, honestly; the gift to let me know how good my mom was and how i miss her nagging me. Thank god it stopped. After that, i found myself more discipline, more than those college boys where their daddy pay their bills and go to "happening" places.

Guys this stage is normal la... dun call his arsehole or sumthin... i'm sure he luvs his mom, like how u guys did. <!--emo&;)--><img src='style_emoticons/default/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle'
alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->

Oh ya, i've been noticing kids from my sis's age like to tells other "get a life", "grow up"... these 2 aren't some very good words to use man... wat do u know bout life and, isn't he growing up?


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Dec 9, 2004
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Man you should be happy you got the change to be with your mom..... i have not been with my parents for 2 years now... i am only 22 and living alone in the UK because of Univeristy.... she cook for you... care for you and worry fo you.... should be happy she worry and care for you and not leave you... dun care if you are alive or dead.... parents give you unconditional love.... my mom also nag and worry about me.. but got to show your mom that you are capaable and independent.... good luck man...


500 RPM
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Oct 3, 2004
Okr, Kuala Lump
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dude u can say this or blame ur mommy!!coz ur mommy very care bout u ma!!u noe what even u r 15 or 50 or 80 u still mommy small boy de!!so cant say like this and that to ur mommy!!if ur mommy noe that u say her like that she sure very heart pain la!!but what u can do is both of u sure speak to ur mommy heart to heart!!tell her what did u need and what did u want!!!coz ur mommy dunno what u wan and she think that u still young and naive ma!!so one of these day calmly sit beside her and have a chat wif ur mommy!!!anyway mommy is always do the best thing for their son no matter how hard is it!!but as their son they will never understand their mommy!!dude sooner or later u will noe what ur mommy do is for ur own goodness!!!


2,000 RPM
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Jan 2, 2004
so, we can buy everything in this world except our Mother and Father.Remember, we live only once and we doesnt know when will they die. Too bad when they have gone, we are going to miss all the good and bad times with them.
So live with it cherish the good and bad times.That is life buddy!

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