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Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
We will b playing Cluj tonite in the last Group game of d ECL~~~ Still, i'll b watching it with lots of interest!!! 1st of all, SAF said he will play Rooney as he is the kind of player who needs game time to boost his match fitness!!! He do not needs a rest when he is fit!!! So, Rooney will b playing!!! Then for our defence, it will b Buttner, Evans, Smalling n Jones!!! No Vidic as SAF decided to put his come back on hold untill Vida feel comfortable!!! And this will ruled him out of our derby game this Sun too... Then there might b chances for player like Powell to play in this game!!! Would b great to see him gaining more game time under his belt!!!

Other than tht, i'm very hopeful tht both Scholesy n Giggsy will b playing cos this will means they will not b starting the derby game come Sunday~~~ =.=" Hahaha... Then i guess Cleverley needs to play as well... Just cant understand why is he being kept on d bench during our EPL games... So i guess SAF might field a relatively strong lineup against Cluj tonite!!!

My guess will b: DDG - Buttner, Evans, Smalling, Jones - Welbeck, Scholesy, Giggsy, Cleverley - Chicharito, Rooney!!!!

We need everyone of them to stay fit, so tht it will gives SAF more option for the coming derby game! With the above lineup, i expect us to make things tight in the middle with Rooney constantly dropping back into midfield to boost our passing game... Then defensive wise, we have to make some improvement on it!!! No more careless individual mistakes anymore!!! Hopeful for a win tonite!!! ^.^

My prediction will b 3-1 home win for us!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
We lost another ECL game and this time its at Old Toilet!!! Yes, this game might b meaningless but a lost is still very hard to take!!! I thought we were very wasteful in the 1st half when we were dominating them... We had a great spell against them when we were piling on the pressure to press for tht 1st goal... Too bad tht we missed all the chances n their keeper was good at making few important saves...

On the night, Smalling n Jones looked a bit nervy n unconvincing!!! But to me, i think its alright as they were both just came back from long term injuries especially Jones, its only his 2nd game!!! I still stick to my opinion tht if both were given the chances n game times tht Evans got to enjoy, both Smalling n Jones will b better defenders for sure!!! All they need now is SAF trust, game times, self confidence n match fitness!!! Rafael was full of mistakes too b4 he slowly establish himself...

So now tht we can concentrate on the coming derby game but with Cleverley limping out with a calf injury, it looks worrying!!! Let's predict d line up for Sunday: DDG - Evra, Evans, Rio, Rafael - Young, Carrick, Fletcher, (xxx) - Rooney, RVP!!! This will b the closest line up tht SAF might pick... So we r pretty light weight in the midfield... Kagawa is now back to training with the 1st team, will it b too early for him to b thrown into the deep end of things this Sunday?! Will Cleverley b able to make it?! What abt Valencia? So far not many newz abt him on his recovery!!! Else, it will b Young n the right n Welbeck in the left!!! If this happen, we know what kinda game we gonna expect, especially against Shitty away!!! Haha...

Hopefully for the next few days, we can get to hear more encouraging n positive newz on all our players!!! Fingers cross!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur

Hey bro, sorry tht i was away to India for the past 10-12 days!!! And over there, i hardly got any Wi-fi services or live games to watch!!! What a surprise!!!! =.=" So, i have got to wait till i come back to watch those (ManShitty v ManUtd and ManUtd v Sunderland) matches!!! But i just managed to cover the Shitty game yest, as i was damn tiring after the trip there!!!! Haha... Will try to watch the Sunderland game soonest possible!!!

Ok, back to tht Shitty game, i think ManUtd have played well!!! And bravo to SAF for fielding such a strong offensive lineup with RVP, Rooney, Young, Valencia n Cleverley all started!!!! From the previous 'BIG' games experience, SAF tends to b defensive n conservative!!! So, i pretty glad tht there were no Giggsy or Scholesy from the start!!!

And during the game, we were very patient, compact n working hard too... Which r minimum requirement for such a decisive game in the EPL, especially on the psychological side!!! We keep closing down our opponent whenever we do not have the ball... We tried to crowd Silva n Nasri out when they were on the ball... And both Rio n Evans (Smalling in the 2nd half), were doing well in marking out the opponent strike force... And DDG was doing well in keeping us firmly on the game too... But all in all, Shitty is a very strong n powerful team, they did gave us lots of problems eventhough we mostly did what we need to do in the game...

