Lampe Berger Issues, To help those who has been stranded..

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N in real world of MLM, if they don sell things, n just recruit ppl, is not call direct selling...
those using the term of direct selling, for sure or some percentage to sell somethings else to customer or friends.. If is not, it will be sue by the goverment for did not do its part as direct selling.

N in LB, they alwis say, we dont neeed to sell things, we just recruit ppl, N tat is totally wrong.

Just wanna share a case with u guys.

I had a friend of mine, he is in LB for 6 months n he claim he have a status in LB Company, so call going up to Marquis Level when he wanted me to join in da company. But sadly, i have a better company then his ^^. After the rejection and bringing me up to the company for survey n looks, he did not search/look me for sometimes for the reason being going up to china for a new market.

Then, i just go on wit my life. No longer, i get a message from him, he wrote in Mandarin, which im a banana that doesnt know how to read the message. He wrote there "Can you please help me my friend? Im in need, very in need"
Then i reply n said, "Wat? Wat can i help"
He said "Im sorry for bothering u, n saying that i want to lend some money from u. It cost around RM 250k, for my recent business that has closed before i enter LB which i told u for the government"

Hey guys wouldnt it fake? N bout money till tat alot? Fck

Then i reply to him, "How was ur business in LB? would u say it was great tat can lead to RM 10k or more in a month, n where it goes?"

He just hide his reason n did not tell me a single words about LB.
Even if im that rich, i wont lend him such sum of money for him to settle the government thingy..

Just a reminder, don ever trust them so alot...
Thx for sharing!!! Yeah, indeed its a long long time thread liao... Hahaha... :_: Errr... After all these mths, jus wanna to know how's those LB members doing up to today??? Getting richer??? Change ur luxury cars to helikopter liao??? If u dun mind, pls do share us ur status currently ya!!! Thx! :_:
Stormvolution 9 : heheehe i like your words...kekekeke...what i realise...those MLM people love to show off they bought BMW.....only BMW and not other big cars......realise?
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tamz18 said:
Erm... sorry... China does allow MLM nowadays...

N Amway didnt have a retail shopd... They onli have Warehouse..

their "warehouse" is act as a kind of registered business site it do alot of "retail business" it makes them cannot be considered as a MLM....y? becoz they are like running as paying comission to ppl who intro ppl to buy their products.....try to tell the Gomen of china your business will have downline...then downline earn money through getting downline....they will close your office and confiscated your assets...

you will see other famouse MLM companies like Avon, they have many "warehouses" which are renovated like retails outlets.....

For your information, the business license Amway got in china is "direct sales" means their products can only directly sell to consumer but not go through third party....China government banned MLM on April the July 1998...china department of commercial declared that those MLM companies must now sell their products in retails shops.The business license Amway got is "direct sales" so it enable their sales person to sell the products outside their point of sales...Avon does not have the direct sales business license so they can only sell their products within their retail they have to open alot of retail shops in china.

In china as long as you know who to pakat then you can even sell drugs. Most MLM companies in china are still running MLM channels illegally and the chinese goverment are starting to make more strict law to control this situation.ofcourse MLM have many ways to run through the grey area...

check out the info on China banned MLM here:

The regulations for Direct Sales:

how China gomen defined MLM and Direct sales:
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Errr.... No one from LB reply?!! :Not_Impressed: Mmm... Must b too bz crusing in de helikopter... Where is de 1 tht live outside de coconut tree huh?! How's ur bro doing??? Lambo now??? Murcialago LP640?!! LoLzzzzzzz... :_:
wtf!!! still got "DEAD CHICKEN KICKING LEG RICE COOKER LID" <- chinese proverb
the only true MLM is whose "--ways"
ayda yada
MLM is multi level marketing.,,,must sell product wan
LB,hoenstly.does sell product...superexpensive aromathingys
its kinda like a cover..i may add...
but long as u do it right...anything cna make u rich
even selling dvd and cracks...if u dun get caught,u'll be rich
Dont waste the money to buy that kind of things. I prefer use that amount of money to invest others thing or buy stuff i like..
lampe berger .... for me is rubbish. Dont listen what LB said..... Who going to buy so expensive stuff..... U??
Amway is a good biz also, been here since 30 years ago.
But pll know the marketing plan aready. same as nuskin. good also.
have to go meetings here and there, sellin.

