Manchester united football club

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Yah, exactly, like just you haven't been seeing it for the past 21 years and counting?
hahaha lol
LoL. Pathetic~~~~Didnt know that ManUtd hurt u so bad... U must b having nightmares all d time whenever u heard the name of ManUtd!!! Hahaha... Throw away your lousy useless red jersey, and quickily go buy a dozen of ManShitty blue shirt!!! Hahaha... Time for u to change club in order to have a slightest chances of tasting 'glory'!!!! Dun worry, no one will blame u for doing that~~~hahahaha... It's d smartest move u'll ever made as u dun wanna to wait another 21years!!!


Back to this morning LC game, it's great to see us go through to the next round!!! There will b another chance for our young players to gain experiences then. To me, Berba is d MoTM! He showed his hunger for the game, been everywhere on d pitch, and scored a good goal too. Nice to see that~~~

Bravo to Owen for getting onto the scoresheet as well... Worked hard, moving ard to makenhimself available ally n took his chance well too... Valencia been surprisingly quiet... Been waiting long to see him back to him best since he broke his leg...

Vida too, still look a bit rusty... Might need few more games under his belt before he can hit his form... as for Fabio, every time I saw him play, he always made d same mistakes - lost possession easily, wrong decision making n reckless challenge on opponents~~~ Worrying sign as there were no improvement from him for a long period!!!

Pogba did pretty ok... Nice to see that!!!

Well done to d team... Have a rest now, we will b travelling to Everton come this Sat!!!
So we r away to Everton this coming Sat for an early game at our local time 7pm~~~ This is another tough match for us, especially what had happened at Old Toilet last week~~~ Media will b ready to reports no matter what happen to us in this game against Everton... So to all players tht will b selected, u guys do hv a great responsibility to carry our club name!!!!

Will SAF play it cautiously with 5 across the midfield or will he go all out to get the result we badly needed?! This is the 1st Q spring to my mind!!! Everton hv never been an easy place to get any result for us recently... We hv dropped points here...

As a fan, i hope SAF go for the 4-4-2!!! Play Rooney with Chicharito upfront... Then it hv got to b Cleverley in the middle... Reports saying SAF will drop Rio, Evra, Anderson n Fletcher for a while... So, who will b Cleverley partner will b anyone guess now~~~ Carrick?! Hmm... Most properly... I think SAF will start Park too... Mayb on the left by dropping Young too... And Nani will resume on the right for me...

As for the back 4, it will b Fabio, Jones, Vida n Smalling for me... Not much choices if u considering d players tht gonna b left out... DDG will start btw the posts again!!!

Everton is a very hard working team... So if we r to win any points from there, all our players will have to fight 110% for it!!! Beware of Saha n Cahill, they will b their main threat!!! In the middle, If Cleverley n Carrick to b picked, they hv to work very hard to stop Everton supplying balls to the mentioned 2... Then when we attack, we needs to do it in pace to catch them out...

Expecting a tough game... SO i dun mind us winning 0-1 away!!! ^.^
Really glad tht ManUtd came through another tough match with 3 points in the bag!!! Although its not pretty to watch as we were under a lot of pressure in tht game, we played as an unit n win the 3 points away to Everton!!!

It was a great goal by Chicharito!!! He was there at the right time with the right touch to send the good cross from Evra into the back of the net!!! In the game where chances were few n far away, we really needs to b clinical infront of goal!!! And tht's just what happened to us!!!

I think our midfield still look very 'thin', especially after Cleverley made his early exit!!! We were being put under lots of pressure from Everton and it was really a nail-bating ending for the game... Fletcher still hvnt hit his form yet, Park were too soft n always got nudged away from possession, Nani didnt do much as well as Valencia... Rooney worked hard but mainly on defensive duty~~~

I think we were lucky tht Tim Cahill didnt play, as he is a very determine player for Everton... I was very SHOCKED tht SAF still picked Evans for this game!!! Although he did put in efforts to do his best in the game, moment of heart-attacks still there to b seen whenever he plays~~~ =.=" But comes to think of our choices available, i understand why Evans was on as we do not hv other options!!! Not sure if I'm being too harsh, Evans shld b limited to domestic cup games... Just do not trust him in those important matches tht we r in anymore... At least for some time... Its like a time bomb waiting to b exploded~~~ There were still many mistakes by him, his positioning, his timing n his decision making~~~

Glad tht Vida make a successful league game come back... We needs the stability!!! SAF shld start to build up our defence ard Vida again... B it with Rio, Jones or Smalling...

