MBPJ no-show parking fines ridiculously high!

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Oct 23, 2005
Guys, just want to know what you guys think. I was at SS2, PJ just now at 5pm. I parked the car in the proper box, but forgot to put a ticket as I thought it was already past 5pm. Anyway, I got a freakin' fine for no-show parking ticket! And it's RM100!

Bugger! This is the first time I ever heard of getting fined 100 for a simple not showing parking coupon! WTF! What do you guys think? Anyone kena before?

Me and my friend were looking around for the bugger who put the ticket, but could not find! Wanted to tapau the guy and chop his fingers off! :angry_smile: Isn't RM100 ridiculously high for a simple offence like that?! Even the police saman not that high. Wat?! By not displaying the coupon I am endangering people's lives kah?! MCB! I'm damn angry at MBPJ now!

Am seriously thinking of bringing this to the press! Get the silly buggers into more sh*t than they are already in! No wonder they got so much moeny to spend on the freakin city celebration!

But before I do, I want to know if anyone ever kena the same thing. What will happen if I don't pay? Got discount kah? Please share with me your experiences and thoughts. We must bring these fools down!:angry_smile: :angry_smile:
Er you want to beat up someone for your own mistake? Heheh the price is like that everywhere for a long time already lah. And parking rates apply until 6:30 if Im not mistaken.

Around Uptown area its RM100 for not displaying a parking ticket, RM80 for USJ/Subang/Sunway area. Not sure what reasoning is that.

But go appeal and youll probably only need to pay RM50 or less.
It is RM100 for not buying/displaying the ticket. You can get discounts though. Go to 3rd floor of Menara MBPJ. There's a 'rayuan' counter.
wow xavier, u baru balik from Mars or what dude?

The price has always been RM100, well, as far as i know lah ... Sometimes i think placing a "fake" ticket there is cheaper if we get caught then not putting a ticket at all .. Stupid right?

Chill man, after a few minutes u'll feel better. When u find the ticket of course u bengang punya.. These people are not stupid too, they know how to hide after they place the ticket. So u cant whack them hahahahaa..

You can rayu to RM30 , IF you pay before u get the warning letter. So faster go pay n get over it la .. Next time dun forget to pay ticket.
Well, b4 u commit an offence, be smart 1st. No point bitching later.
Dont pay MPPJ...they are a bunch of useless idiots who does no help to anyone!All they know how to do is hide behind bushes and summon people even if they leave their car there for just 1 min. Once i park my car at the road opposite Public bank uptown,got down for just 1-2 min to deposit a cheque,lo and behold,when i came back my wheels got clamped !

Dont pay MPPJ fines guys...they dont have the power to do anything.
Actually, they do... send court letters which u must attend. However, they only do this if ur total fines exceed RM 500 or more.
i thinki must keep an old ticket...hope can cheat those MPPJ....hehe
That doesn't work... officers are trained to detect old and new tickets.
I have alot of fines but i dont think exceeded RM500...despite their court letters,i didnt pay for the summons.They are too much really....i dont know what they gain by hiding and waiting for people to summon.Lifeless fools!
Thanx, guys... but to my defense, I just came from Sarawak la! Never noticed the ticket thing... Harhar! Fines for not displaying ticket in Kuching only rm5! Here's rm100?! Paloilah!

Nm, I'll go appeal la! And really, ppl never question why rm100?! cut-throat MBPJ! Next time I will purposely park my car there, wait until I find the 'coward' MBPJ officers and Whack their ASS! Whack them...! Dun care la they kuhli or not... someone haveta show them who's boss!

Someone's gotta show their lame-ass bosses who's boss! And they just cannot charge ridiculous fines for something so small! like I said, by not displaying ticket is worse than speeding?! Mahai!
Well, take it as a first and last lesson. Put it this way. If there are lines drawn for parking, there is a 99% chance that a parking ticket is required. Else, how are they going to recover back the cost of drawing the parking lines. And yes, RM100 is pretty much a standard parking summons. Oh wait... I think it's supposed to be RM30 la. I've got a MPPJ (I think MBPJ is the new name). I'll check that and let you know again.

Thanx, Satria...

Hopefully it'll still be rm30. I'll go this Sat morning. They open right?
i once parked my car but had to walk a fair distance to the ticket booth. after getting my ticket i walked back to my car to find that there was a summon there! mahai! damn fast lah these f**kers. and they disappear into thin air
Parking offense is RM 30 from DBKL. I guess in Sarawak, people tend to park anywhere with their 4x4s. I was in East Malaysia 2 months ago and was amazed that very few ppl actually bought cars.
Checked la. RM100. hehehe

Duke Red,
Bring the summon and the ticket that you paid for and make a case with them. If they want us to put tickets on our cars immediately after we park, can. Put a ticket machine in EACH and EVERY SINGLE parking lot. And use their own f-ing money and not the tax payer's money. Bloody babi's.
Apa la.. They must have tolerance time between summon time and when you get the ticket time. You go to MBPJ there fill in the form and then if interval between ticket and summon time is less 5 minutes then your summon can be cancelled.

It is RM 30 after appeal.
Of course the parking fines are necessary. Else everyone would just simply park their cars everywhere and improperly.

The parking fees discourages people from occupying parking spaces needlessly (and maybe generate revenue). And they need to make sure that people obey the law through fines.

Its a system thats been everywhere forever lah. You dont do homework, teacher canes you. Simple.
Problem is local council prefer to collect fines than to improve the parking system like providing multi-storey carparks for example. They can change ppl either RM 1 per entry or RM 1 per hour. Those who park outside will be fine RM 100. With ample parking space and cheap parking fee, who wouldn't park legally? Look at Singapore! Their parking charges is calculated every 15 mins and the fines and super high. But, they have plenty of multi-storey carparks and ppl prefer to park their than to incur wrath from the cops.

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