Rooney was very clinical with the 2 chances he had in the 1st half and tht really put us in the driving seat!!! And we shld have score more with the chances we have, too bad as we have got a perfectly good goal ruled offside!!!! Bad luck for A. Young!!! And i must said, Young was doing better in this game as he have improved his performance!!! He was quick, tricky, strong to challenge n cross well too... Hopefully he will b able to continue in such a way, then we will b very strong overall!!!

But i'm a bit disappointed with Valencia performance!!! Careless at times, keep delaying some great passes thus resulted in lost of chances to score!!! He have been taken longer time to try to rediscover his form than we all expected him to... When he is not on form, i would like him to keep things simple!!! Stop d ball well, run a little then when gap open up, just pass it to other team mates... Rather than he keep holding onto the ball n run towards the corner flag every time when he cant beat the LB~~~

And yes, we finally put our foot into Shitty mouth to shut kao them off as we have broken their lan si record of not losing at home for 2 years n for not losing a single game yet this season!!! Hopefully with the festive season games keep flowing in, Shitty will b dropping more points!!! Hahaha....

As for us, the Swansea game this Sun will b crucial!!! It's gonna b tough as they play good football all season n we have got to beware of Michu!!! If we r able to win against Swansea, which i truely think we will given our current form, we will b able to pull further ahead during the Xmas period over Shitty!!! Hehehehe...

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Merry Xmas n Happy 2013 to all ManUtd fans here!!!! ^.^

We dropped 2 important points at Swansea over the weekend where we shld have won the game given the way we played in the 2nd half!!! Not good enough, i would said!!! Both Rooney n Valencia were huge disappointment in tht game!!! And the dodgy Evans continue his usual "talk big but do little on the pitch" attitude as he really contribute very little, if there was any he can do, to the team!!! Cant understand why SAF offered him an extension?! He only do well in a game out of 10... And it have to b against lesser team too... Sigh!!! Quality?! Pui~~~

Ok, tht's history now!!! Looking forward to tonite game against Newcastle at Old Toilet!!! A must win game for us given tht Newcastle have got many 1st teamers out injured n suspended!!! SAF said he will rotate his team for the festival period, and i agreed with him to do so in order to fends of pressure on the players... But hopefully with the players he chosen, they b able to perform well!!! And pls no Scholesy n Giggsy in the same line up~~~ Tht's just not gonna work!!!

I would love to see SAF given more trust n chances to players like Powell, Fletcher, Welbeck, Chicharito, Smalling, Jones, Kagawa n Anderson if the latter 2 r fit again, in games like these instead of keep playing the old legends!!! Against Newcastle, we need to keep an watchful eye on both their strikers... They can simply turn a half chance into a goal!!! With lousy player like Evans on, there is always risk tht we will concede goals~~~ =.=" Hopefully SAF will 'rest' Evans n play Smalling n Rio in the middle instead!!!

If Newcastle keep playing 2 strikers against us, i think it will work for us too... This means there will b spaces in the middle of the park for our players to work on... If Kagawa n Anderson r fit, then it will b a Diamond... Else, SAF will keep his wingers flying on the flanks as usual... Without both Kabaye n Tiote, RVP n Rooney will b given more rooms to attack if both r being pick together again... I guess SAF might just rest Carrick n put in Fletcher in front of our defence...

Looking forward to the game n hoping for a 3-0 win over Newcastle tonite at Old Toilet with both RVP n Rooney scoring again!!!! Hahaha...


500 RPM
Senior Member
May 7, 2008
Johor Bahru
Rooney can't play alongside RVP...he should play as a supporting striker and it's proven during the Swansea match.


I miss Anderson in the midfield area.

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Ya... Anderson - Cleverley is the best combo for us in the middle at the moment!!! Too bad when he was on a good run, he got injured... again!!! =.=" Hopefully he is recovering well n soon enough!!!

It was a crazy crazy game against Newcastle yest!!! When i saw the starting line up and it was raining pretty bad, i knew straight away what was gonna happen in the game!!! Sigh!!! Anyone here really think Evans is a good defender?! =.=" With him in, panics everywhere!!! Clumsy n dodgy player!!! Scholesy doesnt offer much to us during the game as well... Sad to see him struggled in games like this... When Cleverley was introduced, our game became faster, more lively n controlling the game better... Then DDG too, his performance just do not give everyone the confident needed... Few panic punching caused havoc inside our box... No good!!!