We will b playing against Otelul Galati at Old Toilet this coming mid-week... Time to b ruthless again at Old Toilet... Hopefully we will b able to win the game nicely in order to continue building up our confidence again in a proper way~~~


Besides, i watched few other good games over the weekend too~~~ Chelshit v Assenal, Inter v Juve, Roma v Milan n etc~~~ I was so surprised by Assenal achievement with their win over Chelshit!!! Perhaps, it was a thrashing for the Blues at this bridge too~~~ Hahaha... It was a very good attacking game by both sides n Assenal seems to b getting their confidence right back on track now... Just my opinion... With Djourou on, it was surprised tht Chelshit cant exposed him n still losing the game on such a margin with 11 on the field~~~ =.=" I think AVB will hv lots to do in the coming weeks and there might b 'panic' buying in the coming January for them~~~ ^.^ This result i think is worst than ours against ManShitty!!! At least everyone knew Shitty is getting stronger n we were down to 10 men... Hahaha... What a consolation~~~ XD
SAF said he will not make more than 3 changes to the line up he had at Everton against O. Galati at Old Toilet this Wed... This is a must win game!!! Hmm... With Vidic suspended, i think Rio will b put into action again... Mayb against my wish, partnering Evans again!!! =.=" Jones will b staying on the right back position until either Rafael or Smalling made their fully come back... Not much options for us at the moment in our defence... Perhaps Fabio might b given a game too... But i doubt he will start...

It might sound risky with Evans in but hopefully our midfielders will do their job well by protecting them... Expect Nani to start on d right n Park on d left... With Cleverley out, Anderson or Carrick may partner Fletcher in d middle... Upfront it will b Rooney n Chicharito again... Not sure if Carrick is out injured or not... Hvnt heard of him long as didnt even see him on d bench for 2-3 matches...

I think we shld hv enough strength to see of O. Galati at home... Just cut down the mistakes n play as a unit... Do the right things simple and the goals will come for us...


The season is getting very interesting now... With the thrashing over us, Shitty is getting more n more spotlights now... It will b good to see how Mancini handle his team in all the competition they r in... They certainly hv got a very strong lineup, but when ECL, FA Cup n L. Cup games coming in, Mancini will hv many big decisions to make... It will not b easy... Pressure will b building up for them if they loses 2-3 games or players getting injured... We will b there to take advantages if this happen... Now i see D. Silva n Kun Aguero as their main players... Without the 2, they play differently...

As for the Gunners, it was a great win for them over Chelshit... But frankly, their defensive problem still yet to b solved!!! And we all knew, they still lack the strength in depth for all competition... Again, it will b interesting to see how AW utilises his limited resources for all d games tht r piling up for them, especially comes December~~~ Can RVP play all 60+ game without getting injure?! How well will their defence do in ECL n EPL?! Nice to know... ^.^
A HUGE Congratulation to Sir Alex Ferguson for the 25th anniversary of managing ManChester United Football Club~~~

:party: :party: :party:

It will b a HUGE week for SAF himself n all the ppl involve with the club tht its d Master's 25th anni... And fittingly, we r playing 2 games at Old Toilet this week to mark the great day!!! So, players tht r being pick for these 2 games must do their 110% BEST to ensure we win both games~~~

SAF will b 70 this Dec... And its always amazing tht he still hv the same amount of spirits n enthusiasm towards his job!!! Bravo to him~~~ Hopefully he will b able to bring us at least another ECL b4 he decide to retire!!! ^.^ The standard of football today, is getting higher n tougher, so its a very high target for SAF to achieve!!! But in SAF we trust!!!


Nothing much to write abt the game tonite... We needs the 3 points badly to progress, so players pls do your job well n professionally!!!
Great result but not a good game to watch in the morning!!! =.=" Very boring game and our players made way too many mistakes against O. Galati team!!! A bit disappointed with the performance!!!

Yes, Rooney played pretty well in tht central midfield role where most of our move started from him where his vision of the game is getting better~~~ But too bad, his midfield partner - Anderson wasnt able to provide him a better support!!! Anderson's passing is getting worst, i think... A lot of stray passes which ended up with us losing possession n hv to chase the ball back... Bad!!! Other than tht, i think he is lazy in the middle where he walk more than running ard providing support to his mates or giving much needed protection to the defence...