but 30k is alot of money to startup a MLM biz.
i dun really call MLM a biz...
coz somehow somewhat...u still dun own LB
they called it "franchising"
robert kiyosaki said it dun take money to make money
but in LB takes money to make money,thus,bad money making
things that i learn in life

if you want to loose friends, do MLM business.within 1 week surely you will loose some of your friends

and no, people will seldom share how they are making good money UNLESS they expect something from you in return

like what malay proverb said
"[SIZE=-1]seperti padi, penuh berisi tetapi tunduk ke bumi"
people making good money usually keep quite never talk big one to others UNLESS he.she asking for TROUBLE.

if it is too good to be true, well, it is

trust your instict.

If I do MLM, I wont be that persistent until I lose friends. Just do your best if they arent convinced or agree, then dont worry about them lor. No need to be so persistent and use dirty tactic until you lose friends.

I lost a few friend cos they always so persistent to get me into Amway. I dont really like them nowadays.
magixk said:
If I do MLM, I wont be that persistent until I lose friends. Just do your best if they arent convinced or agree, then dont worry about them lor. No need to be so persistent and use dirty tactic until you lose friends.

I lost a few friend cos they always so persistent to get me into Amway. I dont really like them nowadays.

unfortunately many of these MLM dudes will try their best to lure their friends to join their programmes

like you, i have lost many friends who suddenly out of nowhere asked me to have lunch/dinner with them and later found out he.she asked me to join the mlm programme.and yes, they will keep calling you until you get so damn fed up i have to put their names in my shitlist.

Actually i went to their business center in Pelangi JB......I can only see young ppl age between 18 - 25 all are wearing like ah bengs selling their product.....walau really can see them very stress smoking away.....then my friend also see like very stress n very keen to me to join her....her up line also my friend driving a 3 series BMW dunno rent 1 i think.....damn this things must be shut down coz is cheating ppl $$ the lamp can cost how much??? i think Max only RM500 lar then why give untill much is to feed those Con upline ppl plz dun join this Con business and get yr freind in trouble and lost trust to your group of friends..... this company is hard to be sued coz when u join their member u sign their contract black n white, so u sell all yr rights to the company and if u sue them u sure lose liow......this system was here very long liow.....way back in the late 80' friend father was a member lor...pump in 50k to do this business leh....coz the upline say sure can make $$ sure but end up zero burn 50k....then say if u cant earn yr $$ u can claim back yr $$ 100% but no black n white (bullshit lar)....this is call CON dun join to lose yr friends.... Join LB = lose friend
if its so easy to earn that kinda money they claim. then i think malaysia wont have poor people anymore.

one thing i learn from my dad, and stories of successful people around the world, that to reach great heights, there is no shortcut. hardwork hardwork and hardwork. this quote is by li ka shing:"I wasn't lucky. I worked hard to achieve the goals I set for myself." and now, he is the 10th richest man on the planet.

those MLM ppl always potray themselves as role models that we shud follow. but wtf? i dun even see them on forbes/fortune 2000 list of riches ppl, or maybe forbes/fortune 500 richest company. y shud i lookup to them and not those ppl that are on the list? lol....

i always tell my friends that are doing LB. if u wanna ask me out yum cha its ok. but the moment u start talking abt LB to me, im gonna wack the fuck out of u.
w.t.*......from page 1 -19 all same the thing. help those pll out there laaa.
all those stranded Lb guys. help them to register to the site la. not talk talk talk Co*K.
not only LB...
if u guys ever heard of BYconnection,is under bio-young wan...
its actually a good biz,but due to money reason,a fren of mine conned our other mutual frens into entering...then juz left them there...

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