But luckily we managed to win the game with Chicharito scoring the winner inside 'Fergie Time' again!!! Else, we will b slapping our own face again... Very sloppy display by d whole team... We must take into consideration tht Newcastle was missing their Kabaye, Tiote, Ben Afta n etc... If they r all on n they control the ball better, we r gone!!!

With d WBA game coming up, hopefully it will b Kagawa in the midfield instead of Scholesy or Giggsy... Then i think Evans shld b dropped!!! Pair Smalling with Vida... Let Smalling have a good run of games in the 1st team, i'm sure he will mature into a better CB than Evans... Same goes to Jones!!!! No more Evans for me again~~~ Sigh!!!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Hey guyz, Happy 2013 to all of u!!! And may ManUtd keep winning n secure our 20th title come May 2013!!! And also, i really hope tht SAF will b able to lift the European Champion League trophy come May 2013 as well!!! Although its not gonna b easy for us n our team, u never say never especially we can play better in the 2nd half of the season!!! Hahaha... So may ManUtd bag 2 Leagues title in May 2013!!!! Haha...

Back to football now!!! We ended our 2012 with a laboured win over WBA on a bad pitch!!! Great tht RVP came out n scored a stunner to secure the win for us!!! With him in, we tends to play better n have greater threat to the opponents!!! Also glad to see Kagawa back from injury and he had a good game as well!!! Love his short n fast passing with his mates n its pretty tough for opponents to track him!!! So hopefully he will b able to push up his fitness n play regularly for us again!!!

Also good to see tht Young hv find his form as he is playing with confident now!!! Much better than the showing he got 2 mths back!!! Hopefully Valencia will b able to do d same soonest, as currently he is very disappointing!!! There were lots of good chances if Valencia was able to make d right decision in the game, but everytime it got it wrong!!! Sigh!!! =.=" He was either delaying d pass or chooses to do the wrong thing by having a shot himself!!!

Overall its a good performance for us as the pitch was heavy n bad!!! And its 3 games in as many days!!! So all in all, its good!!! Looking forwards to the Wigan game tmr nite 11pm!!! Hopefully SAF hv learned his lesson from last season where he fielded a poor team to play there!!! And its not very encouraging tht SAF have came out n said he might again giving both Giggsy n Scholesy a chance to play!!! =.=" Really speechless if he do so!!! Other than tht, RVP, Chicharito, Jones, Rafael, Rio n Kagawa r all looking a good bet for a start as well... We needs the 3 points so i do not care how we win d game!!! Haha... Hopefully we will b able to play a good game there n with RVP n Chicharito scoring the goals!!!

After tht, it will b Losefool (home), Spurs (away) n Southampton (home) for us in the Jan EPL schedule!!! All win-able game but we must negotiate them with great care!!! We need to keep the lead strong over Shitty n hopefully they will keep dropping points in the process!!!

Ok, to cap the last posting of the year, i would like to share this newz to all of u!!! To me its a GREAT newz, so hopefully it is the same for u too...

Source: Cristiano Ronaldo – Man United’s again for £60million? | The Sun |Sport|Football

And some source even said the deal have been agreed!!! Hmmm... Its a do-able deal if Ronnie is forcing his right to leave!!! And do not forget tht, ManUtd is a abt to re-negotiate their shirt deal with NIKE anytime soon... SO this will directly affect if Ronnie will b able to come HOME!!! RM is being sponsor by Adidas, and NIKE have been trying to shift Ronnie back to 1 of their sponsored team!!! And a move to ManUtd will suit all parties!!! If the financial side of the deal is being well taken care of, i do not see why do not wanna Ronnie back!!! It will further boosted our attack, team profile n increase our chances of winning even more trophies!!! Fingers cross~~~ Hoping for the BEST to happen for ManUtd in 2013!!!! Cheerz to all!!! ^.^

:party: :party: :party:

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
A Great win in the new year!!! Winning 0-4 away is always special and its even better as its at d DW stadium where we lost 1-0 last season!!! Sweet revenge!!! And glad tht both our strikers scored a brace each, especially for RVP!!! He has been the diff for our team where his goals, movement n presence made everyone happy n being inspired!!! With us winning the game n scoring earlier, SAF even have the chances to give both Carrick n Rio an early break... And Kagawa did got his chances to further boost up his match fitness as well!!! Win win situation for us!!!

But there r few points i still need to share!!!