Then Nani was another player playing way below par~~~ His confident seems to b very low where he was slow to react, hardly able to get pass his marker n losing possession way too easily as well... =.=" As for Velancia, still not back to his best yet... Very 1 dimensional, hardly cut into the middle for support n his crosses were mainly very disappointing!!!

With 3 out of 4 of our midfielders dreaming in the game, we hardly produce any good clear cut chances to score... But credit to O. Galati players... They r all very hard working players where they run a lot to close down the spaces n keep pressing for ball when we were on possession!!! Bravo to them... Besides, they made things tight at the back n didnt allow us too much space n time to have any good shots...

Overall, i'm a worried man with the way our midfielders r performing!!! I cant imagine how we will fare when we face a tougher n more experience team in Europe!!! We r definitely NOT GOOD ENOUGH at the moment!!!

I think i kinda understand why SAF try to play Rooney in tht creative midfield role, as we really lack inspiration in our play to open up opponents... But Rooney needs a very complete player as a partner in order for Rooney to blossom in tht role... And tht player definitely not Anderson at the moment~~~ =.=" Else, we really look light weight in tht department!!! Perhaps we need new blood(s)?! Someone like Bastian Scwhiez of B. Mucnich~~~ Alternatively, we hv to play the 5 men midfield to provide more protection...

What u guyz think?!
We will have a get-together or reunion party at Old Toilet tmr nite when Sunderland come visit us~~~ Hahaha... We gonna welcome back few of our ex-players to Old Toilet... Brucie the manager, W. Brown, Sheasy, P. Barsley, Richardson n etc~~~ Hopefully they r not back to haunt us!!! LOLzzzzzzzz...

Its a must win game for us as we needs the 3 points in order to pile some pressure on Shitty~~~ Then lets not forget tht its SAF 25th anniversary at the helm too!!! So, we cant afford to let any slip up affecting us this weekend...

With Vida able to play, hopefully it will b Rio partnering him!!! No more Evans!!! Hopefully his suspension of 3 matches start tmr!!! I really hate him saying :We will learn from the 1-6 defeat!!! Cibai~~~ What do he means "We"?! Clearly it was him tht f*cking spark tht defeat with his stupiest sent-off!!! *&^%^&#$&$&#& We were trying to make a come back after half time teamtalk... Diu kao him~~~

Other than tht, i hope to see Rooney being push back upwards to a more attacking role... I guess Fletcher will b called back into the midfield... Would love to see Welbeck in attack against Sunderland... It would b nice if he can score 1 or 2 goals in the game... Hahaha...

Overall Sunderland form have been very inconsistent... I was tipping them to b 1 of the top 10 team comfortably... But so far tht hasnt happen... Expecting them to put 5 across the middle to crowd the area out... So we must play smartly n work real hard to open them up... It would b good if we can score a few goals to cap a great week for the club and SAF!!!

Wishing for a 4-0 victory!!! ^.^


Would love to talk abt Rooney midfield role a bit... Yeah, he did well there for us for few occasion this season when call upon... But i really doubt it if he will b putting into tht role more often this season without us buying new players to 'replace' Rooney role upfront or behind the striker~~~ Of cos, everyone of us is dreaming to see Rooney being transform into another Scholesy by playing deeper in tht creative role... Just like how SAF switched Scholesy into it from a striker...

But all this have got to b done with a proper plan... Are we strongest when playing 4-4-2 or 5 across the middle?! We shld hv planned it earlier when the transfer window was still open... I really think some of our players time are up with us... Time to move on n bring in some new bloods... B it from our own system or buying them from other club... I think many of us realised tht midfield area is our weakest point for a season or 2 now...

By switching Rooney into tht area might 'weaken' our attack as Rooney been great in tht supporting role behind Chicharito, Welbeck or Berba... I expect our coaches to know all this long ago... So why there aint any back up plan?! Or why we didnt bring in the players we badly needed?!

Against Shitty, even in the 1st half... We were dominating possession no doubt... But we failed to open things up n create any real chances even with Rooney dropping deep... Something to think abt... Against stronger team, even with Rooney in midfield, will he b able to do what we expecting him of?! Or is he better stay upfront n instead we get a proper attacking midfielder for our team for the role?!

In the summer, Sneijder, Modric, Nasri n Bastian Schwiezi were few of the names everyone was hoping us to buy... But we ended up getting another winger for our midfield... None of our Andon, Fletcher, Carrick, Park, Giggsy n Gibbo r able to do what the mentioned 4 names might offer~~~ Hmm... Something for the coaches to think abt...
This is Fate85's trademark analysis. Fate85 reserves all rights.

