Local Grad Vs Oversea Grad

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Nov 15, 2003
I do agreed with Silverfish.

The Uni where you study doesn't guarantee a good job. You still be you. The clever student still having a good place in the company as long as she/he scored a good result and graduated with Flying color although he/she graduated in Local Uni or Oversea Uni.

If you having the quality. You know what you should answer during the interview and you can perform well. Definately you can have a job at any company.

The most important is yourself.

By the way, I hope the statement that I'm going to post here will not causing any controlversy or offen to other people. But as you all can see...especially in local university.....Majority of the students in local uni who had graduated with flying color is chinese. But the dean list award never been won by chinese student because as non-bumi student, we have giving the priority to BUMIPUTRA student to get this award. So that's why the consider top student must be lead by BUMIPUTRA student. I doesn't mean chinese student is better than malay or other...but you can see here. the fact is, where is the top malay student going?

The top malay student who did well in SPM/STPM already been send out to oversea under certain scholarship. So the students who had left one in LOCAL uni is only top chinese student and also the malay student who get the secondary result. That's why some of them took almost 7 to 8 years to complete their degree (3 Years matrix and 4 years degree sometimes plus 1 year extra).

This is why other company especially MNC looks down to the quality of the local Uni. When they hire the local Uni student, some of them can't even speak in english well. It is not because the student can't speak well in english. But because they seldom speak in english, this causing them will prefer to talk in Bahasa, Mandarin or cantonese.

can even do bYou all can see nowadays, why the college's student better than local Uni student instead the college student's doesn't did well in SPM/STPM like 4A's student in STPM or 10A's student in SPM who had entered local UNI. It is because the college student using english as the medium to talk and communicate. This make them having a better opportunity compare to the student who from local uni.

I'm from Local Uni. I'm also have been granted the JPA scholarship to continue my study in Unite State previously. But due to the economy crisis in year 2000, the scholarship have been converted and all of us require to complete our study in UITM. But some of us refuse and decided to surrender the scholar and continue our study in semi-government University like UTP, MMU and UNITEN.

I'm lucky because I was accepted to study in UNITEN and using English as the medium to communicate instead when I'm 6 months in UITM, the time really terrible as I have to use bahasa in class and can you imagine, I'm the only chinese in the class and I need to share all my homework with all the students. The project is done in a group. But all the members in my group not trying to help at all. Other student in the group just look and copy and put their name into the project without doing anything. I get fedup then quit from the UITM after 6 motnhs and then only join UNITEN.

I'm not blaming them because of they all is malay. but their attitude. The great malays student who I met when we are in Pre-Uni course in Nilai college is great. They are really good and willing to learn. But not the student who had entered the local uni. because they though they are the best in local uni.

This is not because of racist, I'm staying in police beret when I'm young time because my dad is policeman and i'm get use to stay with malays friends. Can be say that my friends is malays more than chinese. but I'm also not sure why I can't continue my life when I'm in UITM. Maybe I'm the only chinese in class. so maybe they will take opportunity to bully me. ha ha ha ha

So, the question between Local Uni VS Oversea Uni..... I think the answer is " there is no difference where you are graduated from. The most important is the attitude of the students himself/herself.

Until now, I still contacting all my coursemate in UNITEN. Some of them are malay and some of them are indian and some of them are chinese. They all more independent and both of them having a good job now. SOme of them even able to join big MNC like Intel, Agilent, petronas, TNB, telekom, SHELL and many more. but not sure with the coursemate who I met in UITM. I had received some news saying that some of them not even finish their study in UITM or some of them went back to their hometown after graduated and become ketua kampung. ha ha ha ha

So the most important is the attitude of the person and it is not because you from famous oversea uni, will make sure u can get better opportunity in good company.

just my experience and opinion....please accept my apologies if my statement that I had made had offen some of you here....CHEERS


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Senior Member
May 13, 2005
I'm not studying software engineering, mechanical engineering is what i'm studying.. I was talking in terms of sicences fields.. maybe not so much and business..


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Apr 28, 2005
i must ask how many of you really use ur study knowledge in ur working field? maybe only 10% of it? but almost all the aunties and uncles would like their children to "submerge in salt water" one le. if u have children, would u like them to study overseas or local? I would like my children to study overseas in future.


5,000 RPM
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Apr 28, 2004
I would like my children to study what and where they want, not what and where I want. The Chinese are bloody wrong in always forcing their ideas down their childrens throats, including what they should and should not study.


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May 13, 2005
On that part my dad gave me the choice 2 do what i wanted , and he does has the money to send me overseas.. Just that i didn't want.. cause i feel is already alot of money being spend.. so i didn't feel like spending more


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Dec 3, 2003
Kuala Lumpur
Gti said:
Ok here's actually what happened.
My lil fren there was complaining how shitty his colleagues were.
Then nicely until some part...he said that all of them are 'katak' bcos none of them actually went oversea before except for him.