Chicharito really have to work hard to improve his other aspect of the game except scoring!!! His passing was awful at times!!! Cant even make a simple pass when we were in possession!!! Then he have got to toughen up as well while holding onto d ball!!! He always got nudged off d ball very easily... Then for DDG, its very strange tht he always very reluctant to come off his line to claim the ball within the box!!! Defenders were always waiting n looking up for him to come out to pick up d ball or grap it from a cross... But he failed to do so almost every single time!!! =.=" This caused panic amongst our defenders at times when opponents r putting pressure on them... As for Young, he is slowly getting back his form... But he can still do better especially sending in crosses into d box!

Overall its a good performance by d team provided tht they have been playing 4 games in a tight schedule!!! Bravo to them as we managed 10 out of 12 available points!!! And now we can look forward to d FA Cup tie this weekend with WHU away with confidence!!! Rooney is gonna make his come back n u know what he normally capable of after a long break... Then we have Kagawa pushing on to full fitness... Welbeck hungry for games... Anderson might b able to make d bench as well... And Valencia will b eager to prove his worth after being rested yest!!! And in defence, we have got enough bodies now to cope with the hectic matches coming to us!!! So, its all rosy for us!!! After WHU, we will b playing Loserfool at home in the EPL next week!!!

Keep going Red Devils!!! Yeeessssss~~~~

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
So, we r playing WHU in the FA Cup away~~~ And yes, i have high hope on this competition n really hope tht we can win it this season as well!!! With the players we have n for those young products in our ranks, we shld have had enough players to perform well in the competition...

For cup games, i wish SAF will give players like Powell, Buttner, Wootton, Keane, Petrucci n etc more chances to gain 1st team experience... But we have got to partner them with some experience heads n i trust SAF in this... Other than tht, Rooney, Vidic, Fletcher, Jones, Valencia, Welbeck, Kagawa n Lindegaard all need game times to push their fitness... And this is the game for them to do so... As for Anderson, still no newz from the club abt him n his injury yet...

I can imagine tht SAF will have field a pretty strong line up against WHU on Sat nite... And with the form we r in, i'm pretty confident tht we can get the job done well!!! My humble line up prediction: Lindegaard - Buttner, Vidic, Jones, Rafael - Kagawa, Powell, Fletcher, Valencia - Rooney, Welbeck... This might b d rough guideline for tmr... Hehehe...

If things go according to plan, i'm hoping we can win the game nicely with a 1-3 scoreline!!!! ^.^ Rooney with a come back goal to show!!! Hahaha...

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Hmm... A 2-2 draw away to WHU in the FA Cup, not a very convincing performance from d players selected... And now we have put some un-needed pressure on ourselves with the replay tie falls on 16th of Jan... Right btw the games of Loserfool (home) and Spurs (away)!!! But hopefully we will have enough players to push through another important hectic period!!! But priority must always b put on the EPL games!!! And by then, hope Rooney is ready to return against WHU!!!

I love the passing game tht we displayed @ WHU on the day, but we lack the penetration in the final 3rd!!! We mostly strolling ard outside the opponent box... We shld b more direct with our passing n the running into the box must b better too... Do not like the idea of playing Rafael in the right side of the midfield!!! He did ok when we attack, but he lack discipline when we were being pressed!!! Where were him when J Coles made tht 2 crosses into d box?! And many a time when our attack broke down, he just walk back without any urgency of rushing or tracking back immediately!!! =.=" So, it proved tht there is a huge diff playing in RB n right sided midfield!!!

Kagawa played too deep for my liking!!! But why was tht?! Scholesy n Cleverley didnt provide enough cover in the midfield in order for Kagawa to push further upfield?! Opponents crowded out the spaces btw strikers n attacking midfield?! Our strikers dropped too deep as well?! Hmm... These r the questions SAF need to solve...

Welbeck again, good in work rate but nothing to show in front of goal!!! Buttner still have a long way to go if he is to make it into d 1st team, especially tht his positioning!!! Smalling was struggling against J. Cole n his crosses!!! And very disappointed with Valencia again!!! Especially his last kick!!! When Kagawa passed it wide to him with d box crowded, everyone expected him to put the ball back into the 16 yard area... But he opted to have a wild go on goal in the last moment of the game when clearly WHU was struggling big time to keep us at bay then!!!! WTF~~~ 1 of the cibai-est decision ever by Valencia!!! =.=" And i truely cant understand why he took way too long time to regain his form or even his confident!!! What have he done in all the training session?! No improvement at all?! Even Young is playing better than him now!!! Sigh~~~