English Premier League
Man Utd vs Sunderland


For me, this looks to be the most straightforward game this weekend... which may very well mean, based on experience, the most unpredictable! Manchester United look to have recovered from their 1-6 pummeling at the hands of Manchester City, with them having won their last 3 games. However, one must remember these wins came against questionable oppositions - Aldershot and Otelul Galati in particular. United should face sterner opposition today as Steve Bruce prepares his team to face his former side. Bruce's Sunderland are just 4 points above the relegation and on the road they have won just 1 from 5 in the League. They did win their last away game in the League, 2-0 against Bolton, but Bolton have lost all 5 home games this season, so I would not really shout about that. Arsenal and Norwich both managed a 2-1 winning scoreline against Sunderland, but a similar scoreline today would not please Manchester United backers on the handicap today. United will celebrate Sir Alex Ferguson's 25th year in charge of the Red Devils, so players and fans alike will be motivated. United come into this one without Michael Owen, Ashley Young, Ryan Giggs, Chris Smalling and Tom Cleverley, but Rio Ferdinand could keep his place in central defence. Wayne Rooney played in midfield against Otelul Galati, but for this one, he should be restored to his normal role upfront, partnering Javier Hernandez. For Sunderland, Kieran Richardson and Wes Brown, like Steve Bruce, will face their former club. Simon Mignolet and John O'Shea are out, but Lee Cattermole could return if David Vaughan is not passed fit. Alright, I said this was a straightforward game right from the very beginning and I am sticking by that. So, how straightforward? Well, I feel United will take this one very easily. Why? Steve Bruce have been in charge of 3 difference clubs coming up against United, a total of 16 games against United in total. His sides have lost 12 and drew 4, with a grand total of zero victory! Furthermore, Sunderland have not beaten United since 1968. The last time these sides met, Untied ran out 2-0 winners at home with a goal from Dimitar Berbatov and an own goal from Anton Ferdinand. Sunderland have also not scored against United in the last 3 times these sides met. So yes, I do think United will win, and I do think they will win easy. Home side for us!

Fate85 recommends:

Manchester United FC

Man Utd@ -1½ Handicap
It was another big 3 points for us n the game was.... ZZZzzzzzzzzz~~~~

Ooooppppssss!!! Sorry, i fall asleep!!!! =.="

To b frank, it was a damn boring game to watch!!! =.=" Pace were slow, movement were bad, spirits not there n our creativity just dieing off~~~ Other than its SAF 25th anni celebration, there were nothing else to shout abt!!! Hmmm... The onli consolation i can think of is mayb for the day, bets were definitely 1 sided especially its a big day for SAF!!! But which game at Old Toilet didnt d bets go 1 sided?! =.="

Running out of words to said abt our game... We really need to sort out our midfield!!! Now we can clearly see, Rooney in midfield not the BEST long term solution to us... Aiiii~~~


1 great newz for us is tht ManUtd hv signed a future star!!!

Source: PSV Eindhoven wonderkid Andreas Pereira confirms he will join Manchester United in January -

But Andreas Pereira will needs years b4 we can see him in the 1st team!!!

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Ok... 1 interesting topic to talk or to share... Of SAF 25th anni of managing ManUtd, there r many version of SAF BEST XI from many football pundits, editors n expert... Even SAF did came up with his own Best XI...

Out of the XI players, 5 of them being picked most from the articles or new papers tht i hv read... And i do agreed with them, 5 of this players r the BEST in their position for the 25 years SAF hv managed!!! They r Peter Schmeichel, and 4 of the midfielders - Giggsy, Keano, Scholesy n Ronaldo!!! The Big Dane definitely 1 of the BEST in SAF time... Fast, brave, agile n a leader for the team... Then what can u say abt Giggsy - Keano - Scholesy - Ronaldo?! In this line up, our midfield look very balance in terms of going forward n protecting our defences... We have pace on the wings, creativeness in the middle, solidity n commanding in Keano~~~ Love it~~~

As in defence, names like Stam, Vidic, Pallister, Bruce n Ferdinand were all mentioned in various BEST XI by the pundits n experts... Irwin on d left n G. Neville on the right seems like another popular choices for most... For me, i would love to see the partnership of Stam n Vidic in the middle of our defence... So tht we will hv steel, solidity, pace n areal dominance there~~~

In attack, Eric Cantona, Rooney, RVN, Yorke, Cole, Solskjear n Hughes were the names came up most... But how to choose the best 2?! But in today's modern footballing world, i guess choosing Rooney with RVN will b d most logical choice as when we were being attack, Rooney can always drop deeper as what he is doing now... The RVN will b d ultimate box striker for us where his goal scoring ratio tells it all...