This get a lil on my nerves as i am a local grad myself...so was he trying to say that i am cute lil frog living under a coconut tree?
Then i try to explain to him that if a person grad from overseas, it does not make him a better person on the spot.

Then i also tell him that i might go to England soon to take my masters.
And immediately,this used to be best fren of mine said 'wah i am damn proud of you because at least one of my fren is graduating in england'
I said what was all the fuss about?Is graduating in England such a big deal?
Every Tom,Dick Mickey Minnie Donald can afford to go to overseas and study if their parents wallet is thick enough.
Education today is unlike 10-15 years ago where going oversea is really a big deal and u have to be really good to be able to do that.As for today,all this twinning programs that the overseas U offers is so commercialise.
I try to get the point to him but he seems to be pissed as he thought that i could be undermining him as he was a grad from some U in Aus oso.

Yes i agree there was some undermining because i think it is justified.
First to say that all local grad is like katak shows that he has been disrespectful and he beloings to one of them also.
Second, to say that an oversea grad is definately better than a local grad is wrong because for a simple fact,though he grad in Aus, he can't even speak proper English and form a proper sentence with proper spelling for God's sake.

Now does this make him a better grad than me already?(Though we are from different field)
If he says that International Company only employ overseas grad(and he cited Standard Chartered as one of them - pls can someone clarify this?)
Does this mean that even if the grad's English is in the level equivalent to that of a form one student,will still be employed?
I believed all of our answers will be a Hell No!

Imho opinion, i strongly believes that yes,an oversea grad does have certain advantages over us.
Firstly, we will suffer from culture shock there bcos everthing will be so different compared to here.The education system will be different as there will be no more spoon feeding as everyting is depended on your own research.
Secondly, the way they communicate out there will be so different as there are so much more emphasis on team work and perhaps, like one of the tailo above said, they are more responsible compared to the prima donnas available here.
It is a great life experience to be able to study overseas and which is why i hope i would be able to do so one day.

However, to say that a foreign grad is always better than a local grad?? Hello?? Could you gimme a kit kat break pls?
How could one be so shallow??
He totally do not understand how the system works.

Say for example, if Harvard is to provide an external Law programme in Malaysia that does not require twinning (Harvard ranks No.1 in the world in Law) and a certain person grad locally with a Harvard Degree - compared to a person who grad with a degree from ABC U in England, - which one do you think is the better quality one??
I would say a Third class Degree from Harvard is better than a First class than that Capalang Uni.

That is what i am trying to tell.The quality of the degree - the Uni which gave it, is so much more important than the place where you grad.
Graduating from oversea can only give you a different life experience.It opens your eyes to the world and for me that's as far as it goes.

And to a certain point, i tink he oso tulan aredi as he said that i am not qualified to judge this as i had not been to oversea and studies before.
Harsh but that's the truth.

So for all foreign grad here, pls flame me and enlighten me with whatever that i fail to see for being a local grad.No disrespect to the foreing grad, but i jus wan to clarify that such a view from my friend is not correct and i sitill believe so.Hope someone can prove me wrong.
Ok.It has been a long grandfather story........and Silverfish...yes i really wanted to give him a tombstone+people's elbow+rock bottom+sweet chin music on him.
But he was a very good fren of mine..so i sabar je la...dinn even use some harsh words on him.
Sigh...it really bothered me...went to watch Click oso failed to make me laugh...but it makes me forget it for a while....hahaha
i am studying in US now, i can tell u, all of us, we study our ass off. and we do not only learn the lifestyle here. just so that u know, the senior design in engineering in malaysia is only our junior level project in US.
i am not saying that we are superior compare to the local grads. i can tell the minorities local grads are still way better than anyone else. but to some blessed ppl, they just dont appreciate it. if u grad from uni, pls act like one. if anyone can recall the case in UKM where whole bunch of hooligans try to attack some chinese club ppl. and from the video on youtube, u can tell how stupid they are.
if i am an employer, i will choose those with efficiency and know how to benifit the company.
in fact your friend is really really "proud" that he grad'ed from oversea. there are all kinds of ppl out there. cant just tell that oversea student sux and local student rox.
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004
si|verfish said:
Funny...all that sounds strangely familiar? And I haven't worked in some fancy western country.
nah, income/sales/service/whatever tax in malaysia is not that bad, just our mad car tax.
srsly, malaysia is not that bad.


1,000 RPM
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Sep 5, 2004
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chek_corolla said:
cant just tell that oversea student sux and local student rox.
well i believe that no one had actually say that.
The reason for this thread is actually the other way round from what u mentioned....


5,000 RPM
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Apr 28, 2004
boggysv said:
nah, income/sales/service/whatever tax in malaysia is not that bad, just our mad car tax.
srsly, malaysia is not that bad.