But i got to say, it was a superb pass from Uncle Giggs (a 50 yarder~~~ And a first timer pass as well!!! Respect!!!) to RVP for tht equaliser!!! And RVP took it very very well with his 1st touch of the ball n the finishing was absolutely great!!!! Brilliantly done by the both of them!!!! RVP is in RED hot scoring form at the moment!!! If those passes fall to either Rooney, Chicharito or Welbeck, u'll bet 90% of it they will not b able to stop d ball as perfectly as RVP did!!! Thus, a golden chance will went bagging!!! Tht's d diff~~~

We r playing against Loserfool this weekend, so hopefully all players will b up for it!!! Currently, our strongest 1st 11 will b as follow:

DDG - Rafael, Evans (no matter have much i HATE him!!! We need speed in there to f*ck off Suarez cheat!) Vidic, Evra - Valencia (hopefully he will come good in this game), Carrick, Cleverley, Young - RVP, Chicharito

Without Rooney, hopefully there will not b lacking of fire n fighting spirit against the Fools~~~~

Come on Red Devils!!!! Go Go Go~~~

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Just to touch on the transfer market a little bit!!! I'm sure tht u all must have know by now tht SAF is tempted to land Lan-par for free in the coming summer as Chelshit is not gonna to offer him an extension deal!!! To me, i will not against such a move provided tht both parties can agree on a good pay package tht suit all!!! I think Lan-par still pretty fit n can b a very useful squad player for us throughout a season... Experience wise, he is defo worth d $$$ n i think he has better pace than Scholesy do as we all know tht Scholesy will properly hanging up his boots for good this time round!!! So, Lan-par will b a good buy for us!!!

Then today, the talks of A. Cole pop up too!!! Haha... SAF seems to b interested in him as well for next season n will b hoping Lan-par deal would persuade him to join in as well.... So, Old Toilet become an old folks house huh?! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ But come to think of it, again if salary package is affordable n right, A. Cole will b a good addition to our squad too... Will he b blocking Buttner development?! Newz is saying SAF might give Buttner a loan next season in order for him to gain more experience n keep on developing!!! I think tht's d right thing to do with Buttner... Then Fabio?! Hmm... SAF will have to think deep abt the issue...

And newz oso said tht we r expecting to land w. Zaha from C. Palace as replacement for both Nani n Giggsy (retire)... Zaha is 1 of the hottest young property in UK... Seen him played twice as he have d pace, tricky skills n good movement... But still very raw n needed to b polished as he is only 20 now!!! I think we need fresh blood on the wings as Young n Valencia will not b able to play too many games in a season... So Zaha will b deemed as a must!!! Or else, we have to play regularly with a Diamond in order to soften the lost!!! Haha...

Source: Wilfried Zaha transfer latest: Manchester United confident | Mail Online

Besides all these, i still think we need a CM n a CB in order to b a completely strong team!!! CM candidates for me - Wanyama from Celtic or Strootman from PSV... We defo needing a CM in our team to tighten things up in the middle... CB defo will have to b M. Hummels from Dortmund!!! But i dun mind getting Montpellier captain Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa, as he have voiced out tht his dream move will b coming to Old Toilet... And SAF have even sent Martin Ferguson n Gill to check on him recently... We need both CM n CB to b aggressive for us, as we really lacking them in our team currently!!! And i think its time to get ready to replace either Rio or Vidic...

Source: Arsenal target Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa wants Manchester United move | Mail Online

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Would like to talk a little bit abt Wesley Sneijder!!!

Source: Has Wesley Sneijder become the most unsignable player in the world? -

He was once a top player tht i really hope ManUtd will get to sign for the team!!! And i have followed his every single move during tht summer as well... Desperately hoping tht the very next minute, i'll b able to get the newz saying: "Finally, ManUtd signed Sneijder!!!"... It was 2 summer ago now... During then, we were quoted 35mil Euros by Inter Milan... And the major stumbling block was the player's wage demand at 200k Euros a week!!! Negotiation was being dragged for very very long due to 3 parties couldnt agreed on a settled deal... And there were even information saying tht NIKE, will b coming in to help push through d deal by topping up whatever amount of $$$ n salary tht all 3 parties couldnt agreed on... Bcos Sneijder is being sponsor by NIKE too!!! Sadly, with all d effort from all parties, the deal just do not seems to b a successful 1...