Base on the BEST XI picked above, players like VDS, Ferdinand, Pallister, Bruce, Robson, Beckham, Cantona, Yorke, Cole, Solskjear, Hughes n etc will hv to fight for the bench~~~ LOLzzzzzzzzzz....

Mind to share your opinions on the BEST XI or perhaps your own best XI of SAF 25 years time here? ^.^
For me



The Midfield 4 is pretty much dead on. Unless you insist on slotting Beckham in and moving Ronaldo to upfront

As for the strikers, I'd stick with Cantona and Rooney with the latter being the target man and the former dropping in between the line as the schemer.

The Rio and Vida partnership during their peak, in really untouchable. Stam tend to be a bit clumsy at times and could be caught out in pace too. Rio and Vida is the better/modern version of Dolly and Daisy.
Stam did not really have a partner in crime to be fair to him. Johnsen, Berg and May was in and out of the team that time.
Its been very strange tht papers today said SAF might consider selling Vidic to RM next season if they offer enough $$$ for us to get a good replacement!!! Hmm... In football, nothing is impossible... But of all ppl, Vidic is the player we shld keep for all reason... Rio n Evans can go... Then we shld get replacement for them... I think we needs another experience defender in the middle if Rio n Evans r being sold...



Nice selection~~~ Cantona always been 1 of my biggest favourate!!! But not too sure if he fits in today's high pace game~~~ Hehehe... But his presence alone, will inspire everyone in the team to do extra well~~~ Tht's for sure!!!
It was another big 3 points for us n the game was.... ZZZzzzzzzzzz~~~~

Ooooppppssss!!! Sorry, i fall asleep!!!! =.="

To b frank, it was a damn boring game to watch!!! =.=" Pace were slow, movement were bad, spirits not there n our creativity just dieing off~~~ Other than its SAF 25th anni celebration, there were nothing else to shout abt!!! Hmmm... The onli consolation i can think of is mayb for the day, bets were definitely 1 sided especially its a big day for SAF!!! But which game at Old Toilet didnt d bets go 1 sided?! =.="

Running out of words to said abt our game... We really need to sort out our midfield!!! Now we can clearly see, Rooney in midfield not the BEST long term solution to us... Aiiii~~~


1 great newz for us is tht ManUtd hv signed a future star!!!

Source: PSV Eindhoven wonderkid Andreas Pereira confirms he will join Manchester United in January -

But Andreas Pereira will needs years b4 we can see him in the 1st team!!!

---------- Post added at 03:12 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Ok... 1 interesting topic to talk or to share... Of SAF 25th anni of managing ManUtd, there r many version of SAF BEST XI from many football pundits, editors n expert... Even SAF did came up with his own Best XI...

Out of the XI players, 5 of them being picked most from the articles or new papers tht i hv read... And i do agreed with them, 5 of this players r the BEST in their position for the 25 years SAF hv managed!!! They r Peter Schmeichel, and 4 of the midfielders - Giggsy, Keano, Scholesy n Ronaldo!!! The Big Dane definitely 1 of the BEST in SAF time... Fast, brave, agile n a leader for the team... Then what can u say abt Giggsy - Keano - Scholesy - Ronaldo?! In this line up, our midfield look very balance in terms of going forward n protecting our defences... We have pace on the wings, creativeness in the middle, solidity n commanding in Keano~~~ Love it~~~

As in defence, names like Stam, Vidic, Pallister, Bruce n Ferdinand were all mentioned in various BEST XI by the pundits n experts... Irwin on d left n G. Neville on the right seems like another popular choices for most... For me, i would love to see the partnership of Stam n Vidic in the middle of our defence... So tht we will hv steel, solidity, pace n areal dominance there~~~

In attack, Eric Cantona, Rooney, RVN, Yorke, Cole, Solskjear n Hughes were the names came up most... But how to choose the best 2?! But in today's modern footballing world, i guess choosing Rooney with RVN will b d most logical choice as when we were being attack, Rooney can always drop deeper as what he is doing now... The RVN will b d ultimate box striker for us where his goal scoring ratio tells it all...