But, I still work like crap, still being discriminated against, still being treated like a resident alien (even though this is supposed to be MY country as well), still pay mad taxes (for cars) and still pay a hell of a lot more for imported goods (weak Ringgit, low pay).

Yeah, it probably isn't too bad...

It may sound like I'm complaining, but it is the bloody truth.

Duke Red

2,000 RPM
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Jul 27, 2005
si|verfish said:

But, I still work like crap, still being discriminated against, still being treated like a resident alien (even though this is supposed to be MY country as well), still pay mad taxes (for cars) and still pay a hell of a lot more for imported goods (weak Ringgit, low pay).

Yeah, it probably isn't too bad...

It may sound like I'm complaining, but it is the bloody truth.
There is no greater truth.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004

just try to be optimistic.

I'm in holland for 3months now, and I really miss malaysian food.....


5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2004
boggysv said:

just try to be optimistic.

I'm in holland for 3months now, and I really miss malaysian food.....
I am being optimistic. If I wasn't, I would have stabbed myself with a blunt instrument already.

Anyway, being able to see the bright side has not dulled my ability to be critical.


1,000 RPM
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Aug 22, 2005
the um putela president and his deputy were oversea grads.
the youtube one is the local grads.

Who is better?

I'm not a grad or from any colledge. I'm just a stupid SPM student who came from a poor family and work hard and have a premier account in world's local bank.


1,000 RPM
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Sep 5, 2004
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csl said:
the um putela president and his deputy were oversea grads.
the youtube one is the local grads.

Who is better?

I'm not a grad or from any colledge. I'm just a stupid SPM student who came from a poor family and work hard and have a premier account in world's local bank.
Your point being?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2005
Gti said:
Your point being?
Is not the matter that which grad is better, or even if a person is a grad. It is all depends on a person how to work their way out. Your attitude contribute the most in your future. Plenty of fresh grad LCLY because they are holding a piece of paper. Demand for everything but don't really know what is going on. They can't even accept their capability is that low until the management wants them to be trained under a SPM student. The word 'Humble' never listed in their dictionary. For collage student, how many is actually go there to study for their own interest? Of cause, we cannot say every single of them is the same. After all, there is a lot of them are actually good. But just the percentage is rather low compare to the fck up one.


1,000 RPM
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Sep 5, 2004
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csl said:
Is not the matter that which grad is better, or even if a person is a grad. It is all depends on a person how to work their way out. Your attitude contribute the most in your future. Plenty of fresh grad LCLY because they are holding a piece of paper. Demand for everything but don't really know what is going on. They can't even accept their capability is that low until the management wants them to be trained under a SPM student. The word 'Humble' never listed in their dictionary. For collage student, how many is actually go there to study for their own interest? Of cause, we cannot say every single of them is the same. After all, there is a lot of them are actually good. But just the percentage is rather low compare to the fck up one.
csl, if you don't mind me asking, can u tell me ur age?


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Senior Member
May 13, 2005

Just a question do you think you can actually get a job in a large firm now a days without paper qualification...??


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Sep 3, 2005
I'm now studying in australia. the general perception towards oversea grads is that apart from academic superiority, they are more independent, better communication skills, disciplined, and initiative. that's NOT the case. as far as i have observed, i still see many students (from malaysia) failed to adopt the values mentioned earlier. This phenomena is most often seen in a group work. They are not willing to participate actively in a discussion, not willing to integrate into the team, not expressing their ideas openly and effectively, and lastly, they refuse to improve their english, which is why i agree that not all oversea grads speak proper english. So, it really boils down to oneself when it comes to benefiting from an oversea education. if you have a strong determination to improve yourself, pick up good foreign values, and participate fully in a group work, then its worth the money to go abroad. else, you are gaining nothing more than a better quality education.

but if you'd ask me, knowledge aside, communication skills and working ethics are just as important. what's the point of knowing your stuff but failed to communicate your ideas to others?

so, my point here is if you get a chance to study overseas, fully utilise it, learn as much as you can and don't stop improving yourself.


1,500 RPM
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May 26, 2004

during my time in aussie, many overseas students are just copy school works and hope to spend the days to get the cert.It is because many are come from well off family and just want to have fun rather than study..However, there are a few who came from not so well off family are working seriously hard, but not too many among the whole population..

Many of my friends are very reluctant to have presentation in the class, some even skip the class and give up marks for it. But for group project its still ok. I worked with Aussie ppl and Asian ppl before. The main difference is Aussie ppl tend to have more open discussion in the project and Asian will just tell what to do and finish the work...

Its more fun to work with the Aussie, i still recall there were a few times those Aussie have party after the group meeting, a few of them are high on "weeds" even did some funny jokes..including the "shopping cart race" which we ride on the shopping cart "taken" from the super market.They also did some very "jackass tricks" throughout the days..... Another time, a white hot chick driving a HSV V8 drive us around the town.....

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