Many insiders were pointing fingers at Sneijder, for being too 'greedy' on his pay demand a week then... But he stand firmed on what he wanna by insisting tht he have the right to demand what he think he deserved, especially when he was at his peak of his career then!!! Sportsman's life r short, so they say!!! But i do not think so... Not everything depending on $$$... In ManUtd, he might b able to get what he is looking for as well... A big club tht's always under spotlight... Good pay with lots of other sponsorships n adverts + Winning bonuses... A club where he can further improve as a player, a club where he can feel wanted n loved, a manager tht will take good care of him n etc...

As for Inter, they have been holding onto their asking price too firm as well... Almost un-negotiable!!! But look at what happened now?! Sneijder got hit by injury!!! And Italy got hit hard by the economic crisis!!! And now they r unfairly forcing Sneijder into accepting pay cut!!! And the relationship btw them become worst by day...

And the latest newz was tht Inter have accepted Galatasaray bid for Sneijder - at just a mere 10mil Euros!!! ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ WTF~~~ Even at tht kinda price, no EPL teams would b interested!!! ManUtd, Shitty, Spurs, Chelshit, Loserfool n even QPR, all opted to distance themselves from making a bid... Why?! Cos Sneijder still asking for 200k Euros a week pay n his fitness is not very convincing at the present moment!!! I really wonder how Gala will b able to bring him over to Turkey with such a pay package!!! My guess is Inter still b paying part of his salary in order to make things happen!!! So tht Inter can cut cost n offload Sneijder soonest possible n Gala will b able to get their man... What a pity to a player who was so great just 2 years back!!! Sigh!!! It could have been very diff for Sneijder if he accepted ManUtd deal 2 summers back!!! Haha...

Source: Inter accept Galatasaray bid for Sneijder -

Any thoughts from u guyz?!

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Bring on Loserfool this Sunday!!! Hahaha... We hv got to beat them so tht we stand a great chance to pull further away from Shitty if all things go the United way~~~ Shitty is away to Arsenal n Stokes host Chelshit!!! Both r tough games and there might b chances tht they will b dropping points again!!!! Do not get me wrong, we might b dropping points too... But being at home n on form at the moment, i just hope tht we will b able to beat Fool n collected the valuable 3 points!!!

With Rooney still out injured, it will defo b RVP n Chicharito up front for us!!! And with this combination, we have enough fire power to get the goals we need to bring home d 3 points!!! Hopefully Nani will b fit enough to start on d right or else, it will b d off form Valencia there! Then On d left will b Young!!! Against Fool, we need to play d wingers system to stretch them... Then in d middle, it will b Cleverley with Carrick... At d back, its pretty settled... Looking up to SAF Friday press conference later, as he might giving out more team newz to d world regarding d players fitness n etc...

We need to keep applying pressure to their shaky backline n keep putting ball into d box for Chicharito n RVP to attack... Other than tht, through ball from d middle or RVP drop slightly deeper to play in btw their midfield n defenders will help too... Suarez is d 1 tht we need to pay attention to, not bcos he might b great but he might cheat again by using dirty tricks... Do not jump into tackle unless we r 100% sure, else it will b penalty for him... CB need to position themselves well b4 him n our midfielders need to shut their supply to him in order to keep him out of d game!!!

It will b a good game n hopefully we will come top again with good football!!! Fool have been bad over their travels but against us, expect them to b fired up as us too... Hope for a good game n looking for a 3-0 home win!!! RVP n Chicharito to score again!!!! Go Go Go Red Devils!!!! Hahaha...

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Yeeeeeessssssss~~~~ ManUtd 2-1 Loserfool!!!! Hahahaha... What's better than giving the Fool a kick on d teeth?! Hahaha... ^0^ ^0^ ^0^ It was a great win n a well deserved 1 as we dominated large part of the game!!! U gotta love RVP for what he have been doing!!! He just cant stop scoring for us at the moment, no matter its against a small team or a big team!!! Fantastic player with superb presence in the team~~~

But we wasted many chances to kill off the game thus we have got to defend superbly in the last 5mins, in order to win the game!!! In the 1st half, Fool were all over the place n their midfield n defence including their keeper, were so panic under our pressure where they just keep mis-placing those simple passes!!! But unfortunately our players just cannot make them pay for the mistakes!!! Especially Welbeck!!! Yest game really summed up his current situation with us - Great work rate, selfless runs but lousy in finishing!!! If he can b more clinical, Fool will b out of sight in the 1st half alone!!! When J. Allen mis-pass a ball to Welbeck, it was a golden chance to put d ball into d back of Fool net... But he ran himself into trouble n got his shot blocked!!! Thus a golden chance went bagging!!!