Base on the BEST XI picked above, players like VDS, Ferdinand, Pallister, Bruce, Robson, Beckham, Cantona, Yorke, Cole, Solskjear, Hughes n etc will hv to fight for the bench~~~ LOLzzzzzzzzzz....

Mind to share your opinions on the BEST XI or perhaps your own best XI of SAF 25 years time here? ^.^

Here's my BEST XI under SAF:

GK: Schemeichel (he is the best keeper i've seen till today, not one even close to him)
LB: Irwin
CB: Stam & Vidic
RB: G. Neville
LW: Giggs (my favourite player, i liked football because of him)
CM: Keane & Scholes
RW: Ronaldo
S: Hughes & Nilsterooy
My Best Eleven:

GK: Van Der Sar
(Can't comment much on Schemeichel even though people say he is the
best cuz when I started watching football, Manchester was having Barthez. :biggrin:

LB & RB: Patrick Evra & Gary Neville
CB: Ferdinand and Vidic
Wingers: Ronaldo, Giggs
(Never seen George Best play before, heard he is one of the best)
CM: Scholes & Keane
Striker: Wayne Rooney/Chicharito
Wow~~~ Nice to get all the feedback from you all regarding the SAF's Best XI on his 25years managing ManUtd!!!

ddv_nk12: Hughes choose is special~~~ ^.^ I love his fighting spirit n his eye for goal instinct!!! Great player!!!

S_F: Wow~~~ Chicharito for u?! Great believe in him~~~ Bravo!!! I hope he can go on n become a legend for us in the future... At the moment, he just can stop scoring for us n Mexico...



Reports saying ManShitty is in for Athletic Bilbao over midfielder Javi Martinez too... Javi Martinez been linked to us many times as well... He is in the same team as our DDG when Spain won the U21 title in the summer... Javi is a very good midfield ball holder... I saw him played few times and he look very compose on the ball, distribute them well from the heart of the team n he is able to do a good defensive job while team being put under pressure... I think Javi suit our policy of buying due to his age n ability... So, SAF pls move fast if he is the 1 player tht u r scouting... Dun b too late~~~
Yeah, SAF has got to do smtg big, really big in the strike force. We are not creating enough chances and more importantly not scoring enough. as an MU fan, its painful but i have to say it, our game is boring and not good enough to even win bpl this season if its gonna continue like this, cl is needless to say. there r ups and down for mu as long as i remember but i hope this down period will turn around asap.
Stormvolution 9
Yup Chicharito for me, he is hell of a talented striker, I find him better than Van Nistelroy :smile:
Ya, i got faith in him. Just hope he will keep on improving and remain playing for manchester :top:

Another thing they got to do is get a good replacement for Ferdinand,
he is getting old and slow. Even though he may be an experience player
but age seems to get the better of him...

Just have to do something to improve the defense...
My 1st eleven selection

GK - Schmeichel
RB - Gary Neville
CB - Vida & Ferdinand
LB - Irwin
RW - Beckham
CM - Keano & Scholes
LW - Ronaldo
St - RVN & Cantona

It seems Beckham is your favourate player here!!! Else u wouldnt ditch Giggsy for him!!! Hahaha... Nice team too~~~


I got to agreed with u all... SAF do hv lots to do in order to re-vamp our team to keep us as competitive as we used to b... And i believe tht he is working hard on it... But what really surprised me is tht we still failed to replace Keano n now Scholesy~~~ =.=" We were very slow in getting a replacement for the mentioned 2 big players!!!

Yep, i agreed tht there will never b another Keano n Scholesy... But there r plenty of good players who can play in tht positions out there we hv missed throughout the years~~~ I believe buying the right player(s) n bedding our own youngsters can b develop at the same time... At the moment, our weakest area is our midfield!!! Just try to compare ours to RM, Barca, ManShitty (although its tough to admit it!!!), Bayern M., n etc... I think we really lapses behind them...

Players like Anderson, Gibson, Fletcher, Carrick have had their chances, but mainly failed to step up, taking too long time to mature or failed to perform at a very consistent basis... Its very frustrating to see... To b a top club, there will always b pressure to succeed... So, b4 players like Cleverley, Pogba, Tunnicliffe n Morrison can step up to the 1st team regularly, i think we need to buy to strengthen b4 its too late to fight for any things~~~~

And yes, we were damn boring for the past 2mths... Only God knows why our early season form n fast moving game has gone into the drain~~~ =.=" Come Dec, games will b very hectic... So we better get prepare for tht!!!

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