As for RVP, he was very unlucky not to score more as his intelligent back flip was being blocked by Fool defender by great luck!!! Else, it would b another great goal by RVP!!! Besides, i must say tht i'm very satisfied with Kagawa's performance yest!!! He did everything so well - the link up play, short passes n get us out of tight situation many times, calm n compose!!! All he needs now is to push his fitness a little harder in order to reach d required level, then he will b back into d 1st team for sure!!! With him in, he is able to help shoulder the responsibilities of Carrick n Cleverley in midfield with great effect!!! He always came forward n ask for the ball n with his good close control, he is always able to freed from tight situation!!! And he can make great passes as well... What a player!!! Its good to have him back fresh in Jan!!!

Wasnt too happy with both Young n Valencia again yest!!! Do not wanna to say too much abt them, just as usual, BAD!!! And i think both Rio n Vida did real well too in our CB!!! Hopefully Vida will b alright with d minor scare in d game... We need him n Rio to stabilize our nervy defending...

With d 3 points in d bag, we can have a great week ahead!!! Too bad tht Gunners couldnt help us to dent Shitty with at least a point... But with Kompany sending off n facing a 3 match ban together with Yaya Tauke off to African Cup, they will face tests!!!! So just forget abt them n keep concentrating in our own games...

And we r playing WHU in the mid week FA Cup replay, so it will keep us - The fans, busy till we meet Spurs away on Sunday!!!! And with d game against WHU at home, its great timing to welcome back our Rooney!!! Yeeeeesssssss!!!!! Missed him n his presence in d team... With him back will b Nani n Anderson!!! It will b great to see them play again!!! And i hope Valencia will b given a run too as he really needs to push his level of performance up!!! Then hopefully Kagawa will b given a chance to play as well... Then of cos we still have players like Chicharito, Giggsy, Scholesy, Jones, Smalling, Buttner, Powelll n etc to look forward to... We r in a great health at the moment!!! Nice to know tht!!! SAF just need to keep everyone fit n on form... Hopefully by d end of the May, we will win at least 2 trophies!!! Hehe...

And 1 more thing i would like to say, is to FU*K kao S. McMohan, the bias suck!!! During d pre-match show, he said RVP will b deemed a bad buy if ManUtd do not win anything!!! WTF n what hai on earth was he talking abt?! Winning trophies or not, RVP is the BEST STRIKER in the EPL for the past 2-3 season!!! FACT!!!! Sohai~~~ So by saying tht, he means the whole of Loserfool team r all RUBBISH or HOPELESS TRASH?! Cos they win lan jiao for many years!!!! SO Suarez the cibai cheat is a piece of shit?! Cos he have never help Fool in terms of winning any thing n he is just a racist, cheat n an unhonest person!!! What a stupid comment!!!! No 1 knows he is dumb until he speaks!!!! =.=" Cibai McMohan!!!!


Active Member
Senior Member
Feb 10, 2010
kota kinabalu
haha.. really like to read your post bro.. ya... i also didnt like macmahon.. right now he is football pundits.. not loserfool player.. but still backing his loser team.. haha.. fcuk u macmahon.. haha..

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Hahaha... Hope i didnt offend anyone here with those writing!!!! Hahaha... Really be-tahan tht Macca for what he said!!! Eventhough Paul Parker played for ManUtd, but his comment n opinions r always very rational, unbiased n logical... Not like lousy Macca!!! Tht's d difference btw ppl with class n those without it~~~ But i alone writing here for most of the time a bit boring le... Haha... Where r all other ManUtd die hearts?! Hmmm...

Besides, looking forwards to see Rooney, Nani n Anderson to make their come back... With the season heading towards another buzy period, we need all of them fit n ready!!! Also would like to know more abt Fletcher n his situation... The latest newz i got 2-3 weeks back was SAF told him during this rainny n cold season, the pitches r bad n its not suitable for him to play on... Tht's y he havent been on the bench or playing for a while... Would like to know when he will b playing again... Would b great to see him back too...

Then if all things go well, Powell might b loaned out for the rest of the season in order for him to gain more playing time n experience... Tht's what SAF n his coaches r doing at the moment, evaluating all players fitness b4 making decision on Powell... Dun forget tht we still have Scholesy n Giggsy tht r able to play in the midfield too... So Powell go on loan might b a great move for all parties!!! Hmm...

We will b playing against WHU on Thurs morning our local time... Looking forwards to it!!! If we can keep everyone fit we will have a big enough squad to compete in all 3 remaining competition!!! Great~~~

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
The replay game is on tonite (our local time is tmr early morning ard 345am), we r against WHU... I feel really confident at the moment with our team... And i do think we will have no problem in seeing out WHU at Old Toilet tonite with d players we have n with d form we r in... As usual, SAF will make changes for sure... But will he b making a whole sales changes to give those players tht need games or just a little tweak in order to keep d great form going?! Hmm... To me, i hope SAF make full use of the squad which is make as many changes as possible to allow other players to have d chance to contribute to the club!!!

WHU is not in a good run of form lately, but tht doesnt means we will have it easy!!! Against WHU, its always going to b very physical as we have seen on d 1st leg... So the CBs tht being chosen have to b very alert!!! And we have to pay extra attention to J. Cole too, in order to not allowing him d chance to send crosses into d box again... Then they will b having Diame back, a player tht SAF thought of buying in d summer b4 dropping the interest due to his health issue... Diame is a very physical CM which SAF thought he can make to d very top, but a heart issue hold SAF back to bid for him b4 he moved from Wigan to WHU this summer... Hmm...

With Rooney, Nani n Anderson back to playing, i hope they all will have a good game!!! Especially Nani, this might b his last season with us so hopefully he will do his best to win over SAF for another contract if he is serious abt staying n not onli for $$$$~~~ Anderson have been great for us n was hitting form b4 he went out injured again... If he can regain tht form soonest possible, i really think tht our team is going to b very strong!!! Rooney been doing lots of gym works during his recovery process lately... If he managed to cut a few kilos, he will b superb in his sharpness n movement!!! Tht's what we wanna see of him!!!

We shld b playing our usual 4-4-1-1 with Rooney n Chicharito... With wingers on, we shld stretch them more often than d 1st match... Expecting us to win d game with a 2 goals margin!!! ^.^

Other than tht, another great newz for our club as d marketing ppl managed to sign another 2 big sponsors deals - this time with d Chinese!!! With all these, hopefully we r in d right direction to ease off our financial pressure n have enough $$$ to fight for more good signings!!!

Source: Manchester United sign two Chinese sponsorship deals -

Stormvolution 9

3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 18, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
A very unimpressive win over WHU at Old Toilet this morning with Rooney getting onto d scoresheet on his return match! And he even missed a penalty too our 5th missed in d season!!! =.=" Then both Nani n Anderson too made their come back in this game!! And clearly, 3 of them were struggling n puffing on the field... Haha... But i got to say both Smalling n Jones did a good job in the CB!!!

With d above 3 making their come back from injuries n few fringe players being picked, its expected tht d game will not b as great to watch as d 1st team!!! There were mistakes, carelessness n missed chances... But we met our main target in getting through into d next round of d FA Cup!!! Other than tht, i do not read too much into d game!!! Glad tht all players went through d process well without getting any injury... So it will gives SAF a huge boost in the coming weeks when he do his selection with games piling up!!!

For d Smalling - Jones combination, they were very alert, strong in d air n in every challenges made, quick off d block n keep d opponent striker at bay well... But u can see some flaw in their play where it will not b happening to Rio or Vida! The way they pass d ball were dangerous at times where d more experience players will normally opted for safety 1st approach!!! I think it might b something to do with Smalling n Jones age... When they become more mature, i think they will pick d right pass instead of putting their team mate or d whole team under pressure with those 50-50 passes!!! Overall, pretty satisfied with d 2 of them...

And Giggsy too, hv a good game as well... He was very lively in d middle with Anderson and given his age, its really amazing with d way he is still playing!!! No disrespect to WHU, with d opponent lacking presence n strength in d midfield, this type of games will b more suited to Giggsy to play in... Where it allowed him space n time to make his move n pick his passes on... And SAF have came out n confirmed tht Giggsy will b carrying on for another year with us after this season!!!

Buttner did ok n being trouble much... Valencia again disappointing where he hardly have d guts to beat defenders with d ball... Didnt contribute much to d team in terms of attacking...

As i said, we have done what we need to do n giving players their much needed playing time r great enough for us!!!! Satisfied!!! So now looking forward to Sunday match up with Spurs at White Hart Lane!!! And we need another 3 points to keep our lead at the top safe!!! Go Go Go ManUtd!